During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. ~ George Orwell
Usurpation of the GOP Republican Party via ~@~
For years, the below quote was listed under George Orwell's above words, because it is a great path to travel, this was my personal experience as a child, and it is no secret I was raised by an established Republican family. Bold words are values I was taught and felt compelled to remove the quote, out of respect for General Eisenhower.
Throughout America's adventure in free government, our basic purposes have been to keep the peace; to foster progress in human achievement, and to enhance liberty, dignity and integrity among people and among nations. To strive for less would be unworthy of a free and religious people. Any failure traceable to arrogance, or our lack of comprehension or readiness to sacrifice would inflict upon us grievous hurt both at home and abroad. Dwight D. Eisenhower, the last Decent/Respectable Republican President
I am truly appalled and embarrassed by what an incompetent Republican Party has allowed itself to become. You should be ashamed and do you really want to be known as the Pecker Head Party?
James Stark Art & Photography
Pioneering urban artist/photographer James Stark has worked in photography, filmmaking and painting for over fifty years having produced series of portfolios over that time which range from the streets of New York City to San Francisco punk clubs and back streets of San Francisco to landscapes of California’s Great Central Valley.
Attracted to the Bohemian lifestyle from an early age, Stark moved to New York City’s Lower East Side after his discharge from the Army in 1966. This period was part of the “Hippie” movement was followed by his return to California and settlement in San Francisco. James was one of the artists instrumental in the forming of the punk rock scene in San Francisco. Utilizing his photographic and graphic art skills James designed posters and shot photos of bands and people who populated the San Francisco scene. In 1992 he published "Punk '77: an inside look at the San Francisco Rock n' Roll scene, 1977" a history of the early days of the San Francisco Punk scene. Stark's photos were published in New York Rocker, Slash, FILE and Search & Destroy among several other magazines. His photographs and posters were also published in “Hardcore California”, "Street Art”, “The Art of Rock” as well as "Fucked Up & Photocopied."
His posters for the band CRIME have become classics and highly prized collectors items. In October of 2013 James was selected to be one of the participants in The Metropolitan Museum of Art's exhibition: Punk: Chaos to Couture and has work in the SFMOMA permanent collection. [continue reading]
Celebrating the Fantastic
Filth of San Francisco Punk
in the ’70s and ’80s via KQED
Picture if you will, an October day in Dolores Park in 1983. It’s mid-afternoon, a Rock Against Reagan event is taking place, and punk legends Dead Kennedys and MDC are both performing alongside … Whoopi Goldberg?
If a flyer from the day hadn’t survived and wound up in the Haight Street Art Center’s archive, it would be hard to imagine a line-up this odd ever happening. [continue reading]
Erik Moll writes, "I just released a single."
Erik Moll emailed saying, “I just released a single. It’s on Spotify and some of the other streamers. So are all my albums.”
Erik Moll is an American-born Norwegian-singer-songwriter, inspired by the tradition-based styles such as traditional folk, country, blues, swing, gypsy, tex-mex, calypso and rock music.
Moll moved to Bergen, Norway in 1961, picked up the guitar, and started writing his own songs. He performed his music on local bars and venues in Bergen in the 1960s. In the 1970s he started the Bergen-based band Hole in the Wall together with his friend Rune Walle. They released the self-titled debut album in 1972. From 1973 he was four years in California joining in with the bands «Happy Valley» and «The Remnants». Back in Norway he organized a new edition of the «Hole in the Wall» and the second album Rose Of Barcelona (1979) was released.
In the 1980s he joineded the Norwegian band «NRI» in Copenhagen, had his own «Erik Moll Band», led the Bergen calypso group «Bolingo» (with a self-titled single in 1983), played a lot of solo concerts, and also established the hitherto latest edition of the «Hole in the Wall». He was part of Norway's first performance of the musical Hair at the National Theatre (1970), and has participated in several plays, movies and television commercials in addition to playing concerts, festivals, clubs, TV appearances and radio broadcasts in Norway and elsewhere.
The 1990s he was in Austin, Texas, where he wrote songs for Rita Eriksen, Lynni Treekrem and several other Norwegian artists. In Texas, he appeared locally and released four albums on his own label two of which also is distributed in Scandinavia. He toured southern Norway in 1999 with trio from Austin and then moved back to Bergen. He also picked up the collaboration with former «Hole in the Wall» band member, Arve Håland and is leading the band «Texanos» in addition to the solo career.
Moll has been heater for a number of famous artists such as Willie Nelson, Taj Mahal, New Riders of the Purple Sage, Rick Danko, Tom Paxton, Loudon Wainwright and Stephen Grossman. He is also involved in a number of compilations from both the United States and Norway.
[MP3] Happy Valley String Band @ United State Cafe + [MP3] Remnants of Paradise + Podcast Page
The Sacred Clowns ~ Heyókȟa
The Heyókȟa symbolize and portray many aspects of the sacred, the Wakȟáŋ. Their satire presents important questions by fooling around. They ask difficult questions, and say things others are too afraid to say. By reading between the lines, the audience is able to think about things not usually thought about, or to look at things in a different way.
Principally, the Heyókȟa functions both as a mirror and a teacher, using extreme behaviors to mirror others, thereby forcing them to examine their own doubts, fears, hatreds, and weaknesses. Heyókȟas also have the power to heal emotional pain; such power comes from the experience of shame--they sing of shameful events in their lives, beg for food, and live as clowns. They provoke laughter in distressing situations of despair and provoke fear and chaos when people feel complacent and overly secure, to keep them from taking themselves too seriously or believing they are more powerful than they are.
In addition, sacred clowns serve an important role in shaping tribal codes. Heyókȟa's don't seem to care about taboos, rules, regulations, social norms, or boundaries. Paradoxically, however, it is by violating these norms and taboos that they help to define the accepted boundaries, rules, and societal guidelines for ethical and moral behavior. This is because they are the only ones who can ask "Why?" about sensitive topics and employ satire to question the specialists and carriers of sacred knowledge or those in positions of power and authority. In doing so, they demonstrate concretely the theories of balance and imbalance. Their role is to penetrate deception, turn over rocks, and create a deeper awareness.
Cree Prophecy
Only after the last tree has been cut down,
Only after the last river has been poisoned,
Only after the last fish has been caught,
Only then will you find money cannot be eaten.
Develop Your Mind, Not Sacred Sites
Nobody for President ~ NONE of the ABOVE should be a valid choice on VOTER BALLOTS?
Nobody speaks through the teeth, always tells the truth, & will love you forever!
Nobody for President poster by Gilbert Shelton, 1976
Nobody's Rally Songs:
Open Nobody for President by Country Joe McDonald in new tab or window:
Open Nobody for President by Jim Maxwell & The Sundown Band in new tab or window:
If you are looking
to find the key to the Universe,
I have some bad news and some good news.
The bad news is: there is no key to the Universe.
The good news is: it has been left unlocked
Nobody's "Birthday Party" provided an easy, cost-effective, way to restore political balance:
None of the Above
should be a valid choice on voter ballots.Unfortunately, a jaded two party system rejects this simple fix because Nobody has all the answers and believes if a majority of citizens voted for None of the Above, rather than lesser of evils, voters would have to find someone competent to lead them !!! The media said, "Nobody could argue with that logic."
(1) Put "None of the Above" on voter ballots.
(2) Change requirements for President:
(a) Extremely hard civil service exam.
(b) Top scores compete in Prezolympics.
(c) Top 10 winners become candidates.
(d) Election winner becomes President.
(e) Gets device implanted in brain that explodes if a lie is told.(3) Hire a Ribbon Cutter for President.
(a) Saved money pays off national debt.
(4) Declare election day a holiday.
(a) Voting receipt required for pay.
(5) Tie election participation to jury duty.
(a) Those who don't vote go on jury rolls.
Nobody brought peace to our time, lowered taxes, balanced the budget, fed the hungry & destitute, established a corporate death penalty, created free health care, ordered Congress & Senate to use same benefits as "The People," reminded everybody Jesus said, "Love one another" (NOT murder or maim), and ...bakes apple pie better than Mom!
NOBODY should have that much power !!!
American Dream, George Carlin via Ishtar [ NOT WORK SAFE ], Alternative w/text
Forget the politicians. They are irrelevant. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don't. You have no choice! You have OWNERS! They own you! They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They've long since bought, and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear. ~ George Carlin
Curtis Spangler & Wavy Gravy , Nobody for President, 197610.12 ~ Photo: James Stark
Klaatu: "Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft" via Jeff Boulton
Stuck in the middle with who?
Never forget Lindsey Graham issued the second
Insurrectionist/Terrorist Call to Arms against the U.S.A. !
Glenn Kirschner From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lindsey Graham Warns Of 'Riots In Streets' If Trump Is Charged Over Classified Docs
“Most Republicans, including me, believe when it comes to Trump, there is no law," Graham said on Fox News. "It's all about getting him." by Mary Papenfuss, Aug 29, 2022, 04:57 AM EDT ~ Updated Aug 29, 2022
Lawrence O'Donnell Says Lindsey Graham's Riot Threat Puts Him In This Bad Place
The MSNBC host blasted the Republican senator for warning of riots if Trump is indicted over classified documents. by Ron Dicker Aug 30, 2022, 10:00 AM EDT
Notes from Erb
Satan's demons take on the image of God, similar to that done in Eden (II Corinthians, 11:14). How else do they take control of earth? Ministers of Satan are variously understood as being a consummately evil system of government; or leader... Ministers of Satan are liars who will deceive many people... Ministers of Satan want to divide the world and create war without end... Ministers of Satan will declare things which are evil are good, will refer to war as peace, death as a solution for justice, and serving the wealthy as a means of helping the poor. Many nations will recognize they are evil, but their own people will be inclined to believe their deceptions.
Christians are to no longer execute sinners, so they should not wage carnal war, but spiritual warfare ~ (John 18:36; 2 Corinthians 10:1-6; Ephesians 6:10-18; 1 Timothy 1:18-20; 6:11-14; 2 Timothy 2:3-5; 4:6-8), Christians must be peacemakers forgiving those who do them harm treating their enemies with love and not seeking revenge ~ (Matthew 5:9, Romans 14:19), (Ephesians 4:29-32; Colossians 3:12-14; Matthew 6:9-15; Mark 11:25-26), (Luke 6:27-36) (Romans 12:17-21; 1 Peter 3:8-12), Hatred, which is the same as murder, is unforgiving, vengeful and hostile towards one's enemies ~ (1 John 3:15)
Feetlines ~ What it is ain't exactly clear?
Bob Dylan - Subterranean Homesick Blues (Official Music Video) (4K) via Shadows and Light
> Fascism's Last Weapon >
The Rebirth of Evil
Buffalo Springfield - For What It’s Worth (1967) via Munrow’s Retro on Vimeo
For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. ~ President John F. Kennedy, Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, April 27, 1961, assassinated, November 22, 1963
Reality is not external.
Doom and Gloom via Rossana Podestá Massa
Reality is not external. Reality exists in the human mind, and nowhere else. Not in the individual mind, which can make mistakes, and in any case soon perishes: only in the mind of the Party, which is collective and immortal. Whatever the Party holds to be the truth, is truth. It is impossible to see reality except by looking through the eyes of the Party. ~ George Orwell
Esurance ~ Election Insurance via Rene Delgado
Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. ~ Declaration of Independence
5FDP vs. Billy Idol ~ Rebel Yell Over It, [ NOT WORK SAFE ], DJ Schmolli via SrvTech
AMERICAQANON GOTHIC by R.J. Matson @ Cagle Cartoons
Gangstas Paradise, RIP Coolio via Marfel González
Are Insurrectionists Living in
a Federalist GOP partisan Supreme Court Paradise?
Terrorist & Insurrectionist
share a similar definition?
terrorist, noun & adjective [attributive]: person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
insurrectionist, noun & adjective [attributive]: person who commits violent uprising and armed insurrection against an authority or government.
If you are an insurrectionist,
you are a terrorist?
"If you harbor terrorists insurrectionists, you are terrorists. If you train or arm a terrorist an insurrectionist, you are a terrorist. If you feed a terrorist an insurrectionist or fund a terrorist an insurrectionist, you're a terrorist, and you will be held accountable by the United States and our friends." ~ GOP, Republican: George W. Bush, WMD Liar ~ NY Times 11/22/2001
I can't see why Leftists
call us Terrorists
Whataboutism Hypocrisy, meme of Chris Britt cartoon @ creators.com
via Tom Wellborn ~ original cartoon here via The Ghost of Elizabeth Shue
In a World of Rich & Poor, Will Ginni Get
Away With Sedition & January 6 Violence?
Rock & Roll will never die.
Mick Jagger is 81. ... Mitch McConnell, He’s 82.
The benefits of a life of sex, drugs, and
rock-’n’-roll should not be ignored.
via Plzgetreal @plzgetreal / via BluesFish @ imgur.com
ASIFA-SF, Karl Cohen ~ Association International du Film d'Animation, SF Newsletter
ASIFA-SF August 2024 Newsletter [PDF]
Boptime ~ w/Even Steven Leech ~ Saturday Mornings
Boptime begins at 6am (EDT) on Saturday September 21st with oldies back to back to back. ~ Steve
BOPTIME: Saturday, 6 AM Eastern, 3 AM Pacific time
Go To: http://www.wvud.org/?page_id=24
Click on a listening link below the WVUD logo:
Boptime available locally in Delaware on:
WVUD-FM 91.3
Shoutcast = [Search: WVUD] || TuneIn
Neckerworld ~ A Computer Vision Game
Neckerworld ~ A Computer Vision Game , by hankster / Dr. Hank Magnuski
Neckerworld is a computer vision game designed to teach students about human and computer vision systems, object detection and identification, visual field construction, autonomous movement and strategy.
All players and resources in the game are cubes. The cube players are guided solely through autonomous computer vision programs. No human manual control or input is permitted during gameplay.
To successfully play the game requires a competent program to do object detection and identification, playing field knowledge representation and strategic decision making.
The Necker Cube Illusion (first published as a rhomboid in 1832 by Swiss crystallographer Louis Albert Necker ) is a well known example of a perceptual illusion where the orientation of the cube is unstable and easily flips between two states. Serious study and research into why we perceive multiple states leads to a set of questions about the very nature of our vision. [continue: http://neckerworld.com ]
Feetlines ~ Is There A CURE Yet?, 202209.06: How about antibody SP1-77 ?
Tainted News:
Tomi Lahren should fight addiction & not step on "used heroin needles" to get high?
Saluting the Heroes of the Coronavirus Pandumbic The Daily Show w/Trevor Noah via Joey deVilla
Is There A CURE Yet? ...asking for a friend.
Scientists Discover an Antibody
That Can Take Out All COVID-19 Variants
And they hope to create a new vaccine with it.
by Korin Miller, @ Prevention,
COVID-19 vaccines have been effective at keeping people from getting severely ill and dying from the virus, but they’ve required different boosters to try to keep on top of all of the coronavirus variants that have popped up. Now, researchers have discovered an antibody that neutralizes all known COVID-19 variants.
The antibody, called SP1-77, is the result of a collaborative effort from researchers at Boston Children’s Hospital and Duke University. Results from mouse studies they’ve conducted were recently published in the journal Science Immunology, and they look promising.
But what does it mean, exactly, to have an antibody that can neutralize all variants of COVID-19, and what kind of impact will this have on vaccines in the future? Here’s what you need to know.
What is SP1-77
[Click for Updated: Current Articles & Source @ freespoke.com]
SP1-77 is an antibody developed by researchers that so far can neutralize all forms of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. It was created after researchers modified a mouse model that was originally made to search for broadly neutralizing antibodies to HIV, which also mutates. [continue reading @ Prevention]
Notes from ~@~
Freedom of expression and freedom of speech aren't really important unless they're heard...It's hard for me to stay silent when I keep hearing that peace is only attainable through war. And there's nothing more scary than watching ignorance in action. So I dedicated this Emmy to all the people who feel compelled to speak out and not afraid to speak to power and won't shut up and refuse to be silenced. Tom Smothers
Carlin Step, DJ Steve Porter & Eli Wilkie via Roland Kardeby
The Great Bell Chant (The End of Suffering) via R Smittenaar
One Day, Matisyahu
Unsung Hero via Rattakarn Srithavatchai "Garn"
Message via Mike Pinder
Oh, I hope that I see you again I never even caught your name As you looked through my window pane ~ So I'm writing this message today I'm thinking that you'll have a way Of hearing the notes in my tune ~ Where are you going? Where have you been? I can imagine other worlds you have seen ~ Beautiful faces and music so serene ~ So I do hope I see you again My universal citizen You went as quickly as you came ~ You know the power Your love is right You have good reason To stay out of sight ~~ But break our illusions and help us Be the light. Mike Pinder
Why I Think This World Should End, Prince EA via Prince EA
Without love in the dream, it will never come true. ~ Jerry Garcia / Robert Hunter
And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make. ~ John Lennon
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{ ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ} Did politicians lie about Daylight Saving Time ? { ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ }