Gallery d'Ann

Blender Animation

Animation for the Appliance Challenged Gallery

Missing BBS Files

Sprung - Harley-Davidson Springer Enthusiast

Flying Snail Studios Podcasts

Rubbermaid (Band)

Amateur Radio

Amateur Radio Public Seismic Network

ARPSN/Cobb Weather and Seismic Heliplots

United State Cafe - Haight/Ashbury San Francisco, California

Apple/Mac FYI

Brokedown Coffee

Hunger and Shame by Dr. Mary Howard and Dr. Ann V. Millard

Sailing on the Flying Snail

Flying Snail Emmy from Tommy Smothers



Flying Snail
alt : Rusty Gauthier and Friends (Happy Valley & Remnants)
Toad Suckers by Rusty Gauthier and Friends (Happy Valley & Remnants)

Freedom of expression and freedom of speech aren't really important unless they're heard...It's hard for me to stay silent when I keep hearing that peace is only attainable through war. And there's nothing more scary than watching ignorance in action. So I dedicated this Emmy to all the people who feel compelled to speak out and not afraid to speak to power and won't shut up and refuse to be silenced. - Tommy Smothers

Mike Wilhelm and his Bottle Rock Blues & Rhythm Band
Tune of the week: Big Boss Man
via Free iTunes Subscription or Click to Listen

Mike Wilhelm & his Bottle Rock Blues & Rhythm Band, featuring Neon Napalm, Recorded Live at Linton's has been moved to the Podcast Page and available via iTunes. Visit Mike Wilhelm's page.

Getting Ready To Play
Howie and the new band
Photograph by Jeff Hughes

Howie's MySpace page is located: and this is the location of his FaceBook page (login required to view). United State Cafe page on Jumpin Jupiter and here is one of my favorite Jumpin' Jupiter tunes from the past: Why Not Try Love Again - MP3 and there are more MP3 Jumpin Jupiter songs on the Podcast page.

"Quale vita dopo la Seconda Vita?"
Dibattito su Second Life @ Libreria ShaKe

5 marzo -

"Quale vita dopo la Seconda Vita?". Dibattito su Second Life, la più importante piattaforma di interazione 3D condivisa, i suoi antagonisti e i possibili successori

Giovedì 5 marzo ore 21:00 - c/o "The Hacker's Corner", presso la Libreria ShaKe - Interno 4, viale Bligny 42, Milano

Second Life. Il passato tra aspettative, hype e bidoni. Il presente della comunità che crea e consuma. Il futuro in una rappresentazione (quasi)immersiva che prende allo stomaco. Analisi di un linguaggio che balbetta in cerca di grammatica e di un nonluogo che guarda oltre la tecnologia esistente. E da lì si interfaccerà con gli umani.

Intervengono Aaron Brancotti (programmatore ed esperto di realtà virtuali), Leandro Agrò (interaction designer), Marco Cadioli (fotografo, autore di "Io, reporter in Second Life") e Serena Zonca ("Juliet Chambers", giornalista, operatrice nel campo artistico d'avanguardia e nuova responsabile di Decoder Island).

L'evento sarà anche in Second Life all'indirizzo:

Open Wifi in loco; portarsi il laptop!

Chi sono:

Aaron (a.k.a. Babele Dunnit) ha scritto software di tutti i tipi: dal piccolo demo il cui unico scopo era impadronirsi di una tecnica (generatori ricorsivi di parole crociate) al programma di medie dimensioni pensato per sperimentare la correttezza di una intuizione (generatori di orari scolastici basati su algoritmi genetici), fino a grossi programmi commerciali scritti un po' per amicizia e un po' per imparare, nonché varie applicazioni nel campo della Realtà Virtuale e, ultimamente, dell'eye-tracking. Ha collaborato con riviste di settore come la storica "Virtual" e nel tempo libero suona improbabili strumenti.

Leandro Agrò (a.k.a. Leeander). Sul web dal '95. Manager & Designer con oltre 12 anni di attività ha progettato servizi e applicazioni Internet per le maggiori aziende italiane (e non). Si è occupato per anni di eye-tracking, interfacce multimodali, prototipazione di device mobili e progettazione di Assistenti Virtuali con UI emotive. Ha co-fondato: Idearium.ORG, Frontiers of Interaction e giocato con Photoshakr. Collabora a diverse iniziative in Top-IX, UniMiB, Siena Design Project (UniSI)... A Marzo 2008, ha fondato la WideTag, Inc. una Company focalizzata sulla Open Internet of THINGS con con sede a Redwood City, CA. La tecnologia core di WideTag si chiama OpenSpime: un esempio di tecnologia italiana capace di calcare le scene della Silicon Valley. E' nella lista di Wired dei 24 italiani "più innovativi".

Marco Cadioli, laureato in fisica, è net reporter in Second Life come "Marco Manray" dal 2005. Dopo studi in informatica ha iniziato a lavorare in animazione 3D fin dal 1985, seguendo da vicino lo sviluppo dei nuovi media. Insegna “Digital Media” all’Accademia della Comunicazione di Milano. Suoi reportage sono stati pubblicati su “Liberation”, “Elle”, “Il Sole 24 Ore” e “Repubblica” ed esposti al maxii (Roma - Museo delle arti del XXI secolo), Pescara Elettronic Artists Meeting (peam), SuperNeen (Milano). Vive e lavora a Milano, oltre che su Second Life. Ha pubblicato con ShaKe "Io, reporter in Second Life".

Libreria ShaKe - Interno 4, viale Bligny 42, 20136 Milano (zona Porta Romana, MM3)

vuvuvu shake it -----

Phishers Target Facebook

by Carrie-Ann Skinner, PC Advisor

Facebook users are being urged to be wary of third-party apps after it was revealed hackers have launched another hoax program designed to steal social networker's login details.

Sophos says that the 'F a c e b o o k - closing down!!!' app sends bogus emails to users' contacts, claiming they've been reported "for violating our Terms of Service". The message continues: "This is your official warning! - Click here to find out why you were reported!".

However, any web user clicking the link will give hackers access to their profile and personal information. Clicking the link also forwards the fake message each user's friends.

"Fans of Facebook will no doubt be aware that the site has been under scrutiny over its terms of service, and these latest attacks are designed to take full advantage of that," said Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant at Sophos.

The warning comes just days after it was reported that a number of users of the social network were downloading the 'Error Check System' program that sent messages to a user's friends claiming they had problems viewing their profile.

"One of the problems is that Facebook allows anybody to write an application, and third-party applications are not vetted before they are made available to the public. So, even as Facebook stamps out one malicious application, another can pop up like a poisoned mushroom with a different name."

Facebook has since removed the application, but there are reports that similar rogue applications with names such as 'My account' and 'Reported For Rule Breaking' are currently circulating on the popular social networking site. via

Chang Heng's seismoscope
ARPSN - Amateur Radio Public Seismic Network

North Auroral Oval - South Auroral Oval
Current extent and position of auroral oval at each pole. Click image to go to page.

PSD Cobb Average
Power Spectral Density February Averages Macon, GA (blue) - Cobb, CA (red)
VolksMeter PSD Image provided by Randall Peters
CSP Cobb, CA - Redwood City, CA - Macon, GA Average
February Comparison N/S CSP Averages - Macon, GA - Cobb, CA - Redwood City, CA
VolksMeter CSP Image provided by Randall Peters
Average of the Feb CSP curves for Cobb [Mountain] CA VolksMeter N-S channel
Average Feb CSP Cobb Curves VolksMeter N-S Channel
Image provided by Randall Peters - Click for large image

FFT-CSP of First 10 days of February, Cobb [Mountain] Ca.
CSP, 1st 10 days of February 2009, E-W VolksMeter channel, Cobb Mtn., CA
Image provided by Randall Peters - Click for large image
Cobb/Redwood City, CA compare February 22-25, 2009 provided by Randall Peters
Image provided by Randall Peters - Click for large image - February 22-25, 2009

A New Look at an Old Tool:
the Cumulative Spectral Power of Fast-Fourier Transform Analysis
Sheng-Chiang Lee and Randall D. Peters
Physics Department, Mercer University, Macon, GA 31207

If anyone owning a PC, Macbook, or Macbook Pro is interested in Earthquakes and would like a FREE way to monitor them, check out the current progress log page provided by ARPSN (Amateur Radio Public Seismic Network) for a guideline.

Eigenmodes of a square plate

The above video is a nice depiction of how the eigenmodes of a plate change with increasing forcing frequency.

ARPSN Seismic FFT-CSP Comparison animations are currently painting an interesting picture.

Seismic Data On Line
Amateur Radio Public Seismic Network
Information: ARPSN -- Complete Progress Log -- Heliplots -- Current Progress Log ARPSN Raw Seismic Data As Seen On My Monitors - Cobb, California, 95426
Click above image for large picture of recent RAW seismic activity.
UTC and Pacific time located lower left corner correspond with weather picture below.
How's the Weather?
ARPSN Weather and Seismic Data - Cobb, California, 95426
Click above image for large picture of Local Weather

Kiss Your Laptop Goodbye
Amazing New Technology From Japan via Joe C.
new computer
new computer
new computer
new computer
new computer
new computer

The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder

There is direct evidence that President George W. Bush did not honorably lead this nation, but deliberately misled it into a war he wanted. Bush and his administration knowingly lied to Congress and to the American public — lies that have cost the lives of more than 4,000 young American soldiers and close to $1 trillion.

A Monumental Lie

In his first nationally televised address on the Iraqi crisis on October 7, 2002, six days after receiving the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE), a classified CIA report, President Bush told millions of Americans the exact opposite of what the CIA was telling him - a monumental lie to the nation and the world.

On the evening of October 7, 2002, the very latest CIA intelligence was that Hussein was **NOT** an imminent threat to the U.S. This same information was delivered to the Bush administration as early as October 1, 2002, in the NIE, including input from the CIA and 15 other U.S. intelligence agencies. In addition, CIA director George Tenet briefed Bush in the Oval Office on the morning of October 7th.

World Clock via Marliese

New Safari Version 4 Public Beta (5528.16) Browser
New Safari Version 4 Public Beta (5528.16) Browser

Adobe download
Adobe Updater grabbed my system. I'll have access to email, etc. around 4:30pm PDT.

Unpatched PDF Bug Remains Threat
[200903.10:1600UTC - Update in process.]

by Gregg Keizer, Computerworld

An unpatched bug in popular PDF viewing and editing applications is much more dangerous than first thought, according to security researchers who have created exploits that sidestep Adobe's defensive recommendations.

Adobe Systems Inc. has known about the vulnerability in its Reader and Acrobat software since mid-January, but will not patch the problem until next Wednesday, March 11.

The bug first made news two weeks ago, when Adobe confirmed the problem and pegged it as critical. Within days, other reports surfaced that in-the-wild attacks have exploited the flaw since early January.

Although Abode recommended that users disable JavaScript in Reader and Acrobat to protect themselves from the current attacks, other researchers now say that such a move may not help.

Last week, a researcher who works at the Danish vulnerability tracker Secunia said he had come up with an exploit that didn't rely on JavaScript. "During our analysis, Secunia managed to create a reliable, fully working exploit which does not use JavaScript and can therefore successfully compromise users who may think they are safe because JavaScript support has been disabled," Carsten Eiram, chief security specialist, said in an entry to the company's blog.

On Tuesday, David Aitel, the founder and chief technology officer of Immunity Inc., made the same claim. "Things like this are harder than they look," he said in a message to his Dailydave security mailing list. "Pablo and Kostya had to work quite a bit on reliability every step of the way. But the Acrobat JBIG exploit now works nicely without any JavaScript heap spray." The exploit has been added to CANVAS, Immunity's commercial penetration testing product.

The next day, Wednesday, Belgian security researcher Didier Stevens said he also had crafted an exploit that triggers the bug without requiring JavaScript, and backed up his claim by publicly posting proof-of-concept attack code. His exploit works in the background, and doesn't require that a user actually open a malformed PDF file.

"Under the right circumstances, a Windows Explorer Shell Extension will read the PDF document to provide extra information, and in doing so, it will execute the buggy code and trigger the vulnerability...just like it would when you would explicitly open the document," Stevens said in a blog post.

Adobe has acknowledged that its advice to disable JavaScript wouldn't be a panacea. In an interview last week, Brad Arkin, Adobe's director for product security and privacy, admitted that only the forthcoming patch would completely protect users. "Disabling JavaScript does not provide a full mitigation," Arkin said. "It protects against one form of attack. To the best of our understanding, there's no product configuration that can completely mitigate the threat."

Arkin also defended Adobe's patching pace, which has come under fire as being too sluggish. "We were contacted by one of our partners on Jan. 16 when they shared an exploit that they had found in the wild," he said. "That kicked off our investigation and we began working on a fix immediately."

Adobe plans to patch Reader and Acrobat 9 next week, and will follow that with fixes for Versions 7 and 8 of both applications on March 18. "We're doing everything we can, and we intend [meet] to those deadlines," said Arkin.

Some security researchers have urged users to do more than turn off JavaScript in Adobe Reader. "From my point of view, Adobe Reader has become the new IE," Mikko Hypponen, chief research officer at Helsinki-based F-Secure Corp., said in a blog entry last week. "For security reasons, avoid it if you can."

Adobe has said it will post a notification on its security site when it issues patches next week. via


[Ed. Note: This 1997 article re-post is because I do not recall a public response saying this problem was fixed.]

Published on April 16, 1997
© 1997- The Press Democrat
Tom Chorneau Staff Writer PAGE: A1

Twenty-four abandoned geothermal wells at The Geysers pose an imminent threat of erupting and throwing out clouds of hydrogen sulfide so lethal that they could kill any living thing within 100 feet, officials warned Tuesday.

In response, Sonoma County supervisors approved steps to have the wells capped before a landslide or other accident causes one of the wells' aging control systems to fail.

"If one of these wells should open unexpectedly, the fist puff of air out would be so full of hydrogen sulfide that it would be quite lethal,'' said Timothy Colen, a consultant to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. "It's pretty scary. We believe the gas could be lethal to any living thing within a hundred feet or so of the well.''

Colen said the deadly gases would dissipate quickly but could pose a real threat to anyone or anything that might be in the area when the blowout took place.

The 24 wells were developed by R.C. Dick Mercury Mines Corp. and operated by GEO Operation Corp., a subsidiary of Geothermal Resources International. Both companies went bankrupt in the late 1980s, according to the state.

The EPA continues to pursue the former owners of the company in an effort to get them to pay for the closing of the wells, Colen said. In the meantime, the federal agency, state officials and county supervisors hope to hire contractors to cap the wells before the next rainy season.

For many years, superheated steam from deep below the earth's surface was piped into power plants at The Geysers, where it turned turbines and generated electricity. But as the steam field was developed through the 1970s and early 1980s, the resource began to diminish.

The drop in production caused more than a half-dozen power plants in Sonoma and Lake counties to close and has forced many others to trim operations in recent years.

Just last month, a Sacramentobased power agency announced plans to dismantle its $200 million geothermal energy plant at The Geysers because there isn't enough steam to keep it going.

The problem with the GEO wells is that there is no surviving corporate entity that has sufficient financial resources to take care of the aging system.

Ken Stelling, a state geothermal engineer, said even though the wells have been abandoned, steam pressure continues to build inside the pipes. An inspection of the rusting well system indicates any of the wells could erupt at almost any time.

"You'd have a real problem then,'' Stelling said. "Initially, you'd have the release of the lethal gases that you'd have to be careful of. But then you could also have a pretty significant eruption to deal with.''

A steam well eruption could emit significant amounts of steam and debris into the air, Stelling said, and would have to be capped off while still discharging, much like an oil well fire.

Bill Weise of the EPA said his agency will oversee capping of the seven worst wells. He said work is expected to begin by May. The remaining 17 wells have become the responsibility of state and county officials.

Under a plan unanimously approved by the supervisors Tuesday, the county will apply to the California Energy Commission for a $1.5 million grant to pay for the capping. County officials said they do not have any money for the capping program if the state grant is not awarded. They also said they are not sure what approach might be taken if the state does not pay for the work.

One major issue still to be resolved involves liability if something should go wrong. Supervisor Tim Smith said he is worried that the county will be considered liable if one of the wells should go off unexpectedly and injure or kill someone.

Further, Smith worried county taxpayers would be on the hook for any costs related to an emergency response should one of the wells erupt.

"We didn't have anything to do with licensing these wells -- they were never a part of our jurisdiction,'' Smith complained.

Sheryl Freeman, counsel to the state Department of Conservation, Division of Oil and Gas and Geothermal Resources, said her agency has no legal authority to assume all liabilities on the project.

The supervisors agreed to set the liability issues aside for now and to seek some help from the Legislature on getting the state to accept more of the risk. - The Press Democrat

The LaySir MyKö Eclectic Nostalgia Music Evening
features a Virgo full moon to be howled at!

Tuesday, March 10, 8-11PM Free Live Music
Papermill Creek Saloon 415 488-9235
1 Castro St., Forest Knolls, CA 94933

At Forest Knolls intersection, between San Geronimo
and Lagunitas. Visible from Sir Francis Drake.
Warm fireplace, warm music, and warm people.

Thought for the day: "There is far too great a disproportion between what one is
and what others think one is" - Albert Einstein

Happy Trails...........

Community called on to stand up for schools Friday

Written by Elizabeth Larson
Wednesday, 11 March 2009

LAKEPORT -- This Friday is the last day that many school districts have to hand out pink slips to teachers whose jobs are in jeopardy due to budget cuts, and an event planned for that day will focus attention on the challenges facing education here and across the state.

The "Stand Up for Schools" event will take place from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., Friday, March 13, in the courthouse square on Main Street in downtown Lakeport.

Local California Teachers Association (CTA) members will protest the education funding cuts as part of "Pink Friday."

Teachers, staff, students, parents, school board trustees and community members from Kelseyville, Lakeport and Upper Lake are expected to appear, clad in pink, to hear presentations by Lake County Superintendent of Schools David Geck and CTA board member Larry Allen of Cobb. The Lakeport protest will feature free pink prizes and pink treats such as cotton candy for anyone wearing pink.

At a March 5 meeting, Lakeport Unified School District Board President Tom Powers promised, "I'm going to be in bright pink, which you may not want to see."

Powers and fellow school board members voted unanimously to support this Friday's Stand Up for Schools Day.

Lake County News conducted a survey of all local school districts this week, and counted approximately 110.3 classified and certificated positions -- both full and part-time -- that have received layoff notices so far this year.

Those are among the estimated 17,800 of the state's 340,000 associated teachers who CTA said have been scheduled to receive "pink slips" this month.

During the event CTA members and educators will explain how California's $11.6 billion in budget cuts will affect K-12 public education both locally and statewide.

Geck told Lake County News in a recent interview that he estimates local school districts will see a total of about $5.7 million in cuts for the rest of this budget year and into the 2009-10 fiscal year.

Pam Klier, president of the Lakeport CTA chapter, said the concern is the impact the cuts ultimately will have on education.

"These are not cuts that anybody's making willingly," she said. "They're deep, drastic cuts that are really going to change, in some cases, the way we are able to do our jobs."

It's not just teachers facing loss of their jobs or resources to teach their students. Klier said supporting classified staff also is getting hit hard.

She said the goal is to educate all of the community about what's happening to education, and how important it is to contact state legislators to let them know that education needs to be a priority.

The call to put the pressure on Sacramento has been a uniting message for teachers, school board members and administrators.

Last week, Konocti Unified School District Board Clerk Anita Gordon told a meeting filled with concerned parents and community members that the district was facing $1.2 million in budget cuts and challenges, in part, due to decisions made in Sacramento.

Also last week, Lakeport Unified Superintendent Erin Smith-Hagberg told those attending a meeting on Lakeport's efforts to meet a total of $800,000 in lost revenue, "We just need you to speak up on behalf of your schools," asking that they call or write legislators.

Lakeport Unified School District Board member Bob Weiss also called on the community to come out and support teachers and education at the March 13 event. He pointed to Sacramento as the root of local education's struggles.

He said everyone in the community needs to support education. "We're in this together."

How to take action

Community members who care about public education are urged to contact the following state legislators who represent Lake County.

State Sen. Pat Wiggins
State Capitol, Room 4081
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-651-4002
Fax: 916-323-6958

State Rep. Wes Chesbro
State Capitol
P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-0001
Tel: 916-319-2001
Fax: 916-319-2101

Pondering VolksMeter FFT-CSP and Low Frequency
200903.06 Channel 2
200903.06 Cobb [Mountain] - VolksMeter FFT-CSP by Randall Peters - Large Image

200903.08 Channel 2
200903.08 Cobb [Mountain] - VolksMeter FFT-CSP by Randall Peters - Large Image

200903.10 Channel 2
200903.10 Cobb [Mountain] - VolksMeter FFT-CSP by Randall Peters - Large Image

200903.12 Channel 1
200903.12 Cobb [Mountain] - Channel 1 - VolksMeter FFT-CSP by Randall Peters - Large Image

200903.12 Channel 2
200903.12 Cobb [Mountain] - Channel 2 - VolksMeter FFT-CSP by Randall Peters - Large Image

[Notes: While reviewing previous VolksMeter FFT-CSP animation, I selected three PSN files dated - UTC Time - 03/06/09 15:26:45 -- 03/08/09 20:33:17 -- 03/10/09 15:39:18 [03/12/09 added later] and sent them to Randall Peters.

Randall returned the above CSP Data Displays with the following notes:

The one on 3/6/09 was based on 10 sps, but the file was so big as to nearly crash my computer. Thus the other two used 1 per s.

There are definitely some low frequency modes visible.

The hour values (16,15, and 20) correspond to near the middle of the record.

The case 16 was used instead of 15 as you wanted, because of the d.c. offset that I didn't want to try and remove.

All record durations are three hours.


Magnitude 6.5 location-North Pole
Magnitude 6.5 Earthquake - NORTH OF SVALBARD - 2009 March 06 10:50:29 UTC
March 6, 2009 Cobb VolksMeter - Channel 2 - FFT-CSP
Recorded by: ARPSN - CSP Data Display: Randall Peters - Large Image

'Pink Friday' a call to action,
support for education

Written by Elizabeth Larson
Saturday, 14 March 2009

LAKEPORT -- A sea of people in various shades of pink descended on Lakeport's Courthouse Square Friday afternoon, rallying to show their support for education in these uncertain times.

Educators, parents, students, community members and a few canines festooned with pink ribbons were on hand for the "Stand Up for Schools" event, coinciding with "Pink Friday" -- the deadline day for districts to give pink slips to teachers for the coming fiscal year.

The afternoon rally in downtown Lakeport was punctuated by the incessant honking of passing cars, their drivers hitting the horns to show support for schools, teachers and students.

More than 100 local teachers, administrators and classified employees have received layoff notices so far this year, and at this point just how many of them stand to be hired back isn't yet known.

But what is certain is that California is "racing to the bottom," according to Lake County Superintendent of Schools Dave Geck, who told the more than 200 people crowded into the square that California is now ranked 47th among the nation's 50 states in per-student spending.

Here in Lake County, local schools are being forced to cut more than $5 million in the coming fiscal year after having cut out $3 million to help balance the budget last September, he said.

The result is growing class sizes and loss of vital programs such as art, music, sports, and after school intervention and tutoring programs. Some districts are planning to close their library doors for all or part of the day, he said, while some districts are closing entire schools. That's the case in Konocti Unified, which on Wednesday voted to close Oak Hill Middle School.

Geck said that now, more than ever, schools need stable funding, but that aim is being defeated by a broken state budgeting system, and legislators need to know the budgetary cuts they're making are undermining students.

The state, he said, needs to commit to longterm funding for schools. Referring to stimulus money coming from the government, Geck called schools "the real economic recovery vehicle." [Click to Continue Reading with Photographs]

Bush Administration Wanted For Murder
Wanted For Mass Murder - The Bush Regime - Balzac

Friends of activist critically hurt in West Bank plan local demonstration
4 p.m. Monday, Israeli Consulate. 456 Montgomery St., San Francisco
Bay City News Service - Posted: 03/15/2009 06:50:01 PM PDT

Israel Critically Wounds Peaceful U.S. Citizen
What, Murdering Rachael Corey Wasn't Enough?

Israelis 'firing Live Rounds' at West Bank Protesters
Israelis used war against Hamas to reintroduce banned bullets and use a new tear-gas canister

Israeli armed forces and border police used the cover of the war against Hamas in Gaza to reintroduce the firing of .22 rifle bullets - as well as the extensive use of a new model of tear-gas canister - against unarmed demonstrators in the Occupied West Bank protesting at the building of Israel's "separation wall".

The tactics were highlighted on Friday, when a US protester, Tristan Anderson, 38, was hit in the head by one of the new extended-range gas canisters in the village of Ni'ilin, suffering an open wound in his skull and substantial brain damage. Anderson's friend, Gabrielle Silverman, claims he was struck by a canister fired from a high-velocity rifle. The Israeli military says stone-throwing "poses a threat to troops", and several officers have been injured by rocks.

It said troops used the permitted means of riot dispersal in Friday's incident, including tear gas, rubber-coated steel pellets and stun grenades.

The extended-range canisters have been brought into service at the same time that the Israeli defense Force (IDF) and border police have again been using live rounds fired from Ruger sniper rifles, banned in 2001 by Israel's then military advocate general, Menahem Finkelstein.

The new gas canister that injured Anderson - the fourth member of the International Solidarity Movement to be killed or seriously injured by Israeli troops since the beginning of the Second Intifada - is fired at a much higher speed than the gas canisters and grenades deployed before.

According to witnesses, soldiers have been firing the canisters directly at protesters, sometimes from a few dozen meters, using the hard plastic-coated metal tubes as a weapon.

"They have introduced new weapons," said Sasha Solana, a colleague of Anderson from the International Solidarity Movement. "They are shooting directly into people."

B'Tselem, an Israeli human rights organization, complained to the Israeli judge advocate general two weeks ago about the new tactics.

Update about Tristan Anderson's condition

by Mahtin
Saturday Mar 14th, 2009 7:36 PM

Here is an update that I received from Tristan's family

Hello Friends and Family,

THANK YOU to all of you who have emailed, called and are holding Tristan and our family in the light. It matters tremendously as we all hold faith for Tristan to recover and return home.

Here is the update for today. Andrew from the US Embassy in Israel called. He had just seen Tristan in person along with Gaby (Tristan's girlfriend)...

Tristan is stable. He is still unconscious and they are keeping him that way for several more days as it helps with the healing. They are closely monitoring the fluid levels in his brain. Tristan is under 24 hour monitoring and is receiving the best possible care. Trauma care in Israel is done following the same protocols as the U.S. Tristan has been transferred from Emergency Care to the Neurological ICU. This is great news as it means he was stable enough for them to move him. This IC specializes in neurology so Tristan will be getting focused, specific care.

I will continue to send updates as we hear more. Please continue to keep Tristan in your thoughts, prayers, and light.

(His parents) are en route to Israel. His mother has been and will continue to be checking her email. She's finding the supportive emails very comforting. Comments posted here will be sent to his parents (or may be seen by them).

Again, we are deeply grateful for the outpouring of love and support for Tristan and our family.

Most appreciated,

Tristan's parents and sister -

Who Is the Terrorist?
Dahbud Mensch

Break the Silence - Who Is the Terrorist?
Photograph: Bill Perry, VVAW/VFP/IVAW via Phoenix and Dahbud Mensch

Republicans and Democrats are Lying Hypocrites
Who Support Selective Terrorism Against U.S. Military

U.S.S. Liberty Memorial
Remember the U.S.S. Liberty
34 U.S. Military Dead, 171 Wounded

The Assault on the USS Liberty Still Covered Up After 26 Years

By James M. Ennes Jr.
Washington Report On Middle East Affairs
June 1993, Page 19

Twenty-six years have passed since that clear day on June 8, 1967 when Israel attacked the USS Liberty with aircraft and torpedo boats, killing 34 young men and wounding 171. The attack in international waters followed over nine hours of close surveillance. Israeli pilots circled the ship at low level 13 times on eight different occasions before attacking. Radio operators in Spain, Lebanon, Germany and aboard the ship itself all heard the pilots reporting to their headquarters that this was an American ship. They attacked anyway. And when the ship failed to sink, the Israeli government concocted an elaborate story to cover the crime.

There is no question that this attack on a U.S. Navy ship was deliberate. This was a coordinated effort involving air, sea, headquarters and commando forces attacking over a long period. It was not the "few rounds of misdirected fire" that Israel would have the world believe. Worse, the Israeli excuse is a gross and detailed fabrication that disagrees entirely with the eyewitness recollections of survivors. Key American leaders call the attack deliberate. More important, eyewitness participants from the Israeli side have told survivors that they knew they were attacking an American ship.

Israeli Pilot Speaks Up

Fifteen years after the attack, an Israeli pilot approached Liberty survivors and then held extensive interviews with former Congressman Paul N. (Pete) McCloskey about his role. According to this senior Israeli lead pilot, he recognized the Liberty as American immediately, so informed his headquarters, and was told to ignore the American flag and continue his attack. He refused to do so and returned to base, where he was arrested.

Later, a dual-citizen Israeli major told survivors that he was in an Israeli war room where he heard that pilot's radio report. The attacking pilots and everyone in the Israeli war room knew that they were attacking an American ship, the major said. He recanted the statement only after he received threatening phone calls from Israel.

The pilot's protests also were heard by radio monitors in the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon. Then-U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Dwight Porter has confirmed this. Porter told his story to syndicated columnists Rowland Evans and Robert Novak and offered to submit to further questioning by authorities. Unfortunately, no one in the U.S. government has any interest in hearing these first-person accounts of Israeli treachery.

Key members of the Lyndon Johnson administration have long agreed that this attack was no accident. Perhaps most outspoken is former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Thomas Moorer. "I can never accept the claim that this was a mistaken attack," he insists.

Former Secretary of State Dean Rusk is equally outspoken, calling the attack deliberate in press and radio interviews. Similarly strong language comes from top leaders of the Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency (some of whose personnel were among the victims), National Security Council, and from presidential advisers such as Clark Clifford, Joseph Califano and Lucius Battle.

A top-secret analysis of Israel's excuse conducted by the Department of State found Israel's story to be untrue. Yet Israel and its defenders continue to stand by their claim that the attack was a "tragic accident" in which Israel mistook the most modern electronic surveillance vessel in the world for a rusted-out 40-year-old Egyptian horse transport.

Despite the evidence, no U.S. administration has ever found the courage to ever found the courage to defy the Israeli lobby by publicly demanding a proper accounting from Israel.

How Does Congress React to These Complaints?

Most members of Congress respond to inquiries about the Liberty with seemingly sympathetic promises to "investigate." Weeks or months later they write again to report their "findings": "The Navy investigated in 1967 and found no evidence that the attack was deliberate," they say." Israel apologized, calling the attack a tragic case of misidentification, and paid damages for loss of life, injuries and property damage. The matter is closed.

The fact is, however, that the Navy's "investigation" examined only the quality of the crew's training, the adequacy of communications and the performance of the crew under fire. The Navy was forbidden to examine Israeli culpability and Navy investigators refused to allow testimony showing that the attack was deliberate or that Israel's excuse was untrue.

The Navy blocked all testimony about Israeli actions.

Instead of determining whether the attack was deliberate, the Navy blocked all testimony about Israeli actions. No survivor was permitted to describe the close in machine-gun fire that continued for 40 minutes after Israel claims all firing stopped. No survivor was allowed to talk about the life rafts the Israeli torpedo men machine-gunned in the water. No survivor was permitted to challenge defects and fabrications in Israel's story. Even my eyewitness testimony as officer-of-the deck was withheld from the official record. No evidence of Israeli culpability was "found" because no such testimony was allowed. To survivors, this was not an investigation. It was a cover-up.

Congress Goes Through the Motions

Occasionally a member of Congress will seem to probe a bit deeper, as Ted Kennedy once did. In response to requests, Kennedy asked Liberty survivors and others for input,which his staff then "studied" for more than a year.

Kennedy asked no questions, conducted no interviews, and showed no curiosity about the many discrepancies in Israel's story. Then Kennedy reported his "findings" in a letter to survivors. Carefully avoiding the circumstances of the attack, Kennedy's letter deplored the "tragic circumstances and loss of life" and declared that the facts about the Liberty must be uncovered "to the maximum extent humanly possible."

That letter, however, represented Kennedy's maximum effort. Appeals to Kennedy for some real help go unanswered.

The Quest Goes On

The best forum in the '90s for this story and related stories of the Middle East may well be electronic mail, the complex of computer and electronic mail systems that now span the globe.

For instance, the USS Liberty and theMiddle East are hot topics in the "Prodigy interactive computer service" run by Sears and IBM. With over 2 million members, Prodigy's "Israel" forums guarantee some lively and often bitter debates.

Unfortunately, the playing field often seems uneven. The cover-up side heavily outnumbers its critics, and is allowed tactics rarely tolerated from others. Criticism of Israeli policies is seen as "attacks on the Jewish homeland." Pro-Israel debaters charge that Israel's critics are "disciples of hate," and "pathological haters of Israel and all things Jewish."

The language gets worse. Prodigy allows Israel's critics to be called "sodomists," and "derriere bussing anti-Semites." The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, which prints an update on progress toward a congressional investigation every year on the June anniversary of the tragedy, comes in for special vitriol. The magazine is described almost daily as I a hate rag." Yet Prodigy's censors often reject even mild and factual rebuttals of such charges as "insulting."

Despite a near media blackout, and such invective directed at publications that defy it, Americans, do continue to support the USS Liberty and its survivors' association. Late last year the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 560 in Zimmerman, Minnesota, raised over $12,000 to create a rest stop and picnic area on donated land near a major highway as a memorial to the men who died on the Liberty. This makes the 29th public memorial to the USS Liberty.

The memorial area and an inscribed granite stone were appropriately dedicated in a ceremony attended by survivors, VFW members, Mayor Randy Hanson, and Liberty's heroic Congressional Medal of Honor-winning skipper, Captain William McGonagle, among others.

Inspired by community support, members of Post 560 are now telling the USS Liberty story to every VFW post in Minnesota. Member Stan Wuolle tells us that after they cover all of Minnesota, they will start on Wisconsin and the Dakotas.

In New York, meanwhile, Korean War veteran John Everts learned about the attack just last year and was similarly moved. Everts inspired two Korean vets groups in which he is active, "The Chosin Few" and "The Korean War Veterans" Kivlehan Chapter, to write more than 100 letters to Congress seeking the investigation that survivors mill are denied.

To date, no member of Congress has risked re-election chances by agreeing publicly to Evert's request. No one really expected that to happen. But efforts like these help members of Congress and the American public remember that Israel attacked the USS Liberty, deliberately and then lied about it. Sooner or later, Americans will insist that their government and their representatives in Congress find out why.

James Ennes retired from the Navy in 1978 as a lieutenant commander after 27 years of enlisted and commissioned service. He was a lieutenant on the bridge of the USS Liberty on the day of the attack. His book on the subject, Assault on the Liberty (Random House, 1980), is a "Notable Naval Book" selection of the U. S. Naval Institute and was "editors' choice" when reviewed in The Washington Post. Copies of the book are available from the American Educational Trust, publisher of this magazine, at $25.00 each.


About James Ennes' Assault on the Liberty

"I've never read a more graphic depiction of war and its effects at sea ... an insider's book by an honest participant."

—Author Seymour Hersh

"If this book received more attention, U.S. policies in the Middle East might be better balanced and more successful."

—Former U.S. Senator Adlai E. Stevenson, Jr.

"Searing heat and terrible noise came suddenly from everywhere. Heat came first, and it was heat—not cannon fire—that Caused me to turn away. An explosion tossed our gunners high in the air-spinning, broken, like rag dolls. We were being pounded by a deadly barrage of aircraft cannon and rocket fire.

"A solid blanket of force threw me against A railing. My arm held me up while the attacker passed overhead, followed by a loud swoosh, then silence. I seemed to be the only one left standing as the jet disappeared astern of us. Around me, scattered about carelessly, men squirmed helplessly, like wounded animals-wide-eyed, terrified, not understanding what had happened."

—From: Assult on the Liberty

Chickenhawk War Criminal Says What?

There's a variety of theaters. So long as anybody's terrorizing established governments, there needs to be a war. - George Bush, War Criminal, October 17, 2001

They love only one thing -- they love power. And when they have it, they use it without mercy.

The great threat to civilization is not that the terrorists will inspire millions. Only the terrorists themselves would want to live in their brutal and joyless world. The great threat to civilization is that a few evil men will multiply their murders, and gain the means to kill on a scale equal to their hatred. We know they have this mad intent, and we're determined to stop them.

Our lives, our way of life, and our every hope for the world depend on a single commitment: The authors of mass murder must be defeated, and never allowed to gain or use the weapons of mass destruction. - George Bush, War Criminal, December 11, 2001


In 1954, Israeli agents working in Egypt planted bombs in several buildings, including a United States diplomatic facility, and left evidence behind implicating Arabs as the culprits. The ruse would have worked, had not one of the bombs detonated prematurely, allowing the Egyptians to capture and identify one of the bombers, which in turn led to the round up of an Israeli spy ring.

Some of the spies were from Israel, while others were recruited from the local Jewish population. Israel responded to the scandal with claims in the media that there was no spy ring, that it was all a hoax perpetrated by "anti-Semites". But as the public trial progressed, it was evident that Israel had indeed been behind the bombing. Eventually, Israeli's Defense Minister Pinhas Lavon was brought down by the scandal, although it appears that he was himself the victim of a frame-up by the real authors of the bombing project, code named "Operation Susannah."

It is therefore a fact that Israel has a prior history of setting off bombs with the intent to blame Arabs for them.

This is not the only example of a "False Flag" operation designed to trick the United States into attacking Israel's enemies.

( Article continues at: )

On June 8, 1967, US Navy intelligence ship USS Liberty was suddenly and brutally attacked on the high seas in international waters by the air and naval forces of Israel. The Israeli forces attacked with full knowledge that this was an American ship and lied about it. Survivors have been forbidden for 40 years to tell their story under oath to the American public. The USS Liberty Memorial web site tells their story and is dedicated to the memory of the 34 brave men who died.


The Betrayal of American Veterans

Americans who volunteer for military service effectively write a blank check, payable to the United States of America for an amount "up to and including my life." The United States, in turn, promises to spend these checks responsibly. That bargain implicitly includes a promise by the United States to protect them and to seek retribution against anyone who harms them. In the case of USS Liberty, the United States has failed to keep its end of the bargain.

( Article continues at: )

Ariel Sharon 1982 (numerous sources):

Even today I am willing to volunteer to do the dirty work for Israel, to kill as many Arabs as necessary, to deport them, to expel and burn them, to have everyone hate us, to pull the rug from underneath the feet of the Diaspora Jews, so that they will be forced to run to us crying. Even if it means blowing up one or two synagogues here and there, I don't care [??? 9/11 ???]. And I don't mind if after the job is done you put me in front of a Nuremberg Trial and then jail me for life. Hang me if you want, as a war criminal… What you lot don't understand is that the dirty work of Zionism is not finished yet, far from it.

The January 26, 1998 NEOCON LETTER to William J. Clinton, President of the United States, stating the following twice:

"The only acceptable strategy is one that eliminates the possibility that Iraq will be able to use or threaten to use weapons of mass destruction"

"We urge you to act decisively. If you act now to end the threat of weapons of mass destruction against the U.S. or its allies"

and signed by the following people:

Elliott Abrams, Richard L. Armitage, William J. Bennett, Jeffrey Bergner, John Bolton, Paula Dobriansky, Francis Fukuyama, Robert Kagan, Zalmay Khalilzad, William Kristol, Richard Perle, Peter W. Rodman, Donald Rumsfeld, William Schneider, Jr., Vin Weber, Paul Wolfowitz, R. James Woolsey, Robert B. Zoellick

who were part of the "Neocon United States Demolition Crew for the Advancement of the (old) New World Order," and if you don't recall, here's the first few :

Elliott Abrams - Pardoned Crook

Elliott Abrams -- Pleaded guilty October 7, 1991, to two misdemeanor charges of withholding information from Congress about secret government efforts to support the Nicaraguan contra rebels during a ban on such aid. U.S. District Chief Judge Aubrey E. Robinson, Jr., sentenced Abrams November 15, 1991, to two years probation and 100 hours community service. Abrams was pardoned December 24, 1992.

Richard L. Armitage - Plame Leaker

A conspicuous exception was former deputy secretary of State Richard Armitage, whose office would only say, "We're not commenting." He was one of a handful of top officials who had access to the information. He is an old source and friend of Woodward's, and he fits Novak's description of his source as "not a partisan gunslinger." Woodward has indicated that he knows the identity of Novak's source, which further suggests his source and Novak's were one and the same.

William J. Bennett - Congressional Racist
Bill Bennett Tells 1.25 Million Listeners,
Abort Every Black Baby to Stop Crime

Condemning the racist remarks of William Bennett.

August 6, 2001 - The Bush Administration knew there was going to be an attack on the United States:

BEN-VENISTE: Isn't it a fact, Dr. Rice, that the August 6 PDB warned against possible attacks in this country? And I ask you whether you recall the title of that PDB?

RICE: I believe the title was, Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the United States [Using Planes]

That PDB was read in Crawford, Texas...., August 6th is how many days before 9/11...., and who was more interested in reading a children's book than our country being attacked?

9/11 - Multiple Events - One of the first public was, Ehud Barak showed up at the BBC with a prepared 9/11 speech an hour before the 9/11 mass murders.



and another is who ordered the Air Force to stand down? Cheney was tight with the NEOCONS who sent Clinton the letter in 1998; especially Rumsfeld, and was Secretary of Defense during another invasion of Iraq based on a lie:

When contemplating war, beware of babies in incubators

The babies in the incubator story is a classic example of how easy it is for the public and legislators to be mislead during moments of high tension. It's also a vivid example of how the media can be manipulated if we do not keep our guards up.

One thing news media totally shut out was, 9/11 should never have happened because of the person who attempted to crash a light plane into the White House when Clinton was president. A complete, new procedure was instituted to make sure this would never happen again... and that "all national mouments would be safe;" including the Pentagon:

CRASH AT THE WHITE HOUSE: THE OVERVIEW; Unimpeded, Intruder Crashes Plane Into White House
Published: September 13, 1994

This is a short version:

1954, Israeli agents working in Egypt planted bombs in several buildings, including a United States diplomatic facility, and left evidence behind implicating Arabs as the culprits.

June 8, 1967, US Navy intelligence ship USS Liberty was suddenly and brutally attacked on the high seas in international waters by the air and naval forces of Israel. The Israeli forces attacked with full knowledge that this was an American ship and lied about it. Survivors have been forbidden for 40 years to tell their story under oath to the American public.

Even if it means blowing up one or two synagogues here and there, I don't care. And I don't mind if after the job is done you put me in front of a Nuremberg Trial and then jail me for life. Hang me if you want, as a war criminal… What you lot don't understand is that the dirty work of Zionism is not finished yet, far from it.

Elliott Abrams, Richard L. Armitage, William J. Bennett, Jeffrey Bergner, John Bolton, Paula Dobriansky, Francis Fukuyama, Robert Kagan, Zalmay Khalilzad, William Kristol, Richard Perle, Peter W. Rodman, Donald Rumsfeld, William Schneider, Jr., Vin Weber, Paul Wolfowitz, R. James Woolsey, Robert B. Zoellick

Cheney, Dick

3 October 2001 - Israel Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon:

"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it."

Israel has a prior history of setting off bombs with the intent to blame Arabs for them.

Question: Who in this group:

Elliott Abrams, Richard L. Armitage, William J. Bennett, Jeffrey Bergner, John Bolton, Paula Dobriansky, Francis Fukuyama, Robert Kagan, Zalmay Khalilzad, William Kristol, Richard Perle, Peter W. Rodman, Donald Rumsfeld, William Schneider, Jr., Vin Weber, Paul Wolfowitz, R. James Woolsey, Robert B. Zoellick + Dick Cheney

knew: Ariel Sharon, Ehud Barak, or their unnamed friends?

WTC - 9/11 - Building 7 - Nothing hit this building, yet it falls down - as in demolition
WTC - Building 7

What & When Did Ariel Sharon & Ehud Barak Know About 9/11?

Peace Can Be Universal
Peace Can Be Universal
Photograph: Bill Perry, VVAW/VFP/IVAW location: Baltimore MD, 1.10.09 via Phoenix

High Society 1971 Haight/Ashbury
High Society - Haight/Ashbury - 1971

Com'è grande la città
Narrare la metropoli, raccontare la provincia.
"Com'è grande la città"
di Bruno Pischedda, con Gianni Biondillo

Giovedì 19 marzo 2009, alle ore 21, presso la Libreria ShaKe - Interno 4, in occasione della nuova edizione del romanzo di Bruno Pischedda "Com’è grande la città" (ShaKe Edizioni), l’autore incontra Gianni Biondillo.

Originario di Cesate (Milano), Bruno Pischedda è un narratore e saggista particolarmente attento alle dinamiche della modernità culturale. Insegna Letteratura italiana all’Università degli studi di Milano. Tra i suoi studi recenti: "La grande sera del mondo. Romanzi apocalittici nell’Italia del benessere" (2004); "Mettere giudizio. 25 occasioni di critica militante" (2006). Il suo se-condo romanzo "Carùga blues", ossia il blues del Carugati (2006), vale da idea-le continuazione di "Com’è grande la città".

Architetto e romanziere, Gianni Biondillo è nato e cresciuto a Quarto Oggiaro. Si è affermato sulla scena italiana e internazionale con i polizieschi Per cosa si uccide (2004), "Con la morte nel cuore" (2006), "Il giovane sbirro" (2007), tutti dedicati alla figura dell’ispettore Ferraro; cui è d’obbligo aggiun-gere il trattato fintamente minimalista: "Metropoli per principianti" (2008).

Una serata da non perdere, per chi non vuole calarsi sugli occhi le bistecche dell’apocalisse, né vuole abbandonarsi al Nirvana mediatico. - Dettagli evento -

Earthquake - Magnitude 7.9 - TONGA REGION
2009 March 19 18:17:37 UTC - USGS
Currently Being Recorded by ARPSN - Click to View Seismic Heliplots

Gretchen Goes To Nebraska by King's X
Gretchen Goes To Nebraska

Seven years ago (not counting today), a small girl with big ideas set forth to a land, somewhere known only to her dreams. Among the tall trees and whispering breeze, in which she sees faint depictions of an inner pointillist forming detailed landscapes, fully dimensional, in various shades of grey (with hints of invading color at a distance), and her boldly hovering, as a spirit would do, above the scenery yet mysteriously also in the midst (an integral part of the picture itself), she hopped merrily along, with a suitcase of memories, a lunchbox of assorted fruits and candy and a knapsack of her writings, her music, and all that is important to her filled to the very top; with an occasional piece of importance making its way out and onto the ground. A few steps ahead, she noticed (hiding timidly in front of an old oak tree; a grandfather oak if you will) a middle-aged lady wearing a faded purple dress with a small floral print and torn at the shoulder. Her face looked as if she'd been crying then wiped her eyes with dirty hands.

Upon the girl's acknowledgement, the lady reached into her purse for a smile, found only one that quivered, looked up and shyly said, "Good luck." Although knowing she'd had none herself, she wished it upon others. She still had hope.

The girl spoke kindly but with a slight tinge of disgust to the lady. "Have you traveled this road before?"

"Oh, no," answered the lady, "I've never been encouraged to start. I can't see much past myself. But I greatly admire your strength and courage to have come from somewhere else to here and still see beyond this point and have no desire to stay, but to continue on."

"But I'm scared too. I have no idea what truly awaits me. I only have hope and I believe in that hope."

"The key, though, is that your fear is not king. But this fear or weakness as you may see it becomes your strength, because you see into the greater and possibly even the greatest and this puts your fear to work in the factory of life to produce your good. In a sense, it becomes your slave. I would rejoice if I were you."

Not knowing exactly how to respond to such a discreet analysis of her journey, she just graciously and simply replied, "Well, thank you."

"Oh no no," said the lady excitedly. "Thank you. You're the one with the glimmer in your eye."

So, slightly confused and very startled at the apparent reality of this situation, she slowly took two steps backwards, her eyes still gazing intently at the lady, turned cautiously to continue, then immediately found herself smack dab in the middle of a corner.

Her head involuntarily dropped towards the ground with a sigh. As her eyes began to focus on the ground, she noticed a piece of paper with writing on it. It looked familiar, yet she knew it was not quite hers. She picked it up and started to read. It said: Dear Broken One, I have no defense at this time, only my empty words of redundant selfishness and vagary. I could struggle to the top of any mountaintop, stand tall, fling my arms wide open and shout all the mysteries of my heart known to me at the time, and still I'd end up walking the path of the redundant vague one. The way I see things, there's just too much to see not to be vague or redundant for that matter. I find, though, in light of all that exists, that my measly penetration into the unspeakable vastness of all there is matters very little if at all to the penetration into all that exists of those who have glued their eyes so steadily upon my reaction to this maze of clarity, pouring out from within, encircling my existence as far as my eye can see, then returning with a new plan and a reconstructed maze of the same origin, leading to the same place. Maybe I'm misunderstanding. Or maybe I'm missing the simplicity of simply not being me. Sometimes I stare because that's where all that I see is.

So you think you've ridden the clouds I have, or heard the crystal music coming from nowhere; or watched skeletons laugh while dissecting your curiosity? Maybe you have. Maybe you haven't. You see, I'm a victim of self-imposed knowledge. I'd fallen prey to the wondrous keeper of the keys out of the garden of Eden and quite a few of his cohorts who dipped seeds of truth into vats of contaminated pride then handed them back to me with a greeting card that said Good Luck. Although I've been rescued, my backyard still expands enough to have those chained offenders lurking eagerly to recompense evil for good.

Now I don't pretend to know more than the next guy, or maybe I do pretend, but I know better. I only know what I know. And sometimes it's hard to see past what I know. But you know, down the road a bit there's always a major breakthrough waiting--for you know who--me. So let's get on with it and smile our way through the madness. OK? Sincerely, Also Broken

After reading this, she turned, looked up straight ahead into what was an entirely new land. Instead of the forest of towering, slightly unfamiliar redwoods for miles on end, a clear cut path and that curious, lone "grandfather oak," she now stood upon a vast sea of sand (that grayish white kind you'll find on the beaches of the North Atlantic) that stretched for miles incalculable. At the sight of this, on top of what she'd just read, she fell on her knees, pounded the sand and then screamed at the top of her lungs, "DO I HAVE TO TAKE IN ALL OF THIS JUST TO GET TO NEBRASKA!"

Now at the very second she had finished this outburst, she noticed a small gentle type of bird flying smoothly overhead. As it became parallel to where she was kneeling, it let go of a very small piece of paper it had been carrying in it's beak. The paper floated effortlessly as if directed by the master of all wind, landed precisely at her knees and stayed there till she was able to pick it up. When finally she did, it simply and comfortingly read, as though it were smiling at her: YES...

The consolation of this note, mixed with an equally brave sense of fear, brought instant tears to her eyes as she positioned herself limply on the sandy floor about her; contemplating the future in relationship with now and at what intersection does her journey have to do with anything anymore.

After thirty minutes or so another amazing thing began to happen. All around her, the sandy beach began transforming silently into a paradisiacal land of roaming green hills, crystalline lakes filled with dancing fish and an occasional curious deer or rabbit adding its innocence to the scene. Daisies and lilac bushes appeared, dotting the land with their beautiful whites and yellows and purples while scenting the air with that gorgeous lilac aroma. The land stretched on perfectly smooth for miles and miles.

"Oh what a wonderful, wonderful surface for me to travel on," thought Gretchen. (By the way, Gretchen is the girl's name and she comes from a long line of visionaries, explorers, and well, just plain pioneers of all sorts.) So immediately with a fresh burst of energy and all agog, she gathered her things and headed straightway on her journey. After five minutes or so of delightful running and skipping, the thought occurred to her; I no longer have any concrete direction, this being an entirely new land and all. Then instantaneously, quite like the incident with the bird and the note, she spotted two or three miles ahead what appeared to be a preposterous waterfall. From where she stood (remember she was two or three miles away) it looked as if she was fast approaching the Niagara Falls itself. If ever you've been to Niagara Falls, you can imagine the monstrosity of this thing; especially at such a distance. Nightmarish! if not for the beauty of this land she roved. And also, what to fear? She was on dry land and no hint of the land forcing her into it.

Once again, with this thought and her next step, a trickling stream began to form beneath her (apparently from nowhere) growing deeper and more forceful with each step. Soon she was surrounded by nothing but water rising quickly to her neck. Now she was being carried by it. Nothing but water for miles and it was rapidly heading straight for that preposterous beauty of a waterfall. Nightmarish!!! Fortunately there were no rocks of any sort in that water. She was definitely being carried through. No time to think now; only to let go...!

It seemed like hours until she reached what felt to be the sure Cataract of Doom. With eyes closed and all hope of life continuing given up, over the edge she was swept. Upon opening her eyes, she found herself in no better situation than she expected. She was falling swiftly, engulfed by the bluest, white water imaginable. Then, "How in the world did I ever get here!" she thought. Suddenly everything changed again. Rather than falling, she was now caught up in a whirlpool, guiding her where it willed. Unheard-of dialogue, superficialities, wisdom, philosophical discussions, tainted Christianity, Pantheism, Communism, thisism, thatism, sexual perversity, truest sexual pleasure, laughter (haunting then soothing), T.V., technology from beginning to end; connecting to what she now perceived to be herself, became the life force of this consuming vortex.

Round and round she began to fall again; this time a centripetal force her guide, leading her where, she had no thoughts. She knew only too well that she was its slave. Faster and faster, whirling and spinning, headlong into this relentlessly wicked unknown!

With all thoughts gone and surrendered to bondage, to her surprise she stopped dead in her tracks (if we can call them hers), was poured forth as if from a tube, flipping as she flowed to feet first position, alighting into a realm of pitch blackness. With a combination of relief and confused anger, she thought, "Now what?" Immediately she heard a knock upon a door. In the midst of this total darkness, her only response was a timid "where?"

A doorknob of purest, transparent gold slowly began to protrude through the wall of blackness directly in front of her. She reached out to turn it. The mere touch of her skin to the knob caused the warmest sentience of ease, comfort and comaraderie to shoot through her entire being, inside and out as if to prepare her for whatever lurked beyond that wall.

The wall promptly melted, revealing a simple man clad in soiled work clothes, against a landscape of indescribable beauty and proportion. Imagine all the wonder of a land you can muster. Add your childhood thoughts of splendor. Subtract nothing. Continue that on and on and still you have only maybe touched the veriest fringe of all its glory. Gretchen would have fallen as dead if not for the magic (the truest magic) of that doorknob.

His eyes blasted forth wisdom. His arms spoke strength forever. His feet could have crushed the very world in which He stood. His chest revealed truth in every direction. His smile lighted the world within and throughout. He stood there grinning; he was a simple man.

After what seemed to have been years of learning and unlearning, He spoke.

"Where are you headed, my child?"

The words "my child" filled Gretchen with all hope. She wanted nothing more than to run and dance and leap into his arms, and yes, truly be His child forevermore. Now after what seemed to be years again, she caught hold of herself and said, "Nebraska, I think."

"Oh, don't think, my child," He said. "Just be sure." "Well, what I meant was I think, or I know, rather, I want to stay here. I feel like I've arrived where I've always wanted to be plus so much more. When I started for Nebraska, it was the land of my dreams. It was only inside of me then. Now all that's inside and outside and all direction everywhere is You and this paradise where you stand. Is this Nebraska?"

"To you it is Nebraska. To other's it's Narnia. To others Heaven, he whispered. "To others Eden. To still others, Truth. And to some, it just is. This is the land within; the land of your dreams. But let me explain: you were correct in saying you've arrived. But you haven't quite entered." I must note that with each word He spoke, He was forthwith adorned with the vestments of the kingliest King of Kings, while His stature and brilliance ascended far above the highest reaching peak, till nothing was left but Him and nothing else mattered.

Gretchen hurriedly asked, "How do I enter then, Please?!" At once he transformed into an old dilapidated wooden door, with its paint peeling and barely hanging on its hinges.

"Through here," spoke a voice that rang throughout all eternity and is ringing still for those who can hear.

Gretchen, without hesitating, rushed through the door, leaving all but Him behind. Awaiting her entrance (with all glory and camaraderie) stood her King, her friend, her Lord and Love of and for all time, with hand outstretched, desiring her hand in what we'd call marriage (excepting no hint of separation, ever).

"Now off we go," said He. "There's so much more for you to see." So off they flew and walked and ran and talked and skipped happily into volumes of indescribable wonder, becoming more and more familiar with each step, yet astonishingly new on each beam of direction.

Then suddenly Gretchen stopped. She gazed at her Lord as if to say, 'you sneak, you' and said, "You brought me here, didn't You?"

He began to laugh, inspiring all the land to join in the celebration. Then, "Remember the outset of your journey?" He whispered (bringing an attentive intermission in all the land about them). She couldn't recall. She only knew the now.

He continued, "You started within, with only a dream. Within has no end, only beginning. Whether it's known or not makes no difference inside. For sight is blindness; strong is weak; power is failure if based on what's known. Your dream was unseen. Your strength unresolved. Your power unaccounted for. So from whence did you begin? and through what made you your entrance? Your beginning was your arrival and your entrance was through Me. So in other words my child, yes. Any more questions?"

They both smiled; they both laughed. The land relinquished its attentive ear, rejoined the happy jubilation; then off they went, hand in hand to connect with all others' dreams, to see all heretofore unseen, to know all that can't be known, to touch what's never been touched, to taste the sweetness of taste beyond! No turning back, yet leaving nothing behind...

Early Ashbury
Early Ashbury

Even Steven's BOPTIME streaming audio WVUD - 91.3 FM
Click: Listen On-Line for Even Steven
Interview: Keith Lampe, Mike Wilhelm, C. Spangler by Steven Leech
Followed with music by the Charlatans and Flamin' Groovies - Podcast
March 21. 2009
6 AM East -- 3 AM Pacific -- 1000 UTC

Boptime - Saturday Morning

CyberSoulMan: A conversation with Jerry Garcia's favorite guitarist
Mike Wilhelm
Mike Wilhelm lives in Lake County these days,
but he was a fixture in the Bay Area music scene in the 1960s.

Written by T. Watts, Sunday, 15 March 2009
Article Source:

Earlier this week I was surfing for vinyl on Ebay and I came across a collectible copy of the Flamin Groovies album entitled "Now" from 1978. Packed away in my CyberSoulMan arsenal of facts is the knowledge that the Groovies were No. 4 on the San Francisco Chronicle's Top 100 Bay Area Bands, a list which was published in the Chron's pink section at dawn of the new millennium. I actually have a copy of that article in my personal archives.

Virtuoso musician Mike Wilhelm, former lead and rhythm guitarist of the group, as some of you well know is a Lake County resident. Wilhelm also played in one of San Francisco's first psychedelic bands, The Charlatans. This is the man that Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead proclaimed was his favorite guitar player way back in uh, nineteen and sixty-seven. I've been privileged to become gradually acquainted with him over the last couple of years. Recently he gave me several tracks of music he produced for air play at KPFZ.

So, as kind of a favor in return, I called up Wilhelm to let him know that a nice copy of some of his recorded work was available for bid on Ebay. Just in case there was a gap in his archives. We music aficionados have to stick together you know.

Brother Wilhelm has his stuff together. He already has two copies of "Now." But the call set the stage, if you will, for a very cool musical dialogue that I would like to share with you.

When I finally realized we were talking some deep cultural Americana information and started taking notes, we were knee deep in a conversation about the great Johnny Otis. Johnny Otis has had an extraordinary music career also. Bandleader, composer, producer -- you name it in the world of rhythm and blues, Mr. Otis has done it. He discovered (Little) Esther Phillips, Etta James, Sugar Pie DeSanto and a host of other huge names in R&B. Though he was of Greek ancestry, Johnny Otis always purveyed an African-American persona.

Wilhelm talked about growing up in L.A. and watching the Johnny Otis television show every Friday night in his home. Reminiscing about the rich diversity present in Southern California in his childhood, Wilhelm recalled the other King of Western Swing, Spade Cooley. Cooley had a big band and a Saturday night TV show. Cooley had become an actor through his association with Roy Rogers and parleyed that into a very successful TV show. Throw in Lawrence Welk's TV show in conjunction with Wilhelm's parents' classical music collection and stuff he sought out on radio, Mike Wilhelm couldn't help but be exposed to a lot of great music.

Wilhelm and David Crosby were tight before Crosby joined the Byrds. This was during the pre-rock folk scene days. Crosby was with Les Baxter's Balladeers at the time.

Wilhelm spoke of playing a gig as a Charlatan at the Fillmore with Arthur Lee & Love. Arthur Lee & Love were once upon a time L.A.'s biggest rock band. Lee wouldn't tour outside the West Coast. He brought Jim Morrison and the Doors to Elektra Records who soon became L.A.'s biggest band.

The most moving part of Wilhelm's dialogue was his sharing of how Blues legend Brownie McGee gladly taught Wilhelm licks on the guitar that have continued to further his playing and appreciation of the blues to this day.

Wilhelm told hilarious anecdotes about finally moving to San Francisco' Japantown in about 1963. Upper crusty white neighborhood on one side, black neighborhood on the other. A mysterious mixture of no man's land in between.

He said that most of the time, he chose to live in the black neighborhoods as the rent was more affordable and it was infinitely easier to rehearse your band in the 'hood. People wouldn't call the police if you were too loud. They'd simply knock on your door if you were bothering them.

In Wilhelm's words, "I functioned well in that milieu. It wasn't until the rents in the ghetto got as ridiculous as they were in the nice neighborhoods that I moved out. I survived no problem. People would come up and say, 'Hey, gimme 50 cents.' I'd say, 'I ain't got nothin' but trouble.' They'd say, 'I heard that' and leave me alone. They didn't want any of that! I get by that way. Carry a walkin' stick and dress sharp. People would ask me, 'How can you live down there?' I'd tell 'em, it's just like any other neighborhood. You just get to know your neighbors a little bit and it's probably better in some respects. If you're rehearsing your band in your dining room and your neighbor's got to get up in the morning and go to work, he'll just come over and communicate that to you and let you know when a cool time would be."

Not wanting to be all take and no give, I told Wilhelm my Percy Mayfield story.

Percy Mayfield was the legendary songwriter and artist who wrote and sang some killer rhythm and blues hits for himself and people like Ray Charles. I stood with him in the alcove of a nightclub one morning from 2 a.m. to 5 a.m. at his behest until his irresponsible booking agent of a ride showed up. I still remember his plaintive plea. "Don't leave me, little brother." It was like, my blues duty.

Finally, Wilhelm told me his Jimmy Reed story. It was like two stories in one.

The first was about how Wilhelm had observed Jimmy Reed in a bout of creative professionalism, told the audience he was having technical difficulties. Reed left the stage to relieve himself and returned a few moments later and announced the technical difficulty solved. He then proceeded to wow the crowd.

The second part of the story was near the end of Reed's performing career. He was sober from booze. Reed was playing and singing magnificently. Between sets, Wilhelm and his friend asked Jimmy Reed to play a certain tune. Reed replied, "I can't find a recording of that."

Wilhelm's friend asked, "What do you mean?"

The blues great replied, "Ever since I quit drinking, I can't remember my tunes. I've had to relearn all my material off records. If I can get that record, I'll be glad to do it for you next time."

There it is. The case of the gap in the archives. It's like a Dr. John song. Right place, wrong time!

Keep prayin', keep thinkin' those kind thoughts! -- T. Watts is a writer, radio host and music critic.

Why Are THEY Still Trying To Destroy the United States?
This is where the ANGER should be focused
Your enemy is not surrounding your country
your enemy was ruling your country

by Balz

Year after year, George W. Bush has gone to elaborate lengths, spent enormous sums of money, taken great risks to build and keep weapons of mass destruction. But why? The only possible explanation, the only possible use he could have for those weapons, is to dominate, intimidate, or attack.

With nuclear arms or a full arsenal of chemical and biological weapons, George W. Bush could resume his ambitions of conquest in the Middle East and create deadly havoc in that region. And this Congress and the America people must recognize another threat. Evidence from intelligence sources, secret communications, and statements by Scooter Libby and others facing indictment reveal that George W. Bush aids and protects terrorists, including Neocons Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Scott McClellan, et. al. Secretly, and without fingerprints, he could create another 9/11, provide one of his hidden weapons to terrorists, or help them develop their own.

Before September the 11th, many in the world believed that George W. Bush could be contained. But chemical agents, lethal viruses and shadowy terrorist networks are not easily contained. Imagine those Neocon hijackers with other weapons and other plans -- this time armed by George W. Bush. It would take one vial, one canister, one crate slipped into this country to bring a day of horror like none we have ever known. We will do everything in our power to make sure that that day never comes. (Applause.)

Some have said we must not act until the threat is imminent. Since when have terrorists and tyrants announced their intentions, politely putting us on notice before they strike? If this threat is permitted to fully and suddenly emerge, all actions, all words, and all recriminations would come too late. Trusting in the sanity and restraint of George W. Bush is not a strategy, and it is not an option. (Applause.)

The dictator who is assembling the world's most dangerous weapons has already used them on whole villages (Shock, Awe, and MK77) -- leaving thousands of Iraqi citizens dead, blind, or disfigured. Iraqi refugees tell us how forced confessions are obtained -- by torturing children while their parents are made to watch. International human rights groups have catalogued other methods used in the torture chambers of Iraq: electric shock, burning with hot irons, dripping acid on the skin, mutilation with electric drills, cutting out tongues, and rape. If this is not evil, then evil has no meaning. (Applause.)

And tonight I have a message for the brave and oppressed people of the United States: Your enemy is not surrounding your country -- your enemy is ruling your country. (Applause.) And the day he and his regime are removed from power will be the day of your liberation. (Applause.)

4th Coyote [Independent] Film Festival
4th Annual Coyote Film Festival - March 21, 2009

At the Salton Sea, a warning sign of the Big One?

Swarm of small quakes in the Salton Sea area has scientists wondering if faults there are transferring energy to the larger San Andreas, where a major temblor could occur.

By Jia-Rui Chong
9:06 PM PDT, March 23, 2009

Scientists are watching closely to see if small faults crossing under the Salton Sea are transferring energy to the larger, more dangerous San Andreas fault after a series of small quake swarms in the area.

The quakes appeared to be tapering off by Monday afternoon, according to the monitoring system run by the U.S. Geological Survey and Caltech. But in a 48-hour period starting Saturday morning, 42 quakes shook just south of Bombay Beach on the Salton Sea. The quakes ranged in magnitude from 0.5 to 3.3, with three larger than 3.0 hitting the area Saturday afternoon.

Scientists are particularly interested in the area because an earthquake that starts in Bombay Beach and ripples northwest along the San Andreas fault could be the Big One that devastates Los Angeles, said Graham Kent, a research geophysicist at UC San Diego.

These quakes appear to be taking place at the hazy intersection of several recently mapped faults crossing beneath the Salton Sea and the the San Andreas fault.

The worry for scientists comes from a case in 1987, when a magnitude-6.2 earthquake on one of the crossing faults appeared to trigger a 6.6 quake 12 hours later on the Superstition Hills fault to the south. The San Andreas fault is north of these crossing faults and the geometry is similar, Kent said.

This swarm, he said, "is a flashing yellow light that tells you to be prepared and to spend some time trying to understand the significance."

These last time a swarm of this type occurred in the area was 2001, so they are not especially unusual, said Kate Hutton, a seismologist at Caltech.

Hutton said scientists do not yet know if quakes this small can trigger anything dangerous on the San Andreas.

"Every time you have a swarm of earthquakes, it does raise the chances of having a larger quake, but it doesn't raise it a huge number," she said.,0,6429356.story

Study finds troubling pattern of Southern California quakes

The southern stretch of the San Andreas fault has had a major temblor about every 137 years, according to new research. The latest looks to be overdue.

By Jia-Rui Chong
January 24, 2009

Large earthquakes have rumbled along a southern section of the San Andreas fault more frequently than previously believed, suggesting that Southern California could be overdue for a strong temblor on the notorious fault line, a new study has found.

The Carrizo Plain section of the San Andreas has not seen a massive quake since the much-researched Fort Tejon temblor of 1857, which at an estimated magnitude of 7.9 is considered the most powerful earthquake to hit Southern California in modern times.

But the new research by UC Irvine scientists, to be published next week, found that major quakes occurred there roughly every 137 years over the last 700 years. Until now, scientists believed big quakes occurred along the fault roughly every 200 years.

The findings are significant because seismologists have long believed this portion of the fault is capable of sparking the so-called Big One that officials have for decades warned will eventually occur in Southern California.

"It's been long enough since 1857 that we should be concerned about another great earthquake that ruptures through this part of the fault," said Ken Hudnut, a geophysicist at the U.S. Geological Survey in Pasadena who was not involved in the study.

Many scientists thought the Carrizo area produced relatively infrequent but large-scale earthquakes such as the Fort Tejon temblor. The new work suggests the area produces more quakes but also ones of a smaller magnitude than Fort Tejon, said Ray Weldon, a University of Oregon geologist who was not involved in the research but reviewed the paper for the Journal of Geophysical Research.

Such temblors, experts warned, would likely be at least as big as the 1994 Northridge quake, which had a magnitude of 6.7.

"Even moderate earthquakes on the San Andreas can cause considerable damage, so the overall hazard and risk has gone up," Weldon said.

The section of the San Andreas fault threading through the dry Carrizo Plain is one of the most famous and photographed parts of the fault because creek beds and other features on one side of the fault have clearly shifted away from matching features on the other side. About 100 miles northwest of Los Angeles, the Carrizo area was one of the main sections that ruptured in the 1857 quake. That rupture, roaring southwest into the Los Angeles Basin, rocked parts of the region so hard that men were thrown to the ground.

Lisa Grant Ludwig, a principal investigator on the study, first visited the Carrizo Plain about 20 years ago, digging trenches in an area west of the Panorama Hills known as the Bidart Fan.

By looking at the pattern of soils and using radiocarbon dating on charcoal deposits, she found evidence of five large earthquakes dating back to the early 1200s. She found a gap of some 400 years between the 1857 earthquake and the one before, but only about 100 years separating the three preceding quakes.

Back then, the earthquake age estimates were very rough and the samples had to be fairly large, about the size of a jelly bean. Ludwig saved field notes and hundreds of soil samples in glass vials in her garage for more than 15 years, hoping that radiocarbon dating techniques would improve.

Once the technology improved, Ludwig and her colleagues could date samples with much higher precision and analyze charcoal flakes as small as the tip of a pencil.

They went back to her archive, and the redating effort, led by scholar Sinan Akciz, found that the four big earthquakes before the 1857 temblor probably occurred around 1310, 1393, 1585 and 1640.

"We were better able to constrain the dates and show that actually these five earthquakes were pretty evenly spaced," Ludwig said.

Because they are looking at only a handful of earthquakes, scientists can't be sure that the pattern will hold, Ludwig said.

"But we know it increases the probability of an earthquake," she said. "There's not any way I can look at the data and be comforted by it."

Ludwig's team has dug some new trenches in the area to supplement the redating project, hoping to find new soil samples that show the increased frequency of large earthquakes.

Results won't be finalized for a few months, Ludwig said, but preliminary analysis suggests that the time interval between earthquakes may be even shorter, something on the order of 100 years.,0,7734479.story

Boptime - Saturday Morning
6 AM East -- 3 AM Pacific -- 1000 UTC
Click: Listen On-Line for Even Steven

Marliese's Corner
Underground Hour
Tuesdays - 7 to 8 pm
Music by MiKo
Tuesdays - 8 to 11 pm
Paper Mill Creek Saloon - Forest Knolls, CA - Free
Marliese's Corner - San Francisco Events

Karl Cohen
Association International du Film d'Animation
(International Animated Film Association)
March 2009 by Karl Cohen


TWO BAY AREA GIANTS GET LIFETIME AWARDS The Venice Film Festival is honoring Pixar’s John Lasseter in September with their 2009 Golden Lion Award. He is a co-founder of Pixar and has been the force behind an uninterrupted string of successes including Toy Story, The Incredibles, A Bug's Life, Monsters, Inc., Cars, Finding Nemo and Ratatouille.

In February The Visual Effects Society gave Phil Tippett their Georges Melies Award for his pioneering work in visual effects. Phil became well known for his stop-motion work on Star Wars. Since then he has worked on subsequent Star Wars films, Starship Troopers, Jurassic Park, Dragonslayer, The Spiderwick Chronicles, The Haunting, the three RoboCop features and dozens of other films. [Continue Reading]

Martin Rowson cartoon - Preparing for the big day
Martin Rowson

Oh, I hope that I see you again I never even caught your name As you looked through my window pane -- So I'm writing this message today I'm thinking that you'll have a way Of hearing the notes in my tune -- Where are you going? Where have you been? I can imagine other worlds you have seen -- Beautiful faces and music so serene -- So I do hope I see you again My universal citizen You went as quickly as you came -- You know the power Your love is right You have good reason To stay out of sight -- But break our illusions and help us Be the light - "Message" by Michael Pinder

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