Gallery d'Ann

Blender Animation

Animation for the Appliance Challenged Gallery

Missing BBS Files

Sprung - Harley-Davidson Springer Enthusiast

Flying Snail Studios Podcasts

Rubbermaid (Band)

Amateur Radio

Amateur Radio Public Seismic Network

ARPSN/Cobb Weather and Seismic Heliplots

United State Cafe - Haight/Ashbury San Francisco, California

Apple/Mac FYI

Brokedown Coffee

Hunger and Shame by Dr. Mary Howard and Dr. Ann V. Millard

Sailing on the Flying Snail

Flying Snail Emmy from Tommy Smothers



Flying Snail

Freedom of expression and freedom of speech aren't really important unless they're heard...It's hard for me to stay silent when I keep hearing that peace is only attainable through war. And there's nothing more scary than watching ignorance in action. So I dedicated this Emmy to all the people who feel compelled to speak out and not afraid to speak to power and won't shut up and refuse to be silenced. - Tommy Smothers

Come to an Evening of Eclectic Nostalgia with MiKö!

Tuesday, February 3, 8-11PM Free Live Music
Papermill Creek Saloon 415 488-9235
1 Castro St., Forest Knolls, CA 94933


At Forest Knolls intersection, between San Geronimo
and Lagunitas. Visible from Sir Francis Drake. - See you there!

Thought for the day: If you have talent, that's god's gift to you. If you use that talent, that's your gift to god. - Red Skelton .......Happy Trails, Michael

USGS Flyer
Towards a Unified Theory for Pre-Earthquake Signals
Speaker: Friedemann Freund, NASA Ames
Location: Building 3, Room 3240 (main USGS conference room)
Wednesday February 04, 2009 - 10:30 AM

Local Seismic Information:

Bottle Rock Blues & Rhythm Band
Mike Wilhelm & his Bottle Rock Blues & Rhythm Band

Recorded Live at Linton's

Big Boss Man - Click To Listen

Got My Mojo Workin' - Click To Listen

House Of Blue Lights - Click To Listen

New Old Pawnshop Blues - Click To Listen

The Thrill Is Gone - Click To Listen

All songs provided by Mike Wilhelm as a special treat for FlyingSnail readers. These songs will eventually be added to iTunes.

Neon Napalm - vocal and rhythm - Card-carrying member of Cherokee Nation and formerly lead singer of the well-known Southwest Native American band, Gary Farmer and the Troublemakers.

Mike Wilhelm - vocal and guitar - Founding member of the Charlatans (San Francisco's first psychedelic group), Loose Gravel, Lake County Blues Allstars, Bottle Rock Blues & Rhythm Band, and former member of cult heroes, Flamin' Groovies.

Stephen Holland - guitar and vocal - Formerly played with, Cottonmouth and members of Soundhole, Huey Lewis and the News, and Tower of Power.

Bill McMenomy - bass guitar and vocal - Formerly with San Francisco rock trio, Aum.

Mark Phillips - drums - Formerly with P. T. and the Pleasers and Grateful Dead cover band, Street Dogs

BRB&R Band is becoming Northern California's Number One Band, Catch them live! More information is located on Mike Wilhelm's Page.

Mike supplied the following locations of more BRB&R Band New Year Video:

YouTube Video:

YouTube Video:

YouTube Video:

YouTube Video:

Bottle Rock Blues & Rhythm Band
Bottle Rock Blues & Rhythm (Northern California's Up'n'Coming Number One) Band

Jumpin Jupiter

Howie Hollenberg [ex Percussionist of Jumpin' Jupiter] a.k.a. hgongcrazy and owner Kill-A-Watt Energy Management sent a note saying he is working on a new band (ex Jumpin Jupiter members) and that Sunshine (Sunny) will be musical director on some of his songs.

Howie's MySpace page is located: and this is the location of his FaceBook page (login required to view)..

United State Cafe page on Jumpin Jupiter and here is one of my favorite Jumpin' Jupiter tunes from the past: Why Not Try Love Again - MP3 and there are more MP3 Jumpin Jupiter songs on the Podcast page.

Crime - San Quentin Prison - July 4, 1984

sound by: ~@~

Pep Talk
The Uncomfortable Circle a cartoon by Xeth Feinberg
A Xeth Feinberg Cartoon - Visit Xeth's page at:

Milano e l'Expo: conferenza di Aldo Bonomi
giovedì 5 febbraio ore 21
Libreria ShaKe, viale Bligny 42

Aldo Bonomi, sociologo e presidente del centro di ricerca Aaster, interviene sul futuro nella Milano dell’Expo, tra rendite, conflitti e trasformazioni sociali. Durante la serata, sarà presentato il libro, edito da Bruno Mondadori, “Milano ai tempi delle moltitudini”, e saranno proiettati due video di Tonino Curagi e Anna Gorio: "Via San Dionigi, 93: storia di un campo rom" e "Mi/Ma Milano/Manhattan", quest'ultimo ideato da Gino e Michele.


Nella transizione in uscita dall’industrialismo fordista, Milano si è frammentata. Non solo nella sua geometria urbana, ma anche per il moltiplicarsi delle barriere interne tra le schegge della sua composizione sociale. C’è relazione tra la centrifugazione urbana di una città dai confini sempre più slabbrati e la creazione di barriere quasi antropologiche tra i diversi frammenti del suo corpo sociale. Un’antiutopia negativa, fatta di convivenza apparente tra pezzi di città “nuda”, senza diritti e senza rappresentazione, persi, esclusi, lasciati spesso ai margini, fianco a fianco alle comunità chiuse dei ghetti volontari per ricchi, per l’élite della nuda vita.

Queste schegge di città possono essere divise in cinque cerchi, veri e propri frammenti di composizione sociale. Il primo cerchio ci svela come sono cambiate le élite. Per usare le parole del Novecento i “padroni”. La vecchia borghesia dei Falck e dei Pirelli o non c’è più o è salpata dalla città. Oggi cresce una neoborghesia dei flussi finanziari e del capitalismo delle reti che lavora nella città ma non la vive più.

Nel secondo cerchio troviamo il commercio, dalle botteghe di quartiere al nuovo commercio esperienziale. Poi il terzo cerchio in cui si racconta del cambiamento della classe operaia, trasformata dalla globalizzazione in moltitudine dei lavori servili e dequalificati. È anche il cerchio della città invisibile, delle aree dismesse occupate, dei campi nomadi. Il quarto cerchio mostra l’emergere dei professionisti della creatività legati alla trasformazione della città in una grande macchina dell’intrattenimento e della moda. Infine il quinto cerchio fuori le mura della città, fabbrica a cielo aperto dentro la città infinita milanese in cui si continuano a produrre le merci. La classe operaia si è dispersa in mille rivoli, eppure continua a produrre e lavorare.

Presentazione del libro edito da Bruno Mondadori, Milano ai tempi delle moltitudini


Aldo Bonomi ha fondato e dirige l’Istituto di ricerca AASTER. È direttore della rivista “Communitas” e cura la rubrica Microcosmi su “Il Sole 24 Ore”. Tra le sue numerose pubblicazioni ricordiamo: "Il trionfo della moltitudine" (Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 1996); "La comunità maledetta. Viaggio nella coscienza di luogo" (Edizioni di Comunità, Torino 2002); "Il capitalismo personale. Vite al lavoro" (con E. Rullani, Einaudi, Torino 2005) e "Rancore" (Feltrinelli 2008).

Per Bruno Mondadori ha pubblicato "La città infinita" (con A. Abruzzese, 2004), "Milano ai tempi delle moltitudini" (2008).


regia di Tonino Curagi e Anna Gorio (75 minuti, 2007)
La vita quotidiana, i riti e le feste, le assemblee e le relazioni con gli operatori sociali, il tentativo di integrarsi con il lavoro e il percorso scolastico dei ragazzi, gli incendi e le ricostruzioni, lo sgombero e la distruzione da parte della polizia comunale, nel settembre del 2007, di un campo rom abitato da più di 150 persone di nazionalità romena e sito nell’estrema periferia sud-est di Milano.
Tonino Curagi e Anna Gorio

MI/MA Milano/Manhattan
ideato da Gino e Michele, regia di Tonino Curagi e Anna Gorio (8 minuti, 2008)
Quando uscì il capolavoro di Woody Allen, "Manhattan" (1979), che segnò un po' la vita e la coscienza della nostra generazione, sentimmo da subito quel film come “nostro”. Non solo perché in fondo non sentivamo poi così lontane da noi le incomparabili autoironie di Woody, ma anche perché vivevamo fisicamente come nostra quella città dipinta in bianco e nero sulla tela di George Gershwin. Forse davvero Milano, ci illudevamo e ci illudiamo, non era e non è tanto diversa dalla metropoli più contraddittoria e affascinante del pianeta.

Così è nato "Mi-Ma, Milano-Manhattan", tributo all'incipit del capolavoro di Woody Allen, rigorosamente in bianco e nero, come nell'originale. Contravvenendo ad ogni regola logica abbiamo cercato di cogliere nei primi 4 minuti del film Manhattan il senso, oltre che della megalopoli americana, anche della nostra città e forse per certi aspetti, della vita di noi che la abitiamo.
(Gino e Michele)

info: vuvuvu

ShaKe Edizioni aderisce alla campagna di lotta 'Riprendiamoci Conchetta'

Irony or mind control?

When I attended school, part of a course offered within Broadcast Communications was, 'Subliminal Images Used In Commercials Based On Demographics and Geo-Demographics'. The above graphic represents two separate headlines listed in different locations on the front page of a news site, February 4, 2009; raising the question, Irony or mind control? ... and posted because it fell under a (90000) "Too Weird" category.

Boptime 200902.07

During the 6am [East] Dreamstreets segment, for the 1st Saturday program, will be a program about Wilmington's greatest poet few have heard about. At 7am [East] you'll hear a "My World" segment from 1949. The last half of Boptime will go back to 1955, including the music Clifford Brown was making during the same time of the year in the "Club Baby Grand" segment -- and of course, a visit from Uncle Richard. And if everything works out okay tomorrow, I'll be automating radio for 3am to 5:30am [East] again for this Saturday morning. Happy listening. Best to you, Steve

Catch-Up Is Not A Band
or... what have they done to finger?

Since it is the beginning of a new month and I am almost a month behind in some areas, let's talk.

The first thing I need to do is catch up on email, starting with January 8, 2009.

David Normal filled me in on past and present. Here are some things he mentioned I would like to share:

David Normal

One of David's friends is Max Hunter, who, with his brother Josh, are involved with Western Dovetail.

Max and David collaborated on The Giant Anus at Burning Man 2000

The Giant Anus

The Giant Anus was one of the central attractions of Burning Man 2000, and was an essential part of that year's "Body" theme. The above drawing is the initial conceptual drawing executed in Bangli, Bali. It's ultimate form was a two story tall wood sculpture complete with inflating and deflating rectal tissues, an interactive sound system, sequencing Las Vegas style lighting, two mighty legs, a slide out the back, wax-cast faces of the seven sins, and a dysfunctional control room in the base. I estimate that most of the people present at the festival experienced its sphinctral pulchritude, so perhaps more than 20,000 people passed through the Anus . . . [Continue Reading]

Currently David is dividing his time between painting and gif animation; some of which are located on his MySpace page. David's home page is located here.

Corinne sent an email concerning Dog Owners please READ...and pass on...

Beautiful Dog

Grapes and Raisins can be poisonous to any dog!!!!!!!!!!!
If you have a dog ... PLEASE read this and send it on. If you don't have a dog, please pass along to friends who do.

Written by:
Laurinda Morris, DVM
Danville Veterinary Clinic
Danville , OH

This week I had the first case in history of raisin toxicity ever seen at MedVet. My patient was a 56-pound, 5 yr old male neutered lab mix that ate half a canister of raisins sometime between 7:30 AM and 4:30 PM on Tuesday. He started with vomiting, diarrhea and shaking about 1 AM on Wednesday but the owner didn't call my emergency service until 7 AM.

I had heard somewhere about raisins AND grapes causing acute Renal failure but hadn't seen any formal paper on the subject. We had her bring the dog in immediately. In the meantime, I called the ER service at MedVet, and the doctor there was like me - had heard something about it, but... Anyway, we contacted the ASPCA National Animal Poison Control Center and they said to give IV fluids at 1 & 1/2 times maintenance and watch the kidney values for the next 48-72 hours. The dog's BUN (blood urea nitrogen level) was already at 32 (normal less than 27) and creatinine over 5 (1.9 is the high end of normal). Both are monitors of kidney function in the bloodstream. We placed an IV catheter and started the fluids. Rechecked the renal values at 5 PM and the BUN was over 40 and creatinine over 7 with no urine production after a liter of fluids. At that point I felt the dog was in acute renal failure and sent him on to MedVet for a urinary catheter to monitor urine output overnight as well as overnight care. He started vomiting again overnight at Med Vet and his renal values continued to increase daily. He produced urine when given lasix as a diuretic. He was on 3 different anti-vomiting medications and they still couldn't control his vomiting. Today his urine output decreased again, his BUN was over 120, his creatinine was at 10, his phosphorus was very elevated and his blood pressure, which had been staying around 150, skyrocketed to 220 ... He continued to vomit and the owners elected to Euthanize.

This is a very sad case - great dog, great owners who had no idea raisins could be a toxin. Please alert everyone you know who has a dog of this very serious risk.

Poison control said as few as 7 raisins or grapes could be toxic. Many people I know give their dogs grapes or raisins as treats including our ex-handler's. Any exposure should give e rise to immediate concern. Onions, chocolate, cocoa and macadamia nuts can be fatal, too.

Even if you don't have a dog, you might have friends who do. This is worth passing on to them. Confirmation from Snopes about the above ...

Hank sent: Ben & Jerr's creates Yes Pecan! and other flavors

Ben & Jerry's created its "Yes Pecan!" ice cream flavor for Obama.

For George W. they they asked for suggestions from the public. Here are some of their favorite responses:

- Grape Depression
- The Housing Crunch
- Abu Grape
- Cluster Fudge
- Nut'n Accomplished
- Iraqi Road
- Chock 'n Awe
- WireTapioca
- Impeach Cobbler
- Guantanmallow
- ImPeachmint
- Heck of a Job, Brownie!
- Neocon Politan
- Rocky Road to Fascism
- The Reese's-cession
- Cookie D'oh!
- Nougalar Proliferation
- Death by Chocolate... and Torture
- Freedom Vanilla Ice Cream
- Chocolate Chip On My Shoulder
- Credit Crunch
- Mission Pecanplished
- Country Pumpkin
- Chunky Monkey in Chief
- George Bush Doesn't Care About Dark Chocolate
- WMDelicious
- Chocolate Chimp
- Bloody Sundae
- Caramel Preemptive Stripe
- I broke the law and am responsible for the deaths of thousands...with nuts.

As yet none of these flavors has gone into production

Hal sent a photograph of the recent plane crash in the Hudson River pointing out why First Class seating has its perks. Notice the Coach passengers have wet feet and are standing on the wing, while the First Class passengers are being put into life boats:

Plane in water, first class on Life Boats while Coach passengers wait in the water on the wing of the plane

Bruce sent a graphic image depicting an elementary school question: List, In Any Order, The Four Seasons, where 67% of the students responded: 1) Dove season 2) Deer season 3) Duck season 4) Turkey season.

Results from Four Seasons question
Is Our Children Learning? - No Child Left Behind War Criminal George W. Bush

Robin Kilgore sent a photograph of: A smile from God !

A smile from God

~@~ is currently busy doing seismic research with Dr. Randall D. Peters (check links on right side of his page) Department of Physics, Mercer University and having a lot of FUN! == Did I say extremely busy (-; ?


In Unix, finger is a program you can use to find information about computer users. It usually lists the login name, the full name, and possibly other details about the user you are fingering. These details may include the office location and phone number (if known), login time, idle time, time mail was last read, and the user's plan and project files. The information listed varies, and you may not be able to get any information from some sites.

In some cases, you may be able to use the finger command to verify an address or find more information for someone at another institution about whom you already have some information. The finger command is available on most Unix systems. -

Cobb Mountain FFT-CSP Animation
200901.28 - 29 - 30 - 31

VolksMeter - Channel Two - East/West

Click Below Link For Seismic Audio and Full Animation

The above animation is derived from FFT-CSP, which is explained at the bottom of this page:

The earthquake audio was included for effect and does not pertain to the FFT-CSP data. USGS has a collection of earthquake sounds here.

Eight Years Late
The Uncomfortable Circle a cartoon by Xeth Feinberg
A Xeth Feinberg Cartoon - Visit Xeth's page at:

Eat the Rich
Republicans Ted Costa, Mark Abernathy, and Howard Kaloogian filed the petition to Remove Graay Davis and replace him with Bush puppet
Never Forget It Was War Criminal Bush and Cheney
Republicans Ted Costa, Mark Abernathy, and Howard Kaloogian
Who Are Responsible for the Economic Crisis in California

TED COSTA, 3407 ARDEN WAY, SACRAMENTO, CA 95825 - (800)501-8222

Steve Bell Cartoon - White Elephant - We're sorry say bankers. Well, sort of
Steve Bell

So what if Phelps smoked pot -- he's in good company


The brutal exposure and possible arrest of alleged pothead Michael Phelps, probably the best athlete on earth, demands fresh attention to an old question: Why is marijuana still illegal in the United States?

As the world now knows, poor Phelps was chilling with a few friends and a glass bong when caught on camera. This would have been no problem had London's News of the World not published the photo over this caption: "This is the astonishing picture which could destroy the career of the greatest competitor in Olympic history."

That caption was sensationally misleading. Phelps has lost a major endorsement contract with Kellogg and has been suspended from competition for three months. But certainly there was nothing "astonishing" or even mildly surprising about the fact that a superb swimmer, or a top competitor in any form of sport, might puff on a blunt from time to time. By now, there have simply been too many other exceptional athletes who have admitted to smoking dope for recreation or relief.

Within the last several months, in fact, four ranking sumo wrestlers have been busted and booted out of the sport. No doubt the Japanese wrestling authorities meant to humiliate the sumo stars, using shame to maintain the forbidden aura around the drug, just as we do (which proves that there is at least one other advanced industrial nation as hypocritical on this issue as we are).

But more than a few of the athletes who have identified themselves as cannabis users in past years have done so without the shame that Phelps claimed to feel when he offered his endorsement-saving mea culpa. Some insist that using marijuana eased physical pain or even improved their game. Former Dallas Cowboys lineman Mark Stepnoski, who played on two Super Bowl-winning teams and is now an active proponent of legalization, said he smoked pot throughout his career without impairing his game.

And Stepnoski is not alone in American professional sports, where marijuana use is common. More than a decade ago, the New York Times reported that nearly three out of four NBA players had smoked. Not much has changed since then, according to Dallas Mavericks forward Josh Howard, who told an ESPN radio host last year that not only did he use marijuana in the offseason, but so did "most of the players in the league."

None of this rampant toking seems to have impaired athletic performance -- unless we assume that Phelps, for instance, would somehow have won more than eight gold medals at last summer's Olympic Games. So much for the argument that marijuana damages motivation, or prowess, or leads inevitably to more dangerous narcotics.

Of course, it isn't only athletic stars who have been known to indulge in reefer madness. Important scientists such as Richard Feynman, Stephen Jay Gould, Margaret Mead and Carl Sagan, billionaire executives like Richard Branson and Bill Gates, and a great many of the literary and musical geniuses of the last century or so -- William Butler Yeats, Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong and Bob Dylan among them -- got high. So have many of our top elected officials, notably including California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, a highly successful actor and businessman whose pot habit was immortalized on film in "Pumping Iron"; New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, another hard-driving billionaire who once told a magazine interviewer that he had not only smoked dope but "enjoyed" it; Newt Gingrich, the former speaker of the House, and Al Gore, former vice president, Google director, and winner of an Oscar and the Nobel Peace Prize.

What should be the most devastating blow to the foundations of marijuana prohibition was struck just last month, when Barack Obama, yet another confessed former pothead, ascended to the presidency. Obama has never tried to conceal that he smoked quite a bit of marijuana in his youth.

So why do we still need to feign outrage over Michael Phelps? Why must he humble himself before the cameras as if he had tortured a puppy? Why should the law treat cannabis as a damaging addiction, when in fact nearly anyone who has accomplished anything worthwhile seems to have taken at least a toke or two?

Those are among the mysteries of modern prohibition, which is unlikely to end any time soon.

Salon -,CST-EDT-open09.article

Chang Heng's seismoscope
Amateur Radio Public Seismic Network

recorded by ARPSN

Magnitude 7.2 KEPULAUAN TALAUD, INDONESIA Wednesday, February 11, 2009 recorded by ARPSN, Cobb Mountain, CA
Distance (degrees) 104.16 Travel Time (min:secs) 13:59.7 Arrival Time UTC 17:48:51.7 Pdiff

Audio Control

Stop Play

VolksMeter Channel One & Two - 200902.11
N/S Cobb 7.2m
Cobb [Mountain], CA - N/S Magnitude 7.2 Recorded by ARPSN - Click for large image

N/S Macon Slab 7.2m
Macon, GA - Slab - N/S - Magnitude 7.2 - Click for large image

Click to View Complete Page of Above Presentation

View FFT-CSP February Cumulative Animation

3 is enough...
The Uncomfortable Circle a cartoon by Xeth Feinberg
A Xeth Feinberg Cartoon - Visit Xeth's page at:


Why should we hear about body bags and deaths and how many, what day it's gonna happen? It's not relevant. So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that? - Barbara [Heartless POS] Bush, 3/18/2003

Dick Outraged By Bush
Ex-VP Dick Cheney outraged President Bush
didn't grant 'Scooter' Libby full pardon



Libby lied, troops died

The Scooter Libby verdict is inextricably linked to Iraq: his lies were an attempt to cover up the disingenuous case for war.

Sidney Blumenthal, Tuesday 6 March 2007 22.00 GMT

The conviction of I Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff, on criminal charges of obstruction of justice and perjury brings only a partial conclusion to the sordid political tragedy that is the Bush presidency. Yet the judgment on this matter goes to the heart of the administration. The means and the ends of Bush's White House have received a verdict from the bar of justice.

Foreign policy was and is the principal way of consolidating unchecked executive power. In the run-up to the Iraq war, professional standards, even within the military and intelligence agencies, were subordinated to political goals. Only information that fit the preconceived case was permitted. Those who advanced facts or raised skeptical questions about sketchy information were seen as deliberate enemies causing damage from within. From the beginning, the White House indulged in unrestrained attacks on such professionals. Revealing the facts, especially about the politically-driven method of skewing policy, was treated as a crime against the state.

For questioning the undermanned battle plan for the invasion of Iraq, Army Chief of Staff Eric Shinseki was publicly humiliated by neoconservative Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz and then cashiered. For disclosing negligence on terrorism before the Setempber 11 attacks, counterterrorism chief Richard Clarke was accused by then-National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice of acting purely out of motives of personal greed to promote his recently published memoir. For exposing the absence of rational policymaking in economics as well as foreign policy, Secretary of the Treasury Paul O'Neill was threatened with an investigation for allegedly abusing classified material. Once he was intimidated into silence, the probe was dropped.

In the aftermath of former ambassador Joseph Wilson's revelation that the most explosive reason given for war against Iraq - that Saddam Hussein was seeking yellowcake uranium in Niger to fuel nuclear weapons - had no apparent basis in fact, the Bush White House revved into high gear against the critic. Wilson, however, was even more dangerous than the others because he was a witness to the false rationale for the war.

As Libby's defense counsel insisted, Scooter was merely one of many in the White House assailing Wilson's integrity. Others, including Bush's political strategist Karl Rove, were involved. To a degree, the smear campaign was for a time successful, fueled by the Republican-controlled Senate Intelligence Committee and elements of the Washington press corps. But the trial exhibits - documents entered by the special prosecutor - knocked down every single one of their falsehoods.

Libby's defenders argued that there was no underlying crime. He was not charged with revealing the identity of Valerie Plame, Wilson's wife, as a covert CIA agent, which was a charge raised by the White House gang in an effort to prove she sent Wilson on his Niger mission - another of the lies spread about him.

But Libby committed his crimes to cover-up the role of his boss and to protect his own position in the attack on Wilson. At base, then, the reasons for war were the scandal.

Libby was no mere factotum. He was a central member of the neoconservative cast of characters, who began as a protégé of Wolfowitz and was elevated to the role of Cheney's indispensable man.

Libby's conviction not only indelibly stains neoconservatism. It is a damning condemnation of the Bush White House belief that the ends justify the means and its aggrandizement of absolute power. Ultimately, this is a verdict that can never be erased from the history of the Bush presidency.

Martin Rowson cartoon - Preparing for the big day
Martin Rowson

FFT-CSP of First 10 days of February, Cobb [Mountain] Ca.
CSP, 1st 10 days of February 2009, E-Wchannel, Cobb Mtn., CA
Image provided by Randall Peters - Click for lagre image

Cobb/Redwood City, CA compare February 22-25, 2009 provided by Randall Peters
Image provided by Randall Peters - Click for lagre image - February 22-25, 2009

Eigenmodes of a square plate

The above video is a nice depiction of how the eigenmodes of a plate change with increasing forcing frequency. ARPSN Seismic FFT-CSP Comparison animations are currently painting an interesting picture.

Happy Birthday Howie
Jumpin' Jupiter at Marx Meadow - Golden Gate Park - San Francisco, CA
Jumpin' Jupiter - Marx Meadow - G.G. Park, S.F., CA - Photo by James Stark

Curtis, The band is going hot and heavy. I have people fighting to join including Ira Walker, a blues psychedelic guy on bass who has opened for B.B. King, Etta James and Al Green, to name just a few. He is managed by Herbie Herbert, the guy that formed Journey and managed Steve Miller, Joe Satriani, and Santana. He is trying to bring Greg Rolie from Santana to play keyboards. I have a female vocalist with a 3.5 octave range. The bass player from Iron Butterfly wants to play and my guitar player can and will play anything Hendrix and Roger Waters played ...and sings like Jim Morrison. We are doing some covers of known and obscure psychedelia like: Too Much Too Dream Last Night by the Electric Prunes. You know how much original music I have from Sunny and Larry Dunn. I'm hoping to contact Eric and do some Happy Valley songs. Jimmy Sweetwater is playing blues harp on some songs. I feel like Rumplestiltskin awakening from a 20 year sleep and I'm pinching myself. Very busy with both the band and my business. Once again, you helped make this happen and I won't forget that. Be well, be happy, peace Howie P.S. Sunny, has signed on as a musical director on his music and is wowed by the talent I've assembled.

Howie's MySpace page is located: and this is the location of his FaceBook page (login required to view). United State Cafe page on Jumpin Jupiter and here is one of my favorite Jumpin' Jupiter tunes from the past: Why Not Try Love Again - MP3 and there are more MP3 Jumpin Jupiter songs on the Podcast page.

Chang Heng's seismoscope

If anyone owning a PC, Macbook, or Macbook Pro is interested in Earthquakes and would like a FREE way to monitor them, check out the current progress log page provided by ARPSN (Amateur Radio Public Seismic Network) for a guideline.

Chris Zalla at the Independent Spirit Awards
Congratulations Chris on the nominations for Independent Spirit Awards

The Pool by David Normal
"The Pool" - A New Painting by David Normal

This is my newest painting "The Pool". I had the initial idea for it when I went out with some friends to see a turtle derby in Los Angeles in the summer of 2005. Perhaps the large rectangular ring set up as a racing rink for turtles suggested the cubic bath central to the composition. I'm not sure. Besides - I never saw any racing turtles - the atmosphere of the club was unbearable - a college frat scene pick up joint - so I just hid in a corner since I didn't like it. I amused myself by making the preliminary sketch for this painting. Since that time I have worked on the painting off and on until finally I have completed it - three and a half years later. Oil on Panel, 61 x 91.5 cm, 2009 - View painting at MySpace - Visit David Normal's page.


Boptime - Saturday Morning
6 AM East -- 3 AM Pacific -- 1100 UTC
Click: Listen On-Line for Even Steven

Marliese's Corner
Underground Hour
Tuesdays - 7 to 8 pm
Music by MiKo
Tuesdays - 8 to 11 pm
Paper Mill Creek Saloon - Forest Knolls, CA - Free
Marliese's Corner - San Francisco Events

Karl Cohen
Association International du Film d'Animation
(International Animated Film Association)
February 2009 by Karl Cohen

ASIFA image
Henry Selick & Karl Cohen -- Photo by Hilary Hart.

Coraline's creator

Henry Selick, director of Coraline and The Nightmare Before Christmas chats with Karl Cohen, editor of ASIFA-SF newsletter, at a reception at the Cartoon Art Museum (where art from the film was on display) following a preview screening of Coraline, which opens on Feb. 6.


PS The excellent exhibit of concept art, models, etc. from the film is at the Cartoon art Museum. I think it ends on Feb. 17. - Karl Cohen [Continue Reading]

Barney Bubbles, What A Laugh by David Wills
Barney Bubbles? What a Laugh
by David Wills

Barney Bubbles also worked under the name A1 Good Guyz for a time (with David Wills, a fellow Twickenham Art College student). They undertook work for Motor Racing magazine and the English Egg Marketing Board, and with an extended group of contributers they created Oz magazine issue 12 The Tax Dodge Special. Barney Bubbles also worked on Oz 38.

Iraq Veterans Against the War: End The War Now commercial 200901.20
Iraq Veterans Against the War
End the War Now
View the video:

Dear Friends & Supporters of Iraq Veterans Against the War and Veterans For Peace,

This is a link to the national ad that IVAW ran just prior to President Obama's inauguration.

Millions of people saw this message today on national networks in major markets.

This advertisement costs thousands of dollars to produce. There is more information on how to support IVAW and help us pay for this ad at: 200902.12
Giovedì 12 febbraio ore 21:00,
Libreria ShaKe, viale Bligny 42, 20136 Milano -

Incontro per scoprire e conoscere il personaggio e l'arte di uno dei più eclettici scrittori italiani contemporanei: Sandrone Dazieri. Partendo dalle fascinazioni cyberpunk e della fantascienza, attraversando metropoli al gusto di giallo e noir, con una critica sociale non troppo velata, unite a grande simpatia e autoironia, Sandrone ha saputo farsi strada nel panorama culturale, a colpi di intelligenza e creatività, diventando anche sceneggiatore di film, fumetti e fiction televisive.

Con proiezioni di foto, video, spezzoni di film.
Partecipa Edoardo Brugnatelli, direttore Strade Blu Mondadori

Saggio 'Cybepunk' in Antologia cyberpunk. Milano, ShaKe 1994, nuova edizione economica 2008
(a cura di). Italia Overground. Mappe e reti della cultura alternativa. Roma, Castelvecchi, 1996
Attenti al gorilla. Milano, Mondadori, 1999
La cura del Gorilla. Torino, Einaudi, 2001
Gorilla blues. Milano, Mondadori, 2002
Ciak si indaga. Walt Disney Italia, 2003 (libro per ragazzi)
Karma del gorilla. Milano, Mondadori, 2005 (con Daniele G. Genova) La città buia. Aliberti editore, 2006
È stato un attimo. Milano, Mondadori, 2006
Bestie. Milano, Edizioni Ambiente (collana VerdeNero), 2007
(con Marco Martani) Cemento Armato. Milano, Mondadori, 2007
BZZZZ, in AA.VV., Bugs, Edizioni BD, 2008
AA. VV. (con Baricco, Benni, Carofiglio, Covacich, Di Natale, Giordano, Pascale, Starnone) Mondi al limite. 9 scrittori per Medici senza frontiere. Milano, Feltrinelli 2008

Filmografia e sceneggiature
Intelligence, regia di Alexis Sweet (in lavorazione)
La cura del Gorilla, regia di Carlo Arturo Sigon (2006)
L'ultima battuta, film per la serie TV Crimini (2006)
Un gioco da ragazze, regia di Matteo Rovere (2008)
La valle della paura, (post produzione)
Bestie, film per la tv (in post produzione)

vuvuvu shake it

Testing ARPSN/Cobb Weather and Seismic Heliplots Testing
Seismic Data On Line

Amateur Radio Public Seismic Network
Information: Progress Log -- Heliplots -- Seismic Shed Re-Construction
ARPSN Raw Seismic Data As Seen On My Monitors - Cobb, California, 95426
Click above image for large picture of recent RAW seismic activity.

UTC and PDT time located lower left corner, which correspond to the weather picture below.
How's the Weather?
ARPSN Weather and Seismic Data - Cobb, California, 95426
Click above image for large picture of Local Weather

Oh, I hope that I see you again I never even caught your name As you looked through my window pane -- So I'm writing this message today I'm thinking that you'll have a way Of hearing the notes in my tune -- Where are you going? Where have you been? I can imagine other worlds you have seen -- Beautiful faces and music so serene -- So I do hope I see you again My universal citizen You went as quickly as you came -- You know the power Your love is right You have good reason To stay out of sight -- But break our illusions and help us Be the light - "Message" by Michael Pinder


Link Text:

Gallery d'Ann - Blender Animation - Animation for the Appliance Challenged Gallery - Hackers - Missing BBS Files - Sprung - Harley-Davidson Springer Enthusiast - Flying Snail Studios Podcasts - Rubbermaid (Band) = Amateur Radio - Amateur Radio Public Seismic Network - ARPSN/Cobb Weather and Seismic Heliplots - United State Cafe - Haight/Ashbury - Apple/Mac Tech with a little GNU Linux - Brokedown Coffee - Hunger and Shame by Dr. Mary Howard and Dr. Ann V. Millard - Sailing on the Flying Snail - Emmy - ALERTS, Notes from ~@~ - Flying Snail Archive - Browsing Tips - Captain Crunch - John Draper - CASHCPR - Citizen's Against Second Hand Cellular Phone Radiation - NCast Dancing Frogs at YouTube - Disclaimer - Ira Cohen - Karl Cohen - Keith Lampe - Links - Marliese's Corner - Mike Wilhelm - Mobile page for Phones and Pods - NCast - Paul Krassner - Remnant of Paradise - Site Map: - Steven Leech - WVUD-FM Streaming Audio - THEY Have Returned - H.323 - Pacific Packet Radio Society - PPRS intorduced wireless digital communications to the United States - Nobody for President = Put NONE OF THE ABOVE on voter ballots

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