Belote's Studio 354 ~ Artist's Gallery & Bay Area Showcase, Oakland, CA
Belote's Studio 354
December 2016 Show:
James Stark
Sprung ~ Harley-Davidson® Springer® Enthusiast
Ride Free with the Hobo from Paul Bokhari ~
Boptime with Even Steven + Legends of Wilmington Jazz
On Saturday's Boptime we begin at 6am (EST) with the Broadway musical "Carnival" on stage on this day in 1962 and rounding out the hour with selections from Roland Kirk. At 7am (EST) we continue with music from this day in 1962, including the movies playing locally and current events. At 8am (EST) we head down to the farm on Rockabilly Ridge with Michael Ace. At 9am (EST), it's Beatlemania!!! from this day in 1966, along with music from this day in that year, including a couple of Delaware Rock & Roll Hall of Fame selections. For the early bird, on the Freebox at 3am (EST) we'll have a program about the work and collaboration of 20th century playwright Bertolt Brecht and composer Kurt Weill. ~ Steve
BOPTIME: Saturday, 6 AM Eastern time, 3 AM Pacific time
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*** #Sophiawilansky ***
SDR ~ Software-Defined Radio
GOES-R Weather Satellite
The Future of Weather Forecasting from good news ~
GOES-R Launch | Real-Time from Mike Augustyniak ~ heads to orbit, will improve weather forecasting
November 19, 2016 GOES-R, the first of NOAA’s highly advanced geostationary weather satellites, lifted off from Cape Canaveral, Florida, at 6:42 p.m. EST today. The satellite will boost the nation’s weather observation network and NOAA’s prediction capabilities, leading to more accurate and timely forecasts, watches and warnings. [Click to Continue Reading]
Meet GOES-R from NOAA_Satellites ~
How to Order NOAA Weather data from David Rockwell ~
AT THE EDGE OF THE SOLAR STORM ~ 4K from AD Photography ~
Keith Lampe ~ Co-Founder of YIPPIE and Progressive Activist Groups + Video Channel
Remembering Pine
Keith Lampe, Ro-Non-So-Te, Ponderosa Pine ~ Volunteer ~ Photo: James StarkObituaries: Pondorosa Pine, Keith Lampe: ¡Presente! Marking the Passing of an Environmental Pioneer
by Gar Smith, Saturday November 15, 2014 - 07:12:00 PM, Source
Dear Friends of Ponderosa Pine,(November 11, 2014)—I regret to say that our good friend and activist Pondo was laid to final rest November 10 @ 5am in Loja, Ecuador. He died from kidney failure among a few other complications. His health had been failing in the recent months and it came to its peaceful final closure.
Myself and a few other close friends were with him in his final hours to send him off with love and support. He died very peacefully with no pain and no painkillers. His last moments were very peaceful with many smiles from us and from him. He was not afraid and was sent away from this body easily.
Please let us share a moment and send him our blessings to wherever he has been sent to for his next mission. All the best to all his friends and family who cared much for our friend Pondo. This will be the last message from this address.
Kind regards,
Remembering a Memorable Environmental Activist
By Gar Smith / Friends of the Earth; Editor Emeritus, Earth Island Journal
The message from Ponderosa Pine's "Double Helix Office in the Global South White House" was not unexpected but it still hit with the force of a majestic redwood falling in the forest.
I had heard of Keith Lampe (aka Ponderosa Pine, aka Ro-Non-So-Te, aka Transition President of the Government of the USA in Exile) long before I had the pleasure of getting to know him as a friend and a colleague.
It was in 1969, as a staffer at the Berkeley Barb, that I first began reading Keith's unique self-syndicated fortnightly column, Earth Read-Out. It was the first "environmental column" to appear in the so-called Underground Press (or anywhere else, for that matter).
I eventually encountered Keith as few years later—appropriately enough, during an All Species Day Parade in San Francisco.
Spotting a fellow who stood out from the rest of the crowd, I was moved to ask: "Might you be Ponderosa Pine?" It was an easy guess on my part. The fellow I was talking to seemed to be the only marcher who was barefoot. He was certainly the only one dressed in an outfit fashioned entirely from tree bark. With a beaming smile and mischievous eyes peeking out between strips of tree-gleanings, he looked like a walking elm, both deciduous and impish.
Keith Lampe had a one-of-a-kind career arc—from reporter to soldier to activist to media mentor to social critic, philosopher, eco-guru, musical pioneer and much more.
From Randolph Hearst to Allen Ginsberg
In 1950, at the young age of 18, Keith scored a job as reporter for the Detroit Free Press. By 1957, he was based in Paris covering NATO as a correspondent for the Hearst empire's International News Service (INS). As he once recalled, "every time my byline appeared in the newspaper anywhere on the planet, a clipping of it was rushed to me by diplomatic pouch in order to feed my ego and keep me obedient to [Hearst's] right-wing corporate values."
Recognizing early that fame was an "ignominious" trap, Keith left INS and began freelancing. He devised the habit of writing under a number of pseudonyms so that "whenever one of them started showing up in corporate media too frequently, I could always slip into something more comfortable."
In 1964, while hiking through Scandinavia on his third globe-hopping journey, Keith learned of the murders of three civil rights workers in Mississippi. Grabbing a flight back to the States, he showed up at the door of the Student Nonviolent Organizing Committee in New York. He signed on to register voters in Mississippi and wound up working with Francis "Mitch" Mitchell, who was filling in for Julian Bond handling SNCC's press relations.
Keith became aware of global warming early, when Allen Ginsberg (whom he had met in Kolkata in 1962) passed along Gregory Bateson's warning that, within a few decades, the polar icecaps would begin to melt and continents would be flooded.
In late '65, during the Vietnam War, Keith co-founded Veterans and Reservists to End the War in Vietnam. (He had served as an Army officer during the Korean War, acting as an artillery forward observer.) In 1966, he was part of a team of anti-war veterans who lit up America's TV screens by publically setting fire to their discharge papers, service metals and campaign ribbons.
An Arresting Presence
Keith was no slouch when it came to activism. He regularly scolded Berkeley's Dave Brower (the legendary founder of Friends of the Earth and Earth Island Institute) for never having gone to jail as part of a pro-Earth protest.
Pondo's first arrest came in the Sixties when he was busted in front of Dow Chemical's New York Office for protesting the company's "obscene manufacture of napalm."
Over the next two years, he was arrested twice during Stop the Draft Week demonstrationss, jailed following a protest at an Army Induction Center and handcuffed for attempting to delay the departure of a Vietnam-bound Navy destroyer berthed in the Hudson River.
In September 1967, Keith was part of a group arrested in the Senate Gallery for tossing antiwar leaflets onto a chamber full of Washington politicians. A month later, Pondo was busted for protesting the war at the Pentagon—along with Norman Mailer, Noam Chomsky, Terry Southern and fellow Yippies, Jerry Rubin, Abbie Hoffman and Stew Albert.
In 1987, Pondo was tossed into jail for protesting the World Bank's plans to subsidize the construction of a large highway through the heart of the Amazon rainforest.
Naturally, Keith was on the ground in Chicago for the 1968 demonstrations in the streets outside the Democratic Party's nominating convention. He subsequently learned the New York City police had compiled a 40-page dossier on his activist history and provided it to the Chicago cops. The report identified him as "an especially dangerous leader" because he encouraged the rabble to disobey convention. Actually, Pondo pointed out, all he was saying was: "Do your own thing."
In 2000, Pondo, Bill McKibben, Granny D, and 30 others were arrested in the White House Rotunda for demanding campaign-finance reform.
Coasting West
It was in 1968 that Keith, along with wife Judy and daughter Issa, left Manhattan and relocated to Berkeley. It was only a matter of months before he joined with poet/activist Gary Snyder and others to risk arrest for taking a principled stand in defense of Nature. This time it was a matter of throwing his body "upon the gears and upon the wheels . . . upon the levers" to blockade a logging truck—or, in Pondo's more evocative translation, blocking "a truck carrying redwood corpses from a nearby tree-slaughter site." This radical act, many argue, marked the beginning of the modern US environmental movement.
In 1969, Keith gravitated to Woodstock, a transformative Counter Cultural event where, as Paul Krasner recalls, "Hippies became freaks. Negros became blacks. Girls became women. Richard Alpert became Baba Ram Dass. Hugh Romney became Wavy Gravy. . . . Yippie organizer Keith Lampe became Pondorosa Pine, and his girlfriend became Olive Tree."
Over the next decade-plus, Pondo was arrested numerous times for putting his body between the bulldozers and the redwoods. In 1991, Pondo responded to the bombing of Baghdad by founding the US Pro-Democracy Movement. He turned down an offer to have his collected environmental essays turned into a book when his publisher refused to pay extra to print the book on tree-free paper.
Looking back upon his long history of activism, it is easy to believe Pondo's estimation that he was likely responsible for "co-founding more movements and sub-movements than anyone else in Home Planet history."
A frequent resident of Chang Mai, Thailand, during the 80's, Pondo eventually settled in a beautiful mountain retreat in southern Ecuador. From his "Double Helix Office in the Global South White House," Pondo kept in touch by sending out daily dispatches of environmental news and opinion under the banner "A Day in the Life." These daily compendiums of global news regularly ran anywhere from a half-megabyte to 1.5 megabytes or more.
In September 2012, health problems compelled Pondo to dial back a bit. He revised his publishing schedule to one humongous dispatch every other day. His last edition of Day in the Life weighed in at a modest 238 kilobytes but it still managed to include more than 180 articles, ranging from reflections on the ebola virus, to climate engineering, attacks on free speech, labor protests in Rome, the militarizing of America's police, America's human rights abuses, the demonstration of a "self-running free energy device" and the threat of Artificial Intelligence.
Pondo lead off this final dispatch with his traditional introduction—a spontaneous exposition of his current concerns, observations, criticisms and prescriptions, by turns humorous and cranky.
But this one was different. Pondo knew he was dying and he wanted to share the moment with his many friends, fellow activists and readers around the globe.
Here is the introduction to Pondo's final dispatch:
Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA)
Resolving the Atmospheric Emergency
October 31, 2014
Dear Sentinel Friends and Colleagues,
. . . I've been severely ill for more than four weeks now. Especially difficult have been frequent episodes of convulsive/spasmatic coughing shaking the inside of my body quite painfully. My main problem has been my lungs, which constantly fill with phlegm and when added to severe emphysema and asthma cause quite a problem.
I've had two mainstream doctors up here to my mountain retreat but they've been unable to improve my condition. So Tuesday I asked for a visit from a local shaman whom I've known for a few years now and for whom I have great respect. What he said is quite interesting.
Here's one of his most memorable lines: "Too much compassion for plants and animals causes a lung problem."
He said his father had been like this—and had died a month ago at age 72. Then he said quite recently he'd also had a lung problem and just a couple days ago he'd gone to the local hospital for a chest X-ray—and it showed his lungs were clean. He even pulled out the X-ray and showed it to me.
So what I think we should take from this is that a much higher percentage of our current illnesses than we think are psychosomatic (or neurosomatic) rather than simply somatic. For example, we may think we're sick from toxic chemtrails residues when actually we're sick from these plus the neural stress resulting from having to absorb the info that those controlling us are so evil that they perpetrate chemtrails.
Certainly the news of these past four weeks has been more horrendous than that of any similar period I can remember. One of my most aware readers commented a few days ago that "Hell has come to earth".
I've had information sickness several times before but always mildly: two or three days of deep fatigue, then back to okay again.
In any case, yesterday morning my housemate came up to my second-floor room just as I was waking and said: "I'm scared. I think you are dying."
That same thought had occurred to me just the day before as I wondered how I was going to make it through this at 83 if my friend's father had been taken out by the same malaise at 72.
On the positive side, it's certainly a respectable cause of death: Natural World Hyperconcern (NWH).
And I've already arranged for my death to instigate at least one more really good party. Forty-nine days following it, there'll be a Bardo Party for me at the Bolinas (CA) Community Center with excellent live music and excellent potluck food. Yeah, at least my death will have some value.
In recent years I've several times pointed out that there are a variety of daily practices which can gradually strengthen the nervous system so that gradually folks can absorb more bummer info before being sickened by it. I'll paste one of these directly below. You can get into it by yourself merely by imitating what you hear in the accompanying audios and/or videos. I've been practicing it for nearly forty-four years now. It's not a panacea but it's quite helpful and also it enhances average mood.
Power to the Flora,
Keith Lampe, Ro-Non-So-Te, Ponderosa Pine
PS: NYC graffiti a few decades ago:
"Death is nature's way of telling you to slow down."
--- --- ---
Pondo on The Rights of Mother Earth
(April 20, 2010)—Info and commentary on the auspicious World People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth in Cochabamba, Bolivia, by Keith Lampe aka Ponderosa Pine, a founder of the US environmental movement in 1969.
--- --- ---
Some Offerings Selected from Pondo's Website
Sing along with Pondo as he riffs on Bob Dylan's "Mr. Tamborine Man."
Pondo's Innovative Eastern/Western-Music-Mix
With Peter Rowan's "Break My Heart Again"
(November 12, 2012)—It's a new musical genre combining the intense pleasure of a great Occidental tune and the neural benefit of a well-practiced Oriental mantra. The current singer—selected randomly from a line-up of DLBHs (Dirty Little Barefoot Hippies) busted for being elated without a permit—is so-called Pondo.
If you've enjoyed what you've heard so far, please help us spread the word about this new music. In most regions of our planet these days, there are quite a few folks adept at one or more mantras. We urgently hope they'll start getting it together with local musicians able to appreciate how much can be added to the presentation of Western tunes by Eastern background vocalists. Indeed, let ten thousand E&W bands bloom.
Vocal Energy Health (VEH)
Keith Lampe (Ponderosa Pine), Vocals and Doug Adamz, Tibetan Bell
With VEH, after a few sessions of imitating these sounds, one can start doing them alone or—even better—with others creating an effective practice that requires no gear.
Part One:
Part Two: Yippie Movie Page
Keith Lampe, NarratorNote: During 1968, the Yippies nominated a pig (named "Pigasus") as their presidential candidate. During the Yippies' 1972 campaign, a Rock ran for President and Roll ran for Vice President. Dinner rolls were brought to the rallies. The Yippies followed up with the Birthday Party's "Nobody for President" campaign. Started in 1975, it continues today. "Out of all choices for President, Nobody is perfect!"
--- --- ---
Live from Vilcabamba: Pondo in Ecuador, VilcabambaTV
(October 24, 2009) – Pondo, aka Keith Lampe, venerable hippie activist and yogin. He has a famous daily newsletter about world news. One of the main characters of Vilcabamba. Distributed by Tubemogul.
Kate Simko & LEO live at HEART Ibiza from Kate Simko ~
Nobody for President ~ NONE of the ABOVE should be a choice on voter ballots
Alan Grayson Wants None Of The Above On The Presidential Ballot
U.S. Rep Alan Grayson's Floor Speech on None of the Above Act from Grayson Press Florida Democrat introduced a bill that would force parties to present new nominees if that was the most popular option.
Daniel Marans, Reporter, Huffington Post, 11/17/2016 11:42 am ET ~ Source [Video at Source] via Fred
Like many Americans, Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) was not happy with the two major parties’ presidential nominees.
But instead of moaning about it or abstaining from the political process, the former supporter of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ presidential bid is introducing the None of the Above Act. The bill would allow voters to choose “none of the above” on a presidential ballot if they do not like the other choices.
If more voters chose “none of the above” than any of the individual candidates, there would automatically be a do-over in which the parties present new nominees.
“We make them do it over until they get it right and give us candidates who we want to vote for, someone who we feel would actually do a good job in leadership and make the country a better place,” Grayson said in a speech about the bill on the House floor on Wednesday.
Grayson, who is leaving Congress after a failed bid for the Democratic Senate nomination, commissioned a poll days before the Nov. 8 election. It suggested that Sanders would have won by 12 percentage points in a matchup against then-candidate Donald Trump. Grayson highlighted the results of that poll, and other hypothetical match-ups showing a Trump loss, in his Wednesday speech, as a way of demonstrating the Democrats’ failure to nominate the most viable candidate.
[Could be called stories about Accused and/or Convicted Corporate Criminal Murderers ?]
PG&E loses ruling in San Bruno explosion trial
Photo: Courtesy of The Mercury News ~ GEORGE AVALOS | | Article Source
PUBLISHED: November 17, 2016 at 7:08 pm | UPDATED: November 18, 2016 at 3:06 amSAN BRUNO — PG&E must face sentencing in January on its criminal convictions linked to a fatal explosion in San Bruno after a federal judge Thursday night denied the embattled utility’s request to throw out the jury’s verdicts.
The company [PG&E] had requested that U.S. District Court Judge Thelton Henderson toss out all six guilty verdicts that the jury had reached in August in convicting PG&E of illegal actions before and after the lethal blast that killed eight and leveled a San Bruno neighborhood.
Sincere apologies for interrupting this fine article by Mr. Avalos to ask, "Are utility rate increases currently being invested into massive amounts of television commercials, using the sweetest of employees (like us) in your neighborhood, to talk about their company all the great things they have done, in order to cover up a murderous, destructive path imposed by criminal executives who partied with pipeline inspection money?" ~ Dahbud ~ From the 2016.09 archive:
Getting Away With Legal Murder?
PG&E 2010 San Bruno pipeline explosion via Wikipedia ~ II Corinthians, 11:13-15Why are PG&E executives, CPUC executives, and Politicians allowed to get away with murder & maiming anybody they choose, ...only to walk free, just like in Bhopal?
Why do Politician$
Allow Corporation$
to Get Away With Murder?Is it time for a Corporate Death Penalty or
call for Public Execution of PG&E Executives?
[Note: If public execution is too harsh, how about tar and feathering?]Federal prosecutors get judge to cut $500 million plus dollars in natural gas pipeline explosion fines caused by criminal PG&E executives partying with funds set aside to protect residents of San Bruno, where eight people died, fifty-eight people were injured, and thirty-eight homes were destroyed.
Politicians: Politicians race to San Bruno
PG&E diverted safety money for profit, bonuses
PG&E collected millions more for pipeline repair than it spent
PG&E charged: multiple violations of Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act
PG&E slapped with a record $1.6 billion penalty for fatal San Bruno explosion
On September 16, 2014, the San Francisco Chronicle reported Carol Brown, chief of staff for the president of the California Public Utilities Commission, had communicated with PG&E executives to help move litigation to judges they expected would be friendly to PG&E's side. [Judge scandal under federal investigation ~ see 'judge' above ~ II Corinthians, 11:13-15]
PG&E customers face triple whammy in gas and electric bills
PG&E trial: Prosecution drops maximum penalty to $6 million
Mercury News editorial: PG&E leniency demands explanation
PG&E guilty on six charges connected to fatal San Bruno explosion
Mercury News editorial: Hold PG&E accountable
PG&E hasn’t learned lessons from San Bruno explosion, officials say
Editorial: PG&E found guilty, but it’s not enough (East Bay Times)
Politicians: Politicians’ talk of regulatory reform is just pious rhetoric
PG&E seeks to overturn guilty verdict in trial linked to San Bruno blast
Despite flawed records, PG&E raised pressure on pipe that exploded
PG&E criminal charges against agency ‘unwarranted,’ says it didn’t break the law
Politicians: Lawmakers kill major revamp of PUC, but some reforms get approved
PG&E: How does the piper pay?
By Tom Cushing ~ [Article Source]
Corporations are people, except when they're not. Four years after a natural gas inferno immolated eight people in their San Bruno homes, the Pacific Gas & Electric utility has been charged with twelve felony criminal violations of something called the US Pipeline Safety Act (PSA). If convicted, the company will not face execution for those deaths, or incarceration, or lose its corporate charter birthright. No executives or workers will even be charged with anything. So how do we make sense of such a situation? Incompletely, at best.
Despite PG&E's early, feeble attempts to deflect blame [Just like Lake County, CA fires?] towards a later sewer contractor and even onto the charred remains of the victims, the record here is pretty clear. Over an extended time period, our local utility utterly failed to protect the California citizenry from the always-potentially-catastrophic effects of its gas transmission operations.
Records were shoddy to the point of not knowing that the 30-inch steel high-pressure line was even welded. Maintenance was so deferred that the company would like us to be impressed that it is now spending $2.7 billion in upgrades. Prevention and mitigation were ignored ? automatic shut-off valves that would have reduced the carnage after the pipe ruptured were never installed.
And it wasn't that the business was strapped for cash. These operations were quite profitable, due in-part to "cutting back on pipeline-replacement projects and maintenance, laying off workers, [and using cheaper but less effective inspection techniques," according to a later independent audit.
This is not Monday morning quarterbacking ? all these safety elements are very well-known to anyone dealing in hazards. The Pipeline Safety Act was first passed in 1968, and has itself been upgraded seven times. It's more like trying to play the Superbowl without bothering to employ a playbook, team practice or defense.
So what's to be done here to bring the wrongdoers to account, and to fail-safe the future?
We can start by acknowledging that utility companies are an odd creature ? a bastard amalgam of private and public sector genes. They are monopolies set-up for specialized circumstances ? we don't want two-or-more sets of gas lines and wires, after all. They are corporations, replete with charter, shareholders, a CEO, a Board of Directors. Yet, they are also heavily regulated by government ? in this case the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), as to rates and many other business practices, including whether rate-payers foot the bill for various expenses. Such regulators, engaged to serve the public's interests, have a rich tradition of 'capture' by their subjects. Utilities are thus a necessary evil from the inception, lest this needed function be turned-over to the government to run (horrors).
As to accountability, there are both criminal and civil lawsuit possibilities. The individual and civic victims of this tragedy can sue for their losses, including loss of life. And both the state and federal governments have authority to civilly and criminally prosecute, to the full extent of applicable laws. There are general laws, like fraud and criminally negligent homicide, and statutes specific to the operations in question.
But who do we prosecute? The company, certainly. The state-level prosecutors have allowed the applicable three-year statutes of limitations to pass without charges, and the feds are proceeding under their PSA. But in cases of sustained, abject malfeasance like this, there's a natural cry for retribution against the living, breathing, bonus-winning persons.
There is precedent ? corporate CEOs and other officials have been convicted of crimes for specific acts, like dumping that methyl-ethyl-death into the pristine river, or ignoring safety rules to the extent that a worker was killed on the job. And according to Mr. Twain, there's nothing like the prospect of hanging at dawn to focus the brain ? a few years upriver for a few corporate scions would focus many more execs' minds on taking fewer risks with other people's well-being.
Reasonably informed speculation here, however, suggests that the very fact that the company's abject malfeasance was sustained over such a long period militates against individual culpability. It is tough to find that one person that a jury would convict. It is terribly unsatisfying to say that if they're all guilty then nobody is accountable, but that's probably the case here. We can, and should, find disturbing the image of corporate cats enjoying fat bonuses bought by the death agonies of innocent San Brunans, but there it is.
Now, PG&E has paid, and will pay much more in those damages settlements (I've heard, but cannot confirm, $500 million), and the fines ($6 million max) and penalties ($many millions more) under the PSA. Assuming that those sums come from the shareholders, and not we rate payers, that may be the best we can do.
Corporations really are creatures of financial fiction, so wounding the wallet may be fairly effective in securing retribution for these sins. If, however, any of those reparations are paid by all of us customers, that would add insult to incendiary. I have not intended to pay for fatal, unforgivable sloppiness, nor would I seek a discount for it. These failures and their risks must be borne by the company's owners. (I also hope we aren't all paying for their misty, water-colored TV spots meant to humanize the 'new' PG&E. I'm with the zen master: we'll see.) All-in-all, incomplete, at best.
And what about fail-safe-ing the future? I just have to note here that the company continues to call this a tragic 'accident,' phraseology that just has to cast some doubt on their resolve. Their statements remind of the Exxon employees with whom I spoke after the Valdez tanker incident. They didn't really 'get it,' either. But here are a few thoughts, anyway.
Let's start by acknowledging that this era of limited government will not permit a public take-over of the gas supply function ? a tactic that, by itself, is no panacea anyway.
The first line of our defense simply must come from within the utility. There is surely some sober learning sinking into the PG&E culture (isn't there?). Let's hope the Board has required that those lessons appear, prominently, in the employment incentives (+ and - ) of workers as well ? top to bottom. It's not easy to change culture, but it's done by setting and reinforcing the message, every day, by everyone ? including/especially that guy in their commercials.PG&E also needs to have the right people in charge of safety and compliance ? normally staff functions. The financial wizardry talents of MBAs might be wasted in those jobs, but you can hire for proficiency skills -- fearless, methodical, skeptical, activist and detail-oriented individuals ? and you can give them a hot-line to the top if they need it.
There are two external legal approaches that deserve mention. First, CPUC oversight: if it must be strengthened to give regulators routine access to the utility's most intimate undergarments, will there ever be a better time, or reason why? So armed, those staffers must operate exclusively, transparently, and again fearlessly, in the public's interest. The public must demand it, not assume it ? because after all, it's the public who pays the price. Just ask San Bruno.
Finally, I can't help returning to Twain's gallows at first light. Perhaps we can't determine who's to blame for the last thirty years' negligence, but we can control the next thirty ? and beyond. The Sarbanes Oxley law, for example, recognized this by ending the charlie-foxtrot 'out-of-the-loop' defense in favor of assigning personal accountability to the CEO for the accuracy of financial reporting. And that was only money at stake. Why not do that here, imposing accountability for 'tragically accidental' organizational lapses on a going-forward basis? There has to be some non-self-serving reason for CEO pay to exceed average workers' wages by over 354 times.
This would be a good way to earn some of those big bucks. I'll guess with you that the San Bruno Eight would tend to agree. Completely.
Now continuing with the original,
above article by Mr. GEORGE AVALOS:“The court denies PG&E’s motion in its entirety,” Judge Henderson stated in a nine-page ruling filed with the U.S. District Court in San Francisco on Thursday.
A jury convicted PG&E of five criminal violations of pipeline safety rules prior to the explosion, as well as one count of obstructing an official National Transportation Safety Board investigation into the blast.
San Francisco-based PG&E is scheduled to be sentenced Jan. 23 on the six convictions. The maximum penalty the utility could receive is $3 million.
Initially, PG&E faced fines of up to $1.14 billion, but a judge’s ruling later reduced the maximum liability to $562 million. But days before the guilty verdict, prosecutors unexpectedly requested that the majority of the potential fines be dismissed. That meant the utility would be obliged to pay a fine of $500,000 on each count.
“On all six counts on which it was convicted, PG&E argues to the Court, as it previously argued to the jury, that the Government failed to prove its case,” Judge Henderson noted in his order. “The jury rejected PG&E’s theories.”
One of the convictions involved PG&E’s efforts to obstruct the NTSB probe into the causes of the explosion. The judge determined that the jury acted correctly in convicting PG&E based on evidence that the utility intentionally committed illegal acts to deflect the investigation into the blast.
“The trial record contains sufficient evidence to allow a rational juror to find corrupt intent beyond a reasonable doubt,” Judge Henderson wrote in his order.
One harsh critic of PG&E, state Sen. Jerry Hill, whose San Mateo County district includes San Bruno, applauded the judge’s ruling.
“This affirms what we saw during the trial, what we have known all along, which is that PG&E was guilty of criminal activities and actions,” Sen. Hill said. “The fact that PG&E is a convicted felon is the most significant part of this entire legal episode.”
The relatively light financial punishment of $3 million equates to approximately 0.3 percent of PG&E’s annual profits, which over the 12 months that ended in September totaled $885 million. Or put another way, since PG&E’s profits total roughly $2.4 million a day, it would take the utility about 30 hours to make harvest sufficient net income to cover the fines.
Still, state regulators have imposed a record-setting punishment on PG&E that is the largest financial penalty ever levied on an American utility.
In April 2015, the Public Utilities Commission ordered that PG&E pay a $1.6 billion financial penalty for causing the San Bruno explosion.
PG&E this week announced a new leadership team that will be headed by Geisha Williams, who will be the new chief executive officer of the company, effective in March 2017.
The appointment marks a new beginning for PG&E, which faces an evolving market as it attempts to recover from the aftermath of the deadly pipeline explosion in San Bruno in September 2010.
“From the beginning, PG&E denied any criminal behavior, any criminal activity, connected to the explosion, denials that show we can’t believe everything from PG&E,” Hill said. “Hopefully, with new leadership, they will become honest, trustworthy and forthcoming in their actions and not try to mislead the public and their customers.”
Tags: Courts, PG&E, San Bruno Explosion ~ George Avalos George Avalos is a business reporter for the Bay Area News Group. Follow George Avalos @georgeavalos
[As was said before, "If you want to get away with murder, establish a corporation and buy some politicians!"]
Boptime with Even Steven + Legends of Wilmington Jazz
BOPTIME: Saturday, 6 AM Eastern time, 3 AM Pacific time
Go To:
Click on a listening link below the WVUD logo:
Myths of Mass Deception ~ Thanksgiving
If Thanksgiving is a
Celebration of Genocide,
what is a Dakota pipeline ???The End of American Thanksgivings
The Black Commentator ~ Issue 66Nobody but Americans celebrates Thanksgiving. It is reserved by history and the intent of "the founders" as the supremely white American holiday, the most ghoulish event on the national calendar. No Halloween of the imagination can rival the exterminationist reality that was the genesis, and remains the legacy, of the American Thanksgiving. It is the most loathsome, humanity-insulting day of the year - a pure glorification of racist barbarity.
We at [Black Commentator] are thankful that the day grows nearer when the almost four centuries-old abomination will be deprived of its reason for being: white supremacy. Then we may all eat and drink in peace and gratitude for the blessings of humanity's deliverance from the rule of evil men.
Thanksgiving is much more than a lie - if it were that simple, an historical correction of the record of events in 1600s Massachusetts would suffice to purge the "flaw" in the national mythology. But Thanksgiving is not just a twisted fable, and the mythology it nurtures is itself inherently evil. The real-life events - subsequently revised - were perfectly understood at the time as the first, definitive triumphs of the genocidal European project in New England. The near-erasure of Native Americans in Massachusetts and, soon thereafter, from most of the remainder of the northern English colonial seaboard was the true mission of the Pilgrim enterprise - Act One of the American Dream. African Slavery commenced contemporaneously - an overlapping and ultimately inseparable Act Two. [Continue reading at Source]
Thanksgiving, Celebration of Genocide
Native American Holocaust Absolution by PilgrimsSkipping past the signing of the Mayflower Compact, the first concerns of the new arrivals were finding something to eat and a place to settle. After anchoring off Cape Cod on November 11, 1620, a small party was sent ashore to explore. Pilgrims in every sense of the word, they promptly stumbled into a Nauset graveyard where they found baskets of corn which had been left as gifts for the deceased. The gathering of this unexpected bounty was interrupted by the angry Nauset warriors, and the hapless Pilgrims beat a hasty retreat back to their boat with little to show for their efforts. Shaken but undaunted by their welcome to the New World, the Pilgrims continued across Cape Cod Bay and decided to settle, of all places, at the site of the now-deserted Wampanoag village of Patuxet. There they sat for the next few months in crude shelters - cold, sick and slowly starving to death. Half did not survive that terrible first winter. The Wampanoag were aware of the English but chose to avoid contact them for the time being.
In keeping with the strange sequence of unlikely events, Samoset, a Pemaquid (Abenaki) sachem from Maine hunting in Massachusetts, came across the growing disaster at Plymouth. Having acquired some English from contact with English fishermen and the short-lived colony at the mouth of the Kennebec River in 1607, he walked into Plymouth in March and startled the Pilgrims with "Hello Englishmen." Samoset stayed the night surveying the situation and left the next morning. He soon returned with Squanto. Until he succumbed to sickness and joined his people in 1622, Squanto devoted himself to helping the Pilgrims who were now living at the site of his old village. Whatever his motivations, with great kindness and patience, he taught the English the skills they needed to survive, and in so doing, assured the destruction of his own people. [Continue Reading at Source]
Native American Issues & Causes & NDN News Website - Thanksgiving Myth
by John Two-HawksLet me begin by stating that thousands of years before the 'official' Thanksgiving Day was proclaimed by Governor Winthrop of the Massachussetts Bay Colony in 1637, North American Indigenous people across the continent had celebrated seasons of Thanksgiving.
'Thanksgiving' is a very ancient concept to American Indian nations. The big problem with the American Thanksgiving holiday is its false association with American Indian people. The infamous 'Indians and pilgrims' myth.
It is good to celebrate Thanksgiving, to be thankful for your blessings. It is not good to distort history, to falsely portray the origin of this holiday and lie about the truth of its actual inception. Here are some accurate historical facts about the true origin of this American holiday that may interest you [Continue Reading at Source]
I'm Sorry You Have Taken S0
Long to Say You're Sorry
by David Pego"I think America clearly knows the atrocities - the holocaust, the land theft, the boarding school experience completely wiping out the language and cultures of our Native brothers and sisters." ~ Source
Robbie Basho ~ Wounded Knee
Laura Allan ~ Ceremonial Song
In an 1868 treaty, drafted at Fort Laramie in Sioux country, the United States established the Black Hills as part of the Great Sioux Reservation, set aside for exclusive use by the Sioux people. However, after the discovery of gold there in 1874, the United States confiscated the land in 1877. To this day, ownership of the Black Hills remains the subject of a legal dispute between the U.S. government and the Sioux.
North Dakota oil pipeline protesters stand their ground:
Pipeline’s planned route takes it close to Standing Rock Sioux reservation and Cannon Ball, which could endanger drinking water and threaten sacred sites [Click to Continue Reading]
Indian Country Today ≈ ≈ #NoDAPL
Neil Young Joins Pipeline Protest With New Song
[Click to View] Video For 'Indian Givers' via Amestizo ~ Lyrics:There’s a battle raging on the sacred land ≈ Our brothers and sisters have to take a stand ≈ Against us now for what we all been doing ≈ On the sacred land there’s a battle brewing ≈ I wish somebody would share the news ≈ Now it’s been about 500 years ≈ We keep taking what we gave away ≈ Just like what we call Indian givers ≈ It makes you sick and gives you shivers ≈ I wish somebody would share the news ≈ Big money going backwards and ripping the soil ≈ Where graves are scattered and blood was boiled ≈ When all who look can see the truth ≈ But they just move on and keep their groove ≈ I wish somebody would share the news ≈ Saw Happy locked to the big machine ≈ They had to cut him loose and you know what that means ≈ That’s when Happy went to jail ≈ Behind big money justice always fails ≈ I wish somebody would share the news ≈ Bring back the days when good was good ≈ Lose these imposters in our neighborhood ≈ Across our farms and through our waters ≈ All at the cost of our sons and daughters ≈ Our brave songs and daughters ≈ We're all here together fighting poison waters ≈ Standing against the evil way ≈ That’s what we have at the end of day ≈ I wish somebody would share the news
Source: Ball, ND – While many Americans passively support the Standing Rock Sioux’s fight to stop the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, aside from showing up in Cannon Ball, North Dakota (which many simply can’t do) – to actively participate in the protests – most people are unsure of what they can actually do to support the Sioux at Standing Rock aside from posting on social media.
Here is a list of ten things that people can do to show their support. Some methods may be more effective than others, but the key is utilizing multiple avenues of resistance in an effort to provide full spectrum resistance against the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline.
1. Call North Dakota governor Jack Dalrymple at 701-328-2200. When leaving a message stating your thoughts about this subject please be professional.
2. Sign the petition to the White House to Stop DAPL:…/stop-construction…
3. Donate to support the Standing Rock Sioux at…/standing-rock-sioux-tribe…/
4. Donate items from the Sacred Stone Camp Supply List:
5. Call the White House at (202) 456-1111 or (202) 456-1414. Tell President Obama to rescind the Army Corps of Engineers’ Permit for the Dakota Access Pipeline.
6. Contribute to the Sacred Stone Camp Legal Defense Fund:
7. Contribute to the Sacred Stone Camp gofundme account:
8. Call the Army Corps of Engineers and demand that they reverse the permit: (202) 761-5903
9. Sign other petitions asking President Obama to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline. Here’s the latest to cross my desk:
10. Call the executives of the companies that are building the pipeline:
a. Lee Hanse Executive Vice President Energy Transfer Partners, L.P. 800 E Sonterra Blvd #400 San Antonio, Texas 78258 Telephone: (210) 403-6455
b. Glenn Emery Vice President Energy Transfer Partners, L.P. 800 E Sonterra Blvd #400 San Antonio, Texas 78258 Telephone: (210) 403-6762
c. Michael (Cliff) Waters Lead Analyst Energy Transfer Partners, L.P. 1300 Main St. Houston, Texas 77002 Telephone: (713) 989-2404
The most effective means of showing support for this cause is to actively participate in protecting this sacred land. Anyone who is able to travel to the peaceful encampments is encouraged to do so. For those unable to make the journey to North Dakota, please utilize the alternate methods provided to show your support for the Standing Rock Sioux who have united over 100 tribes from across the U.S. Please join this effort to stop this pipeline, which desecrates sacred lands and has serious potential to damage or destroy the Standing Rock reservations lifeblood – its water.
Be the change you wish to see in this world. — Mahatma Gandhi
Develop Your Mind, Not Sacred Sites
Standing Rock Reservation ≈ Blankets ≈ Thanksgiving Is A Celebration of Holocaust
Considering the Future of Jobs,
Should You Start Learning About Welfare Now?
Cashier, Forklift Operator, Carpenter, Tractor Operator [Click to Continue]
SDR ~ Software-Defined Radio
November 14, 2016
Automatic dependent surveillance – broadcast
Improving Air Traffic Management in the North Atlantic
from NAV CANADA ~ Receiver
Cocoa 1090 (Mac) image ~ Large ImageADS-B is a surveillance technology in which an aircraft determines its position via satellite navigation and periodically broadcasts it, enabling it to be tracked. The information can be received by air traffic control ground stations as a replacement for secondary radar. It can also be received by other aircraft to provide situational awareness and allow self separation. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Flightaware Pro Stick Plus SDR ADS-B receiver arrived, was set up on a Mac Mini using Cocoa 1090 software from black cat systems and rtl-tcp*, with an antenna similar to, but less expensive than, this.
The above image is just a screenshot. If one goes to and uses ADS-B as a search term, one will see maps that can be linked, etc.
* Here are instructions via black cat systems for building rtl-tcp.
* The above step was not necessary (for me) because I had previously built and installed rtl-tcp using University of California, Berkeley's EE123 Digital Signal Processing page, which also provides Windows and Linux instructions.
My future intention is to build an ADS-B Raspberry pi.
Here is an ADS-B repository I use from SonicGoose and a Big List of supported software.
Update: Installed ModeSDeco2 on Mac Mini using Flightaware Pro Stick Plus.
Charts, Stats, & Flights pictured at link under "Description". Personal recorded map shown below:
ModeSDeco2 and other software available for Windows, Linux, Raspberry pi 2 & 3, Odroid, CuBox, and Mac at
Somebody Knows What You've Been Doing
Adult Friend Finder and Penthouse hacked in largest personal data breach on record
Over 412m accounts from pornography sites and sex hookup service reportedly leaked as Friend Finder Networks suffers second hack in just over a year [Continue Reading?]
Matthew Shipp live at Incubate 2011 from Incubate Festival ~
Karl Cohen ~ Association International du Film d'Animation-SF Newsletter
November 2016
THE 18th ANNUAL ANIMATION SHOW OF SHOWSRon Diamond’s latest excellent program of 16 animated short opens October 28 at 4 Bay Area theatres: the Vogue, 3290 Sacramento St. SF, The Lark in Larkspur, the Grand Lake in Oakland and the Camera 3 in San Jose.
(Regular admission fees apply)See new innovative works. 32 films in past shows have gone on to receive Academy Award® nominations and nine won Oscars®. This year there are four provocative shorts exclusively for mature audiences in the evening shows while select daytime shows will only include the 12 family-friendly works. The family films include Disney/Pixar’s sweet Piper, and the latest in 360º storytelling in Google’s touching father and daughter journey Pearl by Academy Award® winner Patrick Osborne.
Last year the program was shown commercially for the first time, playing 435 showings in 50 cities in the U.S., Canada, Spain, South Africa, and Australia (it is still being screened abroad). Also Ron added short documentary portraits of a number of the directors discussing their work.
The films in the program are:
Stems by Ainslie Hendersen
Shift by Cecilia Puglesi & Yijun Liu
Pearl by Patrick Osborne
Crin-Crin by Iris Alexandre
Mirror by Chris Ware, John Kuramoto, Ira Glass
Last Summer in the Garden by bekky O’Neil
Waiting for New Year by Vladimir Leschiov
Piper by Alan Barillaro
Boygen by Kristian Pedersen
Afternoon Class by Seoro Oh
About a Mother by Dina Velikovskaya
Exploozy by Joshua Gunn, Trevor Piecham, & John McGowan
Corpus by Marc Héricher
Blue by Daniela Sherer
Manomen by Simon Cartwright
All Their Shades by Chloé Alliez.
THE 22ND ANNUAL BRAINWASH DRIVE/BIKE-IN MOVIE FESTIVAL HAS ANNOUNCED THEIR WINNERS Their third prize award went to an animated short, Head by Stav Levi. First prize went to Dance of the Neurons by Jody Oberfelder.
AT SF STATE NOV. 17, 8 PM IN THE COPPOLA THEATRE, FINE ARTS BULDINGThis program offers a wide variety of excellent works that were chosen by several hundred members of the ASIFA chapter. It is an impressive program of films you are unlikely to see elsewhere.
Slow Wave, Andy KennedyINDEPENDENT FILM
1st Place There’s Too Many of These Crows, Morgan Miller
2nd: Filthy But Fine, Arthur Metcalf
3rd: The Ballad of Holland Island House, Lynn TomlinsonSTUDENT FILMS
1st Place: Ring Around the Mulberry Bush, Nicholas D’Agostino, California Institute of the Arts
2nd Place: Scent of Geranium, Naghmeh Farzaneh, Rochester Institute of Technology,
3rd Place: Breathe, Ma-eum Ko, Hanyang University
Honorable Mentions: The Misadventures of Chubzilla, Dominik Koscinski, Elizabeth Lee, SVA; The Green Monster, Cyrus Cumming, NYU; Taking the Plunge, Elizabeth Ku-Herrero, Nicholas Manfredi, Marie Raoult, Thaddaeus Andreades, SVACOMMISSIONED FILM (Under 2 min)
1st Place: Happy Birthday Ada! Rob O’Neill, Inklings Creative, The ProductiveCOMMISSIONED FILM (Over 2 min)
1st Place: More Stuff, Simone Giampaolo, Joe Kinch, Blue Zoo Animation Studio
2nd Place: Mirror, Chris Ware, John Kuramoto, The New Yorker, This American Life
3rd Place: Moonlight Storytime: The Wooly Dragon, Villamor M Cruz, Jr, Kirsten Lepore, Bix Pix Entertainment, Houghton Mifflin HarcourtCRAFT AWARDS
Best Writing (tie): Suffering Is the Easy Part, Jaime Ekkens
and Blankfillers, Celeste Lai, Peyton Skyler
Best Education: What “Orwellian” Really Means, Jeremiah Dickey, a Ted-Ed
Best Soundtrack: Voyager, Loïc Magar, Roman Veiga
Best Experimental: Little Girl, Steven Subotnick
Best Animation: Life Line, Brian Larson
Best Design: Perfect Houseguest, Ru Kuwahata, Max Porter[Click to Continue reading: ASIFA-SF November 2016 Newsletter]
Boptime with Even Steven + Legends of Wilmington Jazz
On Saturday's Boptime we begin at 6am (EST) by playing a recording of jazz pianist and composer Mary Lou Wiliiams' Zodiac Suite, which was recorded in December 1945. At 7am (EST) on the Legends of Wilmington Jazz we'll present music from legendary Wilmington vibraphonist Lem Winchester. At 8am (EST) we meet on the corner –– Clifford's Corner –– where we play those rare and rarified jazz and R&B sides with regular co-hosts Kitty Mayo and Larry Williams, and special guest Wilmington jazz saxophonist Ron Sutton. ~ Steve
BOPTIME: Saturday, 6 AM Eastern time, 3 AM Pacific time
Go To:
Click on a listening link below the WVUD logo:
Hallelujah, Leonard Cohen (1934~2016) from Roll It! Take It! Media ~
Nobody for President ~ NONE of the ABOVE should be a choice on voter ballots
Esurance (for Elections) from Rene Delgado ~ safe than sorry?
[ Click to Listen ]
and then click it again to understand why
NONE of the ABOVE should be a choice on voter ballots,
then read this and watch this (not work safe) video.
Election Day 2016:
Nobody for President ~ NONE of the ABOVE should be a choice on voter ballots
Come on people, get out & vote,
Democracy ain't no joke
Nobody for President
by Country Joe Mc Donald
[Click to Listen: NfPcountryjoe.mp3]October 14, 1980 Rally, Union Square, San Francisco, California
Featured Speakers were: Nobody, Wavy Gravy, Paul Krassner, Jane Dornacker (Lelia the Snake), and Surprise Guests. Music was provided by Country Joe McDonald, performing his new campaign song, Barry "The Fish" Melton and his Band, and The Unreal Band. PDF of Nobody's Press from : October 14, 1980 Rally in Union Square
Nobody for President
by Jim Maxwell & The Sundown Band
[Click to listen: NobodyForPresident.mp3]Jim Maxwell, vocal, guitar, Roy Marden, guitar, vocals, Jerry Shebeski, drums, Joe Jedrlinic, bass guitar, Craig Grant, vocals, percussion, David Peel, vocals, percussion, Joanna D'ascoli, vocals
Nobody from James Buran ~ "Birthday Party" provided an easy cost-effective way to restore political balance:
None of the Above
should be a valid choice on voter ballotsUnfortunately, a jaded two party system rejects this simple fix because Nobody has all the answers and believes: If a majority of citizens voted for None of the Above, rather than lesser of evils, voters would have to find someone competent to lead them! The media said, "Nobody could argue with that logic."
Where are the real presidential candidates? ...This isn't funny anymore!
NONE of the ABOVE should be a choice on Voter Ballots ~ Nobody for PresidentDonald Trump
She’s A Liar, Donald Trump (Impersonator Tim Watters) on Hillary Clinton
from William Gold Entertainment ~ Trump is a Reality Show TV Host and Corporate CEO with No political history to speak of. He supports the Patriot Act.
Did not oppose illegal Iraq war(Addendum: On September 26, 2016 Mr. Trump stated he 'did not support the illegal Iraq War' and 'was against it').Hillary Clinton
Hillary’s Lies ~ FBI’s Cowardness from Toby Dodd ~ Clinton voted for an unread Patriot Act and an illegal Iraq war, ...knowing fifty percent (50%) of the Iraqi population were children under the age of 15.
Mrs. Clinton is also Mrs. Bill and...
wife of an Impeached President
via forquignon ~ Lies the Problem
Not only did Mr. Bill lie to the American people,
he is also considered a Sexual Predator:
via Chris ~ ~ Story line below:The saga of a girl who has been abused for 20 years,
Monica Lewinsky, 1995-2015Monica Lewinsky (DOB 7/23/73) admits that Bill Clinton (DOB 8/19/46) made her have sexual intercourse with him when she was only age 22 when he was age 49, in the White House. Many, many multiple times while she was an intern in the Oval Office, every day from 1995 through 1997 until the story broke just after Christmas and New Years 97-98. This is the saga of how a sexual predator used a young idealistic girl and then dumped her, accused her, and threatened the safety of her family. She is still afraid to this day.
Raising the question, "Does maternal America want an
impeached, lying sexual predator in the White House?"
2016 Election:
Nobody for President ~ NONE of the ABOVE should be a choice on voter ballots
American Dream, George Carlin, from Ishtar
[Not Work Safe (language)] should have that much power
should be a choice on voter ballotsThe "Birthday Party" provided an easy cost-effective way to restore political balance:
None of the Above
should be a valid choice on voter ballotsUnfortunately, a jaded two party system rejects this simple fix because Nobody has all the answers and believes: If a majority of citizens voted for None of the Above, rather than lesser of evils, voters would have to find someone competent to lead them! The media said, "Nobody could argue with that logic."
Donald Trump
She’s A Liar, Donald Trump (Impersonator Tim Watters) on Hillary Clinton
from William Gold Entertainment ~ Trump is a Reality Show TV Host and Corporate CEO with No political history to speak of. He supports the Patriot Act.
Did not oppose illegal Iraq war(Addendum: On September 26, 2016 Mr. Trump stated he 'did not support the illegal Iraq War' and 'was against it').Hillary Clinton
Hillary’s Lies ~ FBI’s Cowardness from Toby Dodd ~ Clinton voted for an unread Patriot Act and an illegal Iraq war, ...knowing fifty percent (50%) of the Iraqi population were children under the age of 15.
Mrs. Clinton is also Mrs. Bill and...
wife of an Impeached President
via forquignon ~ Lies the Problem
Not only did Mr. Bill lie to the American people,
he is also considered a Sexual Predator:
via Chris ~ ~ Story line below:The saga of a girl who has been abused for 20 years,
Monica Lewinsky, 1995-2015Monica Lewinsky (DOB 7/23/73) admits that Bill Clinton (DOB 8/19/46) made her have sexual intercourse with him when she was only age 22 when he was age 49, in the White House. Many, many multiple times while she was an intern in the Oval Office, every day from 1995 through 1997 until the story broke just after Christmas and New Years 97-98. This is the saga of how a sexual predator used a young idealistic girl and then dumped her, accused her, and threatened the safety of her family. She is still afraid to this day.
Raising the question, "Does maternal America want an
impeached, lying sexual predator in the White House?"
Nobody from James Buran ~
Soldier of Love, Sade from Mark Summers ~ of the Above
A 75 year old speech in the 21th century
from Bertrand Thomas ~ brought peace to our time, lowered taxes, balanced the budget, fed the hungry & destitute, established a corporate death penalty, created free health care, ordered Congress & Senate to use same benefits as "The People," reminded everybody Jesus said, "Love one another;" (NOT murder or maim), and ...bakes apple pie better than Mom!
B Movie, Gil Scott-Heron from Alex Benson ~, the first thing I want to say is…"Mandate my ass!"
Because it seems as though we've been convinced that 26% of the registered voters, not even 26% of the American people, but 26% of the registered voters form a mandate – or a landslide. 21% voted for Skippy and 3, 4% voted for somebody else who might have been running.
But, oh yeah, I remember. In this year that we have now declared the year from Shogun to Reagan, I remember what I said about Reagan…meant it. Acted like an actor…Hollyweird. Acted like a liberal. Acted like General Franco when he acted like governor of California, then he acted like a republican. Then he acted like somebody was going to vote for him for president. And now we act like 26% of the registered voters is actually a mandate. We're all actors in this I suppose.
What has happened is that in the last 20 years, America has changed from a producer to a consumer. And all consumers know that when the producer names the tune…the consumer has got to dance. That's the way it is. We used to be a producer – very inflexible at that, and now we are consumers and, finding it difficult to understand. Natural resources and minerals will change your world. The Arabs used to be in the 3rd World. They have bought the 2nd World and put a firm down payment on the 1st one. Controlling your resources will control your world. This country has been surprised by the way the world looks now. They don't know if they want to be Matt Dillon or Bob Dylan. They don't know if they want to be diplomats or continue the same policy - of nuclear nightmare diplomacy. John Foster Dulles ain't nothing but the name of an airport now.
The idea concerns the fact that this country wants nostalgia. They want to go back as far as they can – even if it's only as far as last week. Not to face now or tomorrow, but to face backwards. And yesterday was the day of our cinema heroes riding to the rescue at the last possible moment. The day of the man in the white hat or the man on the white horse - or the man who always came to save America at the last moment – someone always came to save America at the last moment – especially in "B" movies. And when America found itself having a hard time facing the future, they looked for people like John Wayne. But since John Wayne was no longer available, they settled for Ronald Reagan – and it has placed us in a situation that we can only look at – like a "B" movie.
Come with us back to those inglorious days when heroes weren't zeros. Before fair was square. When the cavalry came straight away and all-American men were like Hemingway to the days of the wondrous "B" movie. The producer underwritten by all the millionaires necessary will be Casper "The Defensive" Weinberger – no more animated choice is available. The director will be Attila the Haig, running around frantically declaring himself in control and in charge. The ultimate realization of the inmates taking over at the asylum. The screenplay will be adapted from the book called "Voodoo Economics" by George "Papa Doc" Bush. Music by the "Village People" the very military "Macho Man."
"Macho, macho man!"
" Two-three-four."
" He likes to be – well, you get the point."
"Huuut! Your left! Your left! Your left…right, left, right, left, right…!"A theme song for saber-rallying and selling wars door-to-door. Remember, we're looking for the closest thing we can find to John Wayne. Clichés abound like kangaroos – courtesy of some spaced out Marlin Perkins, a Reagan contemporary. Clichés like, "itchy trigger finger" and "tall in the saddle" and "riding off or on into the sunset." Clichés like, "Get off of my planet by sundown!" More so than clichés like, "he died with his boots on." Marine tough the man is. Bogart tough the man is. Cagney tough the man is. Hollywood tough the man is. Cheap steak tough. And Bonzo's substantial. The ultimate in synthetic selling: A Madison Avenue masterpiece – a miracle – a cotton-candy politician…Presto! Macho!
"Macho, macho man!"
Put your orders in America. And quick as Kodak your leaders duplicate with the accent being on the dupe - cause all of a sudden we have fallen prey to selective amnesia - remembering what we want to remember and forgetting what we choose to forget. All of a sudden, the man who called for a blood bath on our college campuses is supposed to be Dudley "God-damn" Do-Right?
"You go give them liberals hell Ronnie." That was the mandate. To the new "Captain Bly" on the new ship of fools. It was doubtlessly based on his chameleon performance of the past - as a liberal democrat – as the head of the Studio Actor's Guild. When other celluloid saviors were cringing in terror from McCarthy – Ron stood tall. It goes all the way back from Hollywood to hillbilly. From liberal to libelous, from "Bonzo" to Birch idol…born again. Civil rights, women's rights, gay rights…it's all wrong. Call in the cavalry to disrupt this perception of freedom gone wild. God damn it…first one wants freedom, then the whole damn world wants freedom.
Nostalgia, that's what we want…the good ol' days…when we gave'em hell. When the buck stopped somewhere and you could still buy something with it. To a time when movies were in black and white – and so was everything else. Even if we go back to the campaign trail, before six-gun Ron shot off his face and developed hoof-in-mouth. Before the free press went down before full-court press. And were reluctant to review the menu because they knew the only thing available was – Crow.
Lon Chaney, our man of a thousand faces - no match for Ron. Doug Henning does the make-up - special effects from Grecian Formula 16 and Crazy Glue. Transportation furnished by the David Rockefeller of Remote Control Company. Their slogan is, "Why wait for 1984? You can panic now...and avoid the rush."
So much for the good news…
As Wall Street goes, so goes the nation. And here's a look at the closing numbers – racism's up, human rights are down, peace is shaky, war items are hot - the House claims all ties. Jobs are down, money is scarce – and common sense is at an all-time low with heavy trading. Movies were looking better than ever and now no one is looking because, we're starring in a "B" movie. And we would rather have John Wayne…we would rather have John Wayne.
"You don't need to be in no hurry. - You ain't never really got to worry. - And you don't need to check on how you feel. - Just keep repeating that none of this is real. - And if you're sensing, that something's wrong, - Well just remember, that it won't be too long - Before the director cuts the scene…yea."
"This ain't really your life, - Ain't really your life, - Ain't really ain't nothing but a movie."
[Refrain repeated about 25 times or more in an apocalyptic crescendo with a military cadence.]
"This ain't really your life, - Ain't really your life, - Ain't really ain't nothing but a movie."
Patriot Act Controversy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
John Ashcroft's [Republican/Democrat Supported] War on Terrorists
A large government eye watches a couple in bed, who are trying to sleep.The USA PATRIOT Act has generated a great deal of controversy since its enactment.
Opponents of the Act have been quite vocal in asserting that it was passed opportunistically after the September 11 attacks, believing that there would have been little debate. They view the Act as one that was hurried through the Senate with little change before it was passed. (Senators Patrick Leahy and Russell Feingold proposed amendments to modify the final revision.)
The sheer magnitude of the Act itself was noted by Michael Moore in his controversial film Fahrenheit 9/11. In one of the scenes of the movie, he records Congressman Jim McDermott alleging that no Senator had read the bill and John Conyers, Jr. as saying, "We don't read most of the bills. Do you really know what that would entail if we read every bill that we passed?" Congressman Conyers then answers his own rhetorical question, asserting that if they did it would "slow down the legislative process". As a dramatic device, Moore then hired an ice-cream van and drove around Washington, D.C. with a loud speaker, reading out the Act to puzzled passers-by, which included a few Senators.
However, Moore was not the only commentator to notice that not many people had read the Act. When Dahlia Lithwick and Julia Turne for Slate asked, "How bad is PATRIOT, anyway?", they decided that it was "hard to tell" and stated:
The ACLU, in a new fact sheet challenging the DOJ Web site, wants you to believe that the act threatens our most basic civil liberties. Ashcroft and his roadies call the changes in law "modest and incremental." Since almost Nobody has read the legislation, much of what we think we know about it comes third-hand and spun. Both advocates and opponents are guilty of fear-mongering and distortion in some instances.
One prime example of a controversy of the Patriot Act is shown in the case of Susan Lindauer.
Another is the recent court case United States v. Antoine Jones. A nightclub owner was linked to a drug trafficking stash house via a law enforcement GPS tracking device attached to his car. It was placed there without a warrant, which caused a serious conviction obstacle for federal prosecutors in court. Through the years the case rose all the way to the United States Supreme Court where the conviction was overturned in favor of the defendant. The court found that increased monitoring of suspects caused by such legislation like the Patriot Act directly put the suspects' Constitutional rights in jeopardy.
The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) has criticized the law as unconstitutional, especially when "the private communications of law-abiding American citizens might be intercepted incidentally" while the Electronic Frontier Foundation held that the lower standard applied to wiretaps "gives the FBI a 'blank check' to violate the communications privacy of countless innocent Americans". Others do not find the roving wiretap legislation to be as concerning. Professor David D. Cole of the Georgetown University Law Center, a critic of many of the provisions of the Act, found that though they come at a cost to privacy are a sensible measure while Paul Rosenzweig, a Senior Legal Research Fellow in the Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at the Heritage Foundation, argues that roving wiretaps are just a response to rapidly changing communication technology that is not necessarily fixed to a specific location or device.
The Act also allows access to voicemail through a search warrant rather than through a title III wiretap order. James Dempsey, of the CDT, believes that it unnecessarily overlooks the importance of notice under the Fourth Amendment and under a Title III wiretap, and the EFF criticizes the provision's lack of notice. However, the EFF's criticism is more extensive—they believe that the amendment "is in possible violation of the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution" because previously if the FBI listened to voicemail illegally, it could not use the messages in evidence against the defendant. Others disagree with these assessments. Professor Orin Kerr, of the George Washington University school of law, believes that the ECPA "adopted a rather strange rule to regulate voicemail stored with service providers" because "under ECPA, if the government knew that there was one copy of an unopened private message in a person's bedroom and another copy on their remotely stored voicemail, it was illegal for the FBI to simply obtain the voicemail; the law actually compelled the police to invade the home and rifle through peoples' bedrooms so as not to disturb the more private voicemail." In Professor Kerr's opinion, this made little sense and the amendment that was made by the USA PATRIOT Act was reasonable and sensible.
The USA PATRIOT Act's expansion of court jurisdiction to allow the nationwide service of search warrants proved controversial for the EFF. They believe that agencies will be able to "'shop' for judges that have demonstrated a strong bias toward law enforcement with regard to search warrants, using only those judges least likely to say no—even if the warrant doesn't satisfy the strict requirements of the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution", and that it reduces the likelihood that smaller ISPs or phone companies will try to protect the privacy of their clients by challenging the warrant in court—their reasoning is that "a small San Francisco ISP served with such a warrant is unlikely to have the resources to appear before the New York court that issued it."They believe that this is bad because only the communications provider will be able to challenge the warrant as only they will know about it—many warrants are issued ex parte, which means that the target of the order is not present when the order is issued.
For a time, the USA PATRIOT Act allowed for agents to undertake "sneak and peek" searches. Critics such as EPIC and the ACLU strongly criticized the law for violating the Fourth Amendment, with the ACLU going so far as to release an advertisement condemning it and calling for it to be repealed.
After suspected abuses of the USA PATRIOT Act were brought to light in June 2013 with articles about collection of American call records by the NSA and the PRISM program (see 2013 mass surveillance disclosures), Representative Jim Sensenbrenner, Republican of Wisconsin, who introduced the Patriot Act in 2001, said that the National Security Agency overstepped its bounds. He released a statement saying “While I believe the Patriot Act appropriately balanced national security concerns and civil rights, I have always worried about potential abuses.” He added: “Seizing phone records of millions of innocent people is excessive and un-American.”
[All 2016 Presidential candidates support this illegal Patriot Act which Nobody attempts to protect voters from ...because an obsolete Two Party System continues to resist NONE of the ABOVEas a valid choice on Voter Ballots ~ Click to continue reading]
Sacred Clowns
From Word Worlds, Where simplifying complexity becomes art.The Heyókȟa symbolize and portray many aspects of the sacred, the Wakȟáŋ. Their satire presents important questions by fooling around. They ask difficult questions, and say things others are too afraid to say. By reading between the lines, the audience is able to think about things not usually thought about, or to look at things in a different way.
Principally, the Heyókȟa functions both as a mirror and a teacher, using extreme behaviors to mirror others, thereby forcing them to examine their own doubts, fears, hatreds, and weaknesses. Heyókȟas also have the power to heal emotional pain; such power comes from the experience of shame--they sing of shameful events in their lives, beg for food, and live as clowns. They provoke laughter in distressing situations of despair and provoke fear and chaos when people feel complacent and overly secure, to keep them from taking themselves too seriously or believing they are more powerful than they are.
In addition, sacred clowns serve an important role in shaping tribal codes. Heyókȟa's don't seem to care about taboos, rules, regulations, social norms, or boundaries. Paradoxically, however, it is by violating these norms and taboos that they help to define the accepted boundaries, rules, and societal guidelines for ethical and moral behavior. This is because they are the only ones who can ask "Why?" about sensitive topics and employ satire to question the specialists and carriers of sacred knowledge or those in positions of power and authority. In doing so, they demonstrate concretely the theories of balance and imbalance. Their role is to penetrate deception, turn over rocks, and create a deeper awareness.
New York Times, Nobody for President, Dag Hammarskjold Plaza,
opposite United Nations, New York City, NY, November 1, 1976
NYT Header PDF ~ NYT Article PDF ~ Nobody's Print Media ~ Large Image
Gallery: Nobody For President
Thanks to Sharon Paltin, M.D. aka Sharon-Sharealike
Source: Creative Resistance; A Showcase for Activist Art
Nobody speaks
through the teeth
Notes from ~@~
Since Nobody Wants My Opinion...
Here's What I Originally Had In Mind:I envisioned Mr. Trump and Mr. Sanders in a final (sic) politickle race. My bad.
Nothing against Mrs. Clinton, but I did not believe American People would allow her (matter of public record) 'lying, impeached, sexual predator' husband back in the White House; filling a new role as ? "1st Perp" ? [See below Nobody for President presented videos for verifiable source.]
But, as everyone is aware, this happened:
Debbie Democrap & her DNC Band
put their Fingers on the Scalesand
Mr. Sanders got kicked out of the political race.One minor thing that upset me about Mr. Sanders getting dumped was the great political material folks had provided (Thank You, One and All); for example, this photograph taken by Sue Bray during the 2016 Rose Parade in Pasadena, which I used as a meme blank for supporting Mr. Sanders.
Because my assumptions were wrong, I was unable to use a lot of funny stuff I had worked on, and stayed out of the political arena (no Nobody events this time) because, under the circumstances I could not honestly support this election... or even make fun of it.
LOEP (lesser of evil politics) suggests "Turd Sandwich" is a more evil choice than "Giant Douche" due to 'Bill Bo Baggage's honesty and behavior', which is a stigma of public record and point of critical political contention.
Personally, I continue to believe NONE of the ABOVE, a choice on Voter Ballots..., would level the political playing field; giving politics back to 'The People', and that NOBODY SHOULD BE PRESIDENT until Somebody is competent to lead the country !!!
Notes from ~@~
X-ray Flux ~ Proton Flux ~ Geomagnetic Activity
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Space weather ~ Solar phenomena
For What It’s Worth - from TaxiReportero Vk ~
Paul Krassner ~ The Realist, Writer, Comic, Investigative Satirist
Patty Hearst, Double Agents
and the Symbionese Liberation ArmyPosted on Oct 21, 2016 By Paul Krassner @ truthdig source
SLA members Donald DeFreeze, Patricia Soltysik (in foreground) and Patricia Hearst
during the robbery of Hibernia Bank in San Francisco. (Wikimedia Commons)Jeffrey Toobin’s new book, “American Heiress,” presents a mean-spirited approach to the kidnapping of Patty Hearst by the Symbionese Liberation Army in 1974, but he’s clueless about the significance of the SLA, for which she was forced to rob a bank. I covered her trial for the weekly underground paper, the Berkley Barb.
At the end of a tape by Hearst, Donald “Cinque” DeFreeze, the SLA’s black leader of a white group, came on with a triple death threat, especially to Colston Westbrook, whom he accused of being “a government agent now working for military intelligence while giving assistance to the FBI.” This communiqué was sent to San Francisco radio station KSAN. News director David McQueen checked with a Justice Department source, who confirmed Westbrook’s employment by the CIA.
Conspiracy researcher Mae Brussell traced Westbrook’s activities from 1962, when he was a CIA advisor to the South Korean CIA, through 1969, when he provided logistical support in Vietnam for the CIA’s Phoenix program. His job was the indoctrination of assassination and terrorist cadres. After seven years in Asia, he was brought home in 1970 and assigned to run the Black Cultural Association at Vacaville Prison, where he became the control officer for DeFreeze, who had worked as a police informer from 1967 to 1969 for the LAPD’s Public Disorder Intelligence Unit.
If DeFreeze was a double agent, then the SLA was a Frankenstein monster, turning against its creator by becoming in reality what had been orchestrated only as a media image. When he snitched on his keepers, he signed the death warrant of the SLA. They were burned alive in a Los Angeles safe house during a shootout with police. When Cinque’s charred remains were sent to his family in Cleveland, they couldn’t help but notice that he had been decapitated. It was as if the CIA had said, literally, “Bring me the head of Donald DeFreeze!”
Consider the revelations of Wayne Lewis in August 1975. He claimed to have been an undercover agent for the FBI, a fact verified by FBI director Clarence Kelley. Surfacing at a press conference in Los Angeles, Lewis spewed forth a veritable conveyor belt of conspiracy charges: that DeFreeze was an FBI informer; that he was killed not by the SWAT team but by an FBI agent because he had become “uncontrollable”; that the FBI then wanted Lewis to infiltrate the SLA; that the FBI had undercover agents in other underground guerrilla groups; that the FBI knew where Patty Hearst was but let her remain free so it could build up its files of potential subversives.
In February 1976, while Hearst’s trial was still in process, a similar charge was made when a Berkeley underground group, Tribal Thumb, prepared this statement:
Donald DeFreeze escaped from the California prison system with help from the FBI and California prison officials. His mission was to establish an armed revolutionary organization, controlled by the FBI, specifically to either make contact with or undermine the surfacing and development of the August Seventh Guerrilla Movement…DeFreeze was let loose and given a safe plan to surface as an armed guerrilla unit. That plan was to kidnap Patty Hearst.
One warm afternoon I was surprised to receive a letter by registered mail on Department of Justice stationery.
Dear Mr. Krassner:
Subsequent to the search of a residence in connection with the arrest of six members of the Emiliano Zapata Unit, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, San Francisco, has been attempting to contact you to advise you of the following information:
During the above indicated arrest of six individuals of the Emiliano Zapata Unit, an untitled list of names and addresses of individuals was seized. A corroborative source described the above list as an Emiliano Zapata Unit “hit list,” but stated that no action will be taken, since all of those who could carry it out are in custody.
Further, if any of the apprehended individuals should make bail, they would only act upon the “hit list” at the instructions of their leader, who is not and will not be in a position to give such instructions.
The above information is furnished for your personal use and it is requested it be kept confidential. At your discretion, you may desire to contact the local police department responsible for the area of your residence.
Very truly yours,
Charles W. Bates
Special Agent in ChargeHowever, a source informed me that the Zapata Unit was a front for the FBI. Was the right wing of the FBI warning me about the left wing of the FBI? Questions about the authenticity of the Zapata Unit had been raised by its first public statement in August 1975, which included the unprecedented threat of violence against the left. After publishing in the Barb the FBI’s letter to me, I received a letter from a member of the Zapata Unit in prison:
I was involved in the aboveground support group of the Zapata Unit. Greg Adornetto led myself and several others to believe we were joining a cell of the Weather Underground, which had a new surge of life when it published Prairie Fire. I knew nothing about a hit list or your being on one, and can’t imagine why you would have been. When we were arrested, FBI agent-provocateur Adornetto immediately turned against the rest of us and provided evidence to the government.
In 1969, Charles Bates was a Special Agent at the Chicago office of the FBI when police killed Black Panthers Fred Hampton and Mark Clark while they were sleeping. Ex-FBI informer Maria Fischer told the Chicago Daily News that the then-chief of the FBI’s Chicago office, Marlon Johnson, personally asked her to slip a drug to Hampton; she had infiltrated the Black Panther Party at the FBI’s request a month before. The drug was a tasteless, colorless liquid that would put him to sleep. She refused. Hampton was killed a week later. An autopsy showed “a near fatal dose” of secobarbital in his system.
In 1971, Bates was transferred to Washington, D.C. According to Watergate burglar James McCord’s book, “A Piece of Tape,” on June 21, 1972 (four days after the break-in), White House attorney John Dean checked with acting FBI Director L. Patrick Gray as to who was in charge of handling the Watergate investigation. The answer: Charles Bates—the same FBI official who in 1974 would be in charge of handling the SLA investigation and the search for Patty Hearst. When she was arrested, Bates became instantly ubiquitous on radio and TV, boasting of her capture.
And, in the middle of her trial—on a Saturday afternoon, when reporters and technicians were hoping to be off duty—the FBI called a press conference. At five o’clock that morning, they had raided the New Dawn collective—supposedly the above-ground support group of the Berkeley underground Emiliano Zapata Unit—and accompanying a press release about the evidence seized were photographs still wet with developing fluid. Charles Bates held the photos up in the air.
“Mr. Bates,” a photographer requested, “real close to your head, please.”
Bates proceeded to pose with the photos. But was there a search warrant? No, though they had a “consent to search” signed by the owner of the house, Judy Sevenson, who admitted to being a paid FBI informant.
Jacques Rogiers—the above-ground courier for the underground New World Liberation Front (NWLF) who delivered their communiqués—told me that the reason I was on the hit list was because I had written about Donald DeFreeze being a police informant.
“But that was true,” I said. “It’s a matter of record. Doesn’t that make any difference?”
Apparently, documentation didn’t make any difference.
“If the NWLF asked me to kill you,” Rogiers admitted, “I would.”
“Jacques,” I replied, “I think this puts a slight damper on our relationship.”
My 11-year-old daughter and I moved to another house.
Graffiti on our house included “SLA LIVES,” which was then obscured in the enigmatic made-over “COLE SLAW LIVES,” a slogan that baffled tourists and convinced one that a political activist named Cole Slaw was dead because it said that he was alive.
Paul Krassner’s latest book, “Patty Hearst and the Twinkie Murders: A Tale of Two Trials,” is published by PM Press.
Three daughters of groundbreaking comedians, Lenny Bruce, Richard Pryor & George Carln. ~ pk
Daughters of Comedy Godfathers: Kitty Bruce, Kelly Carlin, Rain Pryor
via TheFIREorg ~
Mike Wilhelm ~ Charlatans, Flamin' Groovies, Loose Gravel, and more
Don’t Put Me On, Flamin’ Groovies, 1978 w/Mike Wilhelm
from PK Purvis ~
Peavine, Rev Rabia w/Mike Wilhelm & Hired Guns
from ed chatham ~
Sprung ~ Harley-Davidson® Springer® Enthusiast
Ride Free II from Paul Bokhari ~
Notes from ~@~
Carlin Step, DJ Steve Porter & Eli Wilkie
from Roland Kardeby ~
The Great Bell Chant (The End of Suffering)
from R Smittenaar ~
One Day, Matisyahu
from 100% ~
Unsung Hero ~ Still Anonymous
from Rattakarn Srithavatchai "Garn" ~
Freedom of expression and freedom of speech aren't really important unless they're heard...It's hard for me to stay silent when I keep hearing that peace is only attainable through war. And there's nothing more scary than watching ignorance in action. So I dedicated this Emmy to all the people who feel compelled to speak out and not afraid to speak to power and won't shut up and refuse to be silenced. ~ Tom Smothers
Cree Prophecy
Only after the last tree has been cut down,
Only after the last river has been poisoned,
Only after the last fish has been caught,
Only then will you find money cannot be eaten.
Where Have All the Flowers Gone?
Oh, I hope that I see you again I never even caught your name As you looked through my window pane ~ So I'm writing this message today I'm thinking that you'll have a way Of hearing the notes in my tune ~ Where are you going? Where have you been? I can imagine other worlds you have seen ~ Beautiful faces and music so serene ~ So I do hope I see you again My universal citizen You went as quickly as you came ~ You know the power Your love is right You have good reason To stay out of sight ~~ But break our illusions and help us Be the light ~ The Promise by Mike Pinder
Why I Think This World Should End, Brandon Sloan ~
Without love in the dream, it will never come true. ~ Jerry Garcia/Robert Hunter
And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make. ~ John Lennon
Boptime with Even Steven + The Legends of Wilmington Jazz
On Saturday's Boptime we begin at 6am (EDT) by going back to 1954 and the revival of the 1936 Broadway musical On Your Toes by Rodgers and Hart. At 7am (EDT) we continue with more music from this day in 1954. At 8am (EDT) it's The Morrie Sims Show followed by Delaware Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, with a rockabilly flavor. At 9am (EDT) on the Club Baby Grand, we'll hear selections from some of Boysie's students, beginning with Clifford Brown, then Fostina Dixon, Gerald Chavis, and Ernie Watts. For the early bird, on the Freebox at 3am (EDT) we'll play some post punk classics from the late 80s and 90s. Featured will be J. G. Thirlwell's hardcore masterpiece from Foetus, "Hole," the recent CD from the Swans, "My Father Will Guide Me up a Rope to the Sky," and the little known 1993 inaugural EP from the Spitters. Included will be selections from the Butthole Surfers, Big Black, and Ciccone Youth (actually Sonic Youth). ~ Steve
BOPTIME: Saturday, 6 AM Eastern time, 3 AM Pacific time
Go To:
Click on a listening link below the WVUD logo:
Notes from ~@~
Since Nobody Wants My Opinion...
Here's What I Originally Had In Mind:I envisioned Mr. Trump and Mr. Sanders in a final (sic) politickle race. My bad.
Nothing against Mrs. Clinton, but I did not believe American People would allow her (matter of public record) 'lying, impeached, sexual predator' husband back in the White House; filling a new role as ? "1st Perp" ? [See below Nobody for President presented videos for verifiable source.]
But, as everyone is aware, this happened:
Debbie Democrap & her DNC Band
put their Fingers on the Scales and
Mr. Sanders got kicked out of the political race.One minor thing that upset me about Mr. Sanders getting dumped was the great political material folks had provided (Thank You, One and All); for example, this photograph taken by Sue Bray during the 2016 Rose Parade in Pasadena, which I used as a meme blank for supporting Mr. Sanders.
Because my assumptions were wrong, I was unable to use a lot of funny stuff I had worked on, and stayed out of the political arena (no Nobody events this time) because, under the circumstances I could not honestly support this election... or even make fun of it.
LOEP (lesser of evil politics) suggests "Turd Sandwich" is a more evil choice than "Giant Douche" due to 'Bill Bo Baggage's honesty and behavior', which is a stigma of public record and point of critical political contention.
Personally, I continue to believe NONE of the ABOVE, a choice on Voter Ballots..., would level the political playing field; giving politics back to 'The People', and that NOBODY SHOULD BE PRESIDENT until Somebody is competent to lead the country !!!
Police Fire Rubber Bullets as
Pipeline Protesters Try to Protect Burial Site
Develop Your Mind, Not Sacred SitesSTANDING ROCK, North Dakota — Police in riot gear shot rubber bullets and used pepper spray on demonstrators — who call themselves water protectors — on the shoreline of the Cantapeta Creek, just north of the Standing Rock Sioux Indian Reservation here on Wednesday. [Click to continue reading @ NBC News]
Nobody for President ~ NONE of the ABOVE should be a choice on voter ballots
Nobody from James Buran ~ Republicans Voting for Neocon Democrats?
Nobody ever won an election by spitting at his political opponents. ~ David (Schmuckie) Frum
Nobody's Vice Presidential Running Mate:
Complicity Igar
Diagnosed With Neoalzconheimer Syndrom
V.P. political torch handed to imaginary mass candidate:
Tach Yo Nicfield
Vote Tach Yo Nicfield 4 Vice
New York Times, Nobody for President, Dag Hammarskjold Plaza,
opposite United Nations, New York City, NY, November 1, 1976
NYT Header PDF ~ NYT Article PDF ~ Nobody's Print Media ~ Large Image
Notes from ~@~
X-ray Flux ~ Proton Flux ~ Geomagnetic Activity
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Space weather ~ Solar phenomena
For What It’s Worth - from TaxiReportero Vk ~
Daylight Savings Time
The year Daylight Saving Time went too far
By BAY AREA NEWS GROUP ~ Mercury News Source
PUBLISHED: October 30, 2016 at 7:38 am | UPDATED: October 31, 2016 at 5:28 am
Pros and Cons of Daylight Savings Time Video located at source linkThe 7 a.m. darkness in these last days before springing forward puts us in mind of a historical footnote: the year of unending Daylight Saving Time.
Or at least that was how it was supposed to be.
It was 1974, and the energy crisis was cutting into the American way of life, with odd-even gas rationing, a national speed limit and shortened Nascar races. The Emergency Daylight Saving Time Act signed by President Nixon dictated that clocks would spring forward one hour on Jan. 6 — and stay that way for almost 16 months, until April 27, 1975.
By fall, the dark mornings were apparently wearing on the American people. Proclaiming “it’s for the children” — those scholars standing at bus stops in the predawn — lawmakers threw in the towel of gloom. Year-round DST was scrapped, and on Oct. 27, clocks fell back.
But there’s no way to stop the Earth from tilting, and — in 1974 as in 2016 — most of the morning daylight gain was gone within weeks.
This year, daylight as the astronomers define it will start at 6:37 a.m. in San Jose on Nov. 6, the day we fall back. By Dec. 31, it will be almost 45 minutes later, at 7:21 a.m.
The 1974 experiment was but one of the federal revisions of Daylight Saving Time in the past 50 years.
• 1966: To standardize practices across the United States (with a few exceptions), it was declared that DST would run from the last Sunday in April to the last Sunday in October.
• 1986: The start date was moved to the first Sunday in April.
• 2007: DST was extended on both ends, and it now runs from the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November.
Should we drop daylight savings time?
Last week the UK changed the clocks, and this weekend it's time for the US to do the same. But a substantial amount of research suggests daylight saving time may not be beneficial – and in fact, might be harmful. Is it worth keeping?, Friday 1 November 2013 14.30 EDT, Article Source
Is daylight savings time outdated? Photograph: Darren Staples/ReutersShould we no longer have daylight savings time?
68% = YES and 32% = NO ~ This poll is now closed
Nobody for President ~ NONE of the ABOVE should be a choice on voter ballots
Nobody speaks
through the teeth
The "Birthday Party" provided an easy cost-effective way to restore political balance:
None of the Above
should be a valid choice on voter ballotsUnfortunately, a jaded two party system rejects this simple fix because Nobody has all the answers and believes: If a majority of citizens voted for None of the Above, rather than lesser of evils, voters would have to find someone competent to lead them! The media said, "Nobody could argue with that logic."
Gallery: Nobody For President
Thanks to Sharon Paltin, M.D. aka Sharon-Sharealike
Source: Creative Resistance; A Showcase for Activist ArtNobody
Soldier of Love, Sade from Mark Summers ~ of the Above
A 75 year old speech in the 21th century
from Bertrand Thomas ~ brought peace to our time, lowered taxes, balanced the budget, fed the hungry & destitute, established a corporate death penalty, created free health care, ordered Congress & Senate to use same benefits as "The People," reminded everybody Jesus said, "Love one another;" (NOT murder or maim), and ...bakes apple pie better than Mom!
Donald Trump
She’s A Liar, Donald Trump (Impersonator Tim Watters) on Hillary Clinton
from William Gold Entertainment ~ Trump is a Reality Show TV Host and Corporate CEO with No political history to speak of. He supports the Patriot Act.
Did not oppose illegal Iraq war(Addendum: On September 26, 2016 Mr. Trump stated he 'did not support the illegal Iraq War' and 'was against it').Hillary Clinton
Hillary’s Lies ~ FBI’s Cowardness from Toby Dodd ~ Clinton voted for an unread Patriot Act and an illegal Iraq war, ...knowing fifty percent (50%) of the Iraqi population were children under the age of 15.
Mrs. Clinton is also Mrs. Bill and...
wife of an Impeached President
via forquignon ~ Lies the Problem
Not only did Mr. Bill lie to the American people,
he is also considered a Sexual Predator:
via Chris ~ ~ Story line below:The saga of a girl who has been abused for 20 years,
Monica Lewinsky, 1995-2015Monica Lewinsky (DOB 7/23/73) admits that Bill Clinton (DOB 8/19/46) made her have sexual intercourse with him when she was only age 22 when he was age 49, in the White House. Many, many multiple times while she was an intern in the Oval Office, every day from 1995 through 1997 until the story broke just after Christmas and New Years 97-98. This is the saga of how a sexual predator used a young idealistic girl and then dumped her, accused her, and threatened the safety of her family. She is still afraid to this day.
Raising the question, "Does maternal America want an
impeached, lying sexual predator in the White House?"
Click to read what Politicians did to voters starting with the:
Patriot Act Controversy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
John Ashcroft's [Republican/Democrat Supported] War on Terrorists
A large government eye watches a couple in bed, who are trying to sleep.The USA PATRIOT Act has generated a great deal of controversy since its enactment.
Opponents of the Act have been quite vocal in asserting that it was passed opportunistically after the September 11 attacks, believing that there would have been little debate. They view the Act as one that was hurried through the Senate with little change before it was passed. (Senators Patrick Leahy and Russell Feingold proposed amendments to modify the final revision.)
The sheer magnitude of the Act itself was noted by Michael Moore in his controversial film Fahrenheit 9/11. In one of the scenes of the movie, he records Congressman Jim McDermott alleging that no Senator had read the bill and John Conyers, Jr. as saying, "We don't read most of the bills. Do you really know what that would entail if we read every bill that we passed?" Congressman Conyers then answers his own rhetorical question, asserting that if they did it would "slow down the legislative process". As a dramatic device, Moore then hired an ice-cream van and drove around Washington, D.C. with a loud speaker, reading out the Act to puzzled passers-by, which included a few Senators.
However, Moore was not the only commentator to notice that not many people had read the Act. When Dahlia Lithwick and Julia Turne for Slate asked, "How bad is PATRIOT, anyway?", they decided that it was "hard to tell" and stated:
The ACLU, in a new fact sheet challenging the DOJ Web site, wants you to believe that the act threatens our most basic civil liberties. Ashcroft and his roadies call the changes in law "modest and incremental." Since almost Nobody has read the legislation, much of what we think we know about it comes third-hand and spun. Both advocates and opponents are guilty of fear-mongering and distortion in some instances.
One prime example of a controversy of the Patriot Act is shown in the case of Susan Lindauer.
Another is the recent court case United States v. Antoine Jones. A nightclub owner was linked to a drug trafficking stash house via a law enforcement GPS tracking device attached to his car. It was placed there without a warrant, which caused a serious conviction obstacle for federal prosecutors in court. Through the years the case rose all the way to the United States Supreme Court where the conviction was overturned in favor of the defendant. The court found that increased monitoring of suspects caused by such legislation like the Patriot Act directly put the suspects' Constitutional rights in jeopardy.
The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) has criticized the law as unconstitutional, especially when "the private communications of law-abiding American citizens might be intercepted incidentally" while the Electronic Frontier Foundation held that the lower standard applied to wiretaps "gives the FBI a 'blank check' to violate the communications privacy of countless innocent Americans". Others do not find the roving wiretap legislation to be as concerning. Professor David D. Cole of the Georgetown University Law Center, a critic of many of the provisions of the Act, found that though they come at a cost to privacy are a sensible measure while Paul Rosenzweig, a Senior Legal Research Fellow in the Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at the Heritage Foundation, argues that roving wiretaps are just a response to rapidly changing communication technology that is not necessarily fixed to a specific location or device.
The Act also allows access to voicemail through a search warrant rather than through a title III wiretap order. James Dempsey, of the CDT, believes that it unnecessarily overlooks the importance of notice under the Fourth Amendment and under a Title III wiretap, and the EFF criticizes the provision's lack of notice. However, the EFF's criticism is more extensive—they believe that the amendment "is in possible violation of the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution" because previously if the FBI listened to voicemail illegally, it could not use the messages in evidence against the defendant. Others disagree with these assessments. Professor Orin Kerr, of the George Washington University school of law, believes that the ECPA "adopted a rather strange rule to regulate voicemail stored with service providers" because "under ECPA, if the government knew that there was one copy of an unopened private message in a person's bedroom and another copy on their remotely stored voicemail, it was illegal for the FBI to simply obtain the voicemail; the law actually compelled the police to invade the home and rifle through peoples' bedrooms so as not to disturb the more private voicemail." In Professor Kerr's opinion, this made little sense and the amendment that was made by the USA PATRIOT Act was reasonable and sensible.
The USA PATRIOT Act's expansion of court jurisdiction to allow the nationwide service of search warrants proved controversial for the EFF. They believe that agencies will be able to "'shop' for judges that have demonstrated a strong bias toward law enforcement with regard to search warrants, using only those judges least likely to say no—even if the warrant doesn't satisfy the strict requirements of the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution", and that it reduces the likelihood that smaller ISPs or phone companies will try to protect the privacy of their clients by challenging the warrant in court—their reasoning is that "a small San Francisco ISP served with such a warrant is unlikely to have the resources to appear before the New York court that issued it."They believe that this is bad because only the communications provider will be able to challenge the warrant as only they will know about it—many warrants are issued ex parte, which means that the target of the order is not present when the order is issued.
For a time, the USA PATRIOT Act allowed for agents to undertake "sneak and peek" searches. Critics such as EPIC and the ACLU strongly criticized the law for violating the Fourth Amendment, with the ACLU going so far as to release an advertisement condemning it and calling for it to be repealed.
After suspected abuses of the USA PATRIOT Act were brought to light in June 2013 with articles about collection of American call records by the NSA and the PRISM program (see 2013 mass surveillance disclosures), Representative Jim Sensenbrenner, Republican of Wisconsin, who introduced the Patriot Act in 2001, said that the National Security Agency overstepped its bounds. He released a statement saying “While I believe the Patriot Act appropriately balanced national security concerns and civil rights, I have always worried about potential abuses.” He added: “Seizing phone records of millions of innocent people is excessive and un-American.”
[All 2016 Presidential candidates support this illegal Patriot Act which Nobody attempts to protect voters from ...because an obsolete Two Party System continues to resist NONE of the ABOVE as a valid choice on Voter Ballots ~ Click to continue reading]
and this:
B Movie, Gil Scott-Heron from Alex Benson ~, the first thing I want to say is…"Mandate my ass!"
Because it seems as though we've been convinced that 26% of the registered voters, not even 26% of the American people, but 26% of the registered voters form a mandate – or a landslide. 21% voted for Skippy and 3, 4% voted for somebody else who might have been running.
But, oh yeah, I remember. In this year that we have now declared the year from Shogun to Reagan, I remember what I said about Reagan…meant it. Acted like an actor…Hollyweird. Acted like a liberal. Acted like General Franco when he acted like governor of California, then he acted like a republican. Then he acted like somebody was going to vote for him for president. And now we act like 26% of the registered voters is actually a mandate. We're all actors in this I suppose.
What has happened is that in the last 20 years, America has changed from a producer to a consumer. And all consumers know that when the producer names the tune…the consumer has got to dance. That's the way it is. We used to be a producer – very inflexible at that, and now we are consumers and, finding it difficult to understand. Natural resources and minerals will change your world. The Arabs used to be in the 3rd World. They have bought the 2nd World and put a firm down payment on the 1st one. Controlling your resources will control your world. This country has been surprised by the way the world looks now. They don't know if they want to be Matt Dillon or Bob Dylan. They don't know if they want to be diplomats or continue the same policy - of nuclear nightmare diplomacy. John Foster Dulles ain't nothing but the name of an airport now.
The idea concerns the fact that this country wants nostalgia. They want to go back as far as they can – even if it's only as far as last week. Not to face now or tomorrow, but to face backwards. And yesterday was the day of our cinema heroes riding to the rescue at the last possible moment. The day of the man in the white hat or the man on the white horse - or the man who always came to save America at the last moment – someone always came to save America at the last moment – especially in "B" movies. And when America found itself having a hard time facing the future, they looked for people like John Wayne. But since John Wayne was no longer available, they settled for Ronald Reagan – and it has placed us in a situation that we can only look at – like a "B" movie.
Come with us back to those inglorious days when heroes weren't zeros. Before fair was square. When the cavalry came straight away and all-American men were like Hemingway to the days of the wondrous "B" movie. The producer underwritten by all the millionaires necessary will be Casper "The Defensive" Weinberger – no more animated choice is available. The director will be Attila the Haig, running around frantically declaring himself in control and in charge. The ultimate realization of the inmates taking over at the asylum. The screenplay will be adapted from the book called "Voodoo Economics" by George "Papa Doc" Bush. Music by the "Village People" the very military "Macho Man."
"Macho, macho man!"
" Two-three-four."
" He likes to be – well, you get the point."
"Huuut! Your left! Your left! Your left…right, left, right, left, right…!"A theme song for saber-rallying and selling wars door-to-door. Remember, we're looking for the closest thing we can find to John Wayne. Clichés abound like kangaroos – courtesy of some spaced out Marlin Perkins, a Reagan contemporary. Clichés like, "itchy trigger finger" and "tall in the saddle" and "riding off or on into the sunset." Clichés like, "Get off of my planet by sundown!" More so than clichés like, "he died with his boots on." Marine tough the man is. Bogart tough the man is. Cagney tough the man is. Hollywood tough the man is. Cheap steak tough. And Bonzo's substantial. The ultimate in synthetic selling: A Madison Avenue masterpiece – a miracle – a cotton-candy politician…Presto! Macho!
"Macho, macho man!"
Put your orders in America. And quick as Kodak your leaders duplicate with the accent being on the dupe - cause all of a sudden we have fallen prey to selective amnesia - remembering what we want to remember and forgetting what we choose to forget. All of a sudden, the man who called for a blood bath on our college campuses is supposed to be Dudley "God-damn" Do-Right?
"You go give them liberals hell Ronnie." That was the mandate. To the new "Captain Bly" on the new ship of fools. It was doubtlessly based on his chameleon performance of the past - as a liberal democrat – as the head of the Studio Actor's Guild. When other celluloid saviors were cringing in terror from McCarthy – Ron stood tall. It goes all the way back from Hollywood to hillbilly. From liberal to libelous, from "Bonzo" to Birch idol…born again. Civil rights, women's rights, gay rights…it's all wrong. Call in the cavalry to disrupt this perception of freedom gone wild. God damn it…first one wants freedom, then the whole damn world wants freedom.
Nostalgia, that's what we want…the good ol' days…when we gave'em hell. When the buck stopped somewhere and you could still buy something with it. To a time when movies were in black and white – and so was everything else. Even if we go back to the campaign trail, before six-gun Ron shot off his face and developed hoof-in-mouth. Before the free press went down before full-court press. And were reluctant to review the menu because they knew the only thing available was – Crow.
Lon Chaney, our man of a thousand faces - no match for Ron. Doug Henning does the make-up - special effects from Grecian Formula 16 and Crazy Glue. Transportation furnished by the David Rockefeller of Remote Control Company. Their slogan is, "Why wait for 1984? You can panic now...and avoid the rush."
So much for the good news…
As Wall Street goes, so goes the nation. And here's a look at the closing numbers – racism's up, human rights are down, peace is shaky, war items are hot - the House claims all ties. Jobs are down, money is scarce – and common sense is at an all-time low with heavy trading. Movies were looking better than ever and now no one is looking because, we're starring in a "B" movie. And we would rather have John Wayne…we would rather have John Wayne.
"You don't need to be in no hurry. - You ain't never really got to worry. - And you don't need to check on how you feel. - Just keep repeating that none of this is real. - And if you're sensing, that something's wrong, - Well just remember, that it won't be too long - Before the director cuts the scene…yea."
"This ain't really your life, - Ain't really your life, - Ain't really ain't nothing but a movie."
[Refrain repeated about 25 times or more in an apocalyptic crescendo with a military cadence.]
"This ain't really your life, - Ain't really your life, - Ain't really ain't nothing but a movie."
and finally, this:
American Dream, George Carlin from Ishtar ~ [Not Work Safe (language)]
Nobody should have that much power
should be a choice on voter ballots
Nobody speaks through the teeth
Sacred Clowns
From Word Worlds, Where simplifying complexity becomes art.The Heyókȟa symbolize and portray many aspects of the sacred, the Wakȟáŋ. Their satire presents important questions by fooling around. They ask difficult questions, and say things others are too afraid to say. By reading between the lines, the audience is able to think about things not usually thought about, or to look at things in a different way.
Principally, the Heyókȟa functions both as a mirror and a teacher, using extreme behaviors to mirror others, thereby forcing them to examine their own doubts, fears, hatreds, and weaknesses. Heyókȟas also have the power to heal emotional pain; such power comes from the experience of shame--they sing of shameful events in their lives, beg for food, and live as clowns. They provoke laughter in distressing situations of despair and provoke fear and chaos when people feel complacent and overly secure, to keep them from taking themselves too seriously or believing they are more powerful than they are.
In addition, sacred clowns serve an important role in shaping tribal codes. Heyókȟa's don't seem to care about taboos, rules, regulations, social norms, or boundaries. Paradoxically, however, it is by violating these norms and taboos that they help to define the accepted boundaries, rules, and societal guidelines for ethical and moral behavior. This is because they are the only ones who can ask "Why?" about sensitive topics and employ satire to question the specialists and carriers of sacred knowledge or those in positions of power and authority. In doing so, they demonstrate concretely the theories of balance and imbalance. Their role is to penetrate deception, turn over rocks, and create a deeper awareness.
Myths of Mass Deception ~ Thanksgiving
If Thanksgiving is a
Celebration of Genocide,
what is a Dakota pipeline???The End of American Thanksgivings
The Black Commentator ~ Issue 66Nobody but Americans celebrates Thanksgiving. It is reserved by history and the intent of "the founders" as the supremely white American holiday, the most ghoulish event on the national calendar. No Halloween of the imagination can rival the exterminationist reality that was the genesis, and remains the legacy, of the American Thanksgiving. It is the most loathsome, humanity-insulting day of the year - a pure glorification of racist barbarity.
We at [Black Commentator] are thankful that the day grows nearer when the almost four centuries-old abomination will be deprived of its reason for being: white supremacy. Then we may all eat and drink in peace and gratitude for the blessings of humanity's deliverance from the rule of evil men.
Thanksgiving is much more than a lie - if it were that simple, an historical correction of the record of events in 1600s Massachusetts would suffice to purge the "flaw" in the national mythology. But Thanksgiving is not just a twisted fable, and the mythology it nurtures is itself inherently evil. The real-life events - subsequently revised - were perfectly understood at the time as the first, definitive triumphs of the genocidal European project in New England. The near-erasure of Native Americans in Massachusetts and, soon thereafter, from most of the remainder of the northern English colonial seaboard was the true mission of the Pilgrim enterprise - Act One of the American Dream. African Slavery commenced contemporaneously - an overlapping and ultimately inseparable Act Two. [Continue reading at Source]
Thanksgiving, Celebration of Genocide
Native American Holocaust Absolution by PilgrimsSkipping past the signing of the Mayflower Compact, the first concerns of the new arrivals were finding something to eat and a place to settle. After anchoring off Cape Cod on November 11, 1620, a small party was sent ashore to explore. Pilgrims in every sense of the word, they promptly stumbled into a Nauset graveyard where they found baskets of corn which had been left as gifts for the deceased. The gathering of this unexpected bounty was interrupted by the angry Nauset warriors, and the hapless Pilgrims beat a hasty retreat back to their boat with little to show for their efforts. Shaken but undaunted by their welcome to the New World, the Pilgrims continued across Cape Cod Bay and decided to settle, of all places, at the site of the now-deserted Wampanoag village of Patuxet. There they sat for the next few months in crude shelters - cold, sick and slowly starving to death. Half did not survive that terrible first winter. The Wampanoag were aware of the English but chose to avoid contact them for the time being.
In keeping with the strange sequence of unlikely events, Samoset, a Pemaquid (Abenaki) sachem from Maine hunting in Massachusetts, came across the growing disaster at Plymouth. Having acquired some English from contact with English fishermen and the short-lived colony at the mouth of the Kennebec River in 1607, he walked into Plymouth in March and startled the Pilgrims with "Hello Englishmen." Samoset stayed the night surveying the situation and left the next morning. He soon returned with Squanto. Until he succumbed to sickness and joined his people in 1622, Squanto devoted himself to helping the Pilgrims who were now living at the site of his old village. Whatever his motivations, with great kindness and patience, he taught the English the skills they needed to survive, and in so doing, assured the destruction of his own people. [Continue Reading at Source]
Native American Issues & Causes & NDN News Website - Thanksgiving Myth
by John Two-HawksLet me begin by stating that thousands of years before the 'official' Thanksgiving Day was proclaimed by Governor Winthrop of the Massachussetts Bay Colony in 1637, North American Indigenous people across the continent had celebrated seasons of Thanksgiving.
'Thanksgiving' is a very ancient concept to American Indian nations. The big problem with the American Thanksgiving holiday is its false association with American Indian people. The infamous 'Indians and pilgrims' myth.
It is good to celebrate Thanksgiving, to be thankful for your blessings. It is not good to distort history, to falsely portray the origin of this holiday and lie about the truth of its actual inception. Here are some accurate historical facts about the true origin of this American holiday that may interest you [Continue Reading at Source]
I'm Sorry You Have Taken S0
Long to Say You're Sorry
by David Pego"I think America clearly knows the atrocities - the holocaust, the land theft, the boarding school experience completely wiping out the language and cultures of our Native brothers and sisters." ~ Source
Robbie Basho ~ Wounded Knee
Laura Allan ~ Ceremonial Song
In an 1868 treaty, drafted at Fort Laramie in Sioux country, the United States established the Black Hills as part of the Great Sioux Reservation, set aside for exclusive use by the Sioux people. However, after the discovery of gold there in 1874, the United States confiscated the land in 1877. To this day, ownership of the Black Hills remains the subject of a legal dispute between the U.S. government and the Sioux.
North Dakota oil pipeline protesters stand their ground:
Pipeline’s planned route takes it close to Standing Rock Sioux reservation and Cannon Ball, which could endanger drinking water and threaten sacred sites [Click to Continue Reading]
Indian Country Today ≈ ≈ #NoDAPL
Neil Young Joins Pipeline Protest With New Song
[Click to View] Video For 'Indian Givers' via Amestizo ~ Lyrics:There’s a battle raging on the sacred land ≈ Our brothers and sisters have to take a stand ≈ Against us now for what we all been doing ≈ On the sacred land there’s a battle brewing ≈ I wish somebody would share the news ≈ Now it’s been about 500 years ≈ We keep taking what we gave away ≈ Just like what we call Indian givers ≈ It makes you sick and gives you shivers ≈ I wish somebody would share the news ≈ Big money going backwards and ripping the soil ≈ Where graves are scattered and blood was boiled ≈ When all who look can see the truth ≈ But they just move on and keep their groove ≈ I wish somebody would share the news ≈ Saw Happy locked to the big machine ≈ They had to cut him loose and you know what that means ≈ That’s when Happy went to jail ≈ Behind big money justice always fails ≈ I wish somebody would share the news ≈ Bring back the days when good was good ≈ Lose these imposters in our neighborhood ≈ Across our farms and through our waters ≈ All at the cost of our sons and daughters ≈ Our brave songs and daughters ≈ We're all here together fighting poison waters ≈ Standing against the evil way ≈ That’s what we have at the end of day ≈ I wish somebody would share the news
Source: Ball, ND – While many Americans passively support the Standing Rock Sioux’s fight to stop the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, aside from showing up in Cannon Ball, North Dakota (which many simply can’t do) – to actively participate in the protests – most people are unsure of what they can actually do to support the Sioux at Standing Rock aside from posting on social media.
Here is a list of ten things that people can do to show their support. Some methods may be more effective than others, but the key is utilizing multiple avenues of resistance in an effort to provide full spectrum resistance against the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline.
1. Call North Dakota governor Jack Dalrymple at 701-328-2200. When leaving a message stating your thoughts about this subject please be professional.
2. Sign the petition to the White House to Stop DAPL:…/stop-construction…
3. Donate to support the Standing Rock Sioux at…/standing-rock-sioux-tribe…/
4. Donate items from the Sacred Stone Camp Supply List:
5. Call the White House at (202) 456-1111 or (202) 456-1414. Tell President Obama to rescind the Army Corps of Engineers’ Permit for the Dakota Access Pipeline.
6. Contribute to the Sacred Stone Camp Legal Defense Fund:
7. Contribute to the Sacred Stone Camp gofundme account:
8. Call the Army Corps of Engineers and demand that they reverse the permit: (202) 761-5903
9. Sign other petitions asking President Obama to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline. Here’s the latest to cross my desk:
10. Call the executives of the companies that are building the pipeline:
a. Lee Hanse Executive Vice President Energy Transfer Partners, L.P. 800 E Sonterra Blvd #400 San Antonio, Texas 78258 Telephone: (210) 403-6455
b. Glenn Emery Vice President Energy Transfer Partners, L.P. 800 E Sonterra Blvd #400 San Antonio, Texas 78258 Telephone: (210) 403-6762
c. Michael (Cliff) Waters Lead Analyst Energy Transfer Partners, L.P. 1300 Main St. Houston, Texas 77002 Telephone: (713) 989-2404
The most effective means of showing support for this cause is to actively participate in protecting this sacred land. Anyone who is able to travel to the peaceful encampments is encouraged to do so. For those unable to make the journey to North Dakota, please utilize the alternate methods provided to show your support for the Standing Rock Sioux who have united over 100 tribes from across the U.S. Please join this effort to stop this pipeline, which desecrates sacred lands and has serious potential to damage or destroy the Standing Rock reservations lifeblood – its water.
Be the change you wish to see in this world. — Mahatma Gandhi
Develop Your Mind, Not Sacred Sites
Standing Rock Reservation ≈ Blankets ≈ Thanksgiving Is A Celebration of Holocaust
Cree Prophecy
Only after the last tree has been cut down,
Only after the last river has been poisoned,
Only after the last fish has been caught,
Only then will you find money cannot be eaten.
Freedom of expression and freedom of speech aren't really important unless they're heard...It's hard for me to stay silent when I keep hearing that peace is only attainable through war. And there's nothing more scary than watching ignorance in action. So I dedicated this Emmy to all the people who feel compelled to speak out and not afraid to speak to power and won't shut up and refuse to be silenced. ~ Tom Smothers
Paul Krassner ~ The Realist, Writer, Comic, Investigative Satirist
Patty Hearst, Double Agents
and the Symbionese Liberation ArmyPosted on Oct 21, 2016 By Paul Krassner @ truthdig source
SLA members Donald DeFreeze, Patricia Soltysik (in foreground) and Patricia Hearst
during the robbery of Hibernia Bank in San Francisco. (Wikimedia Commons)Jeffrey Toobin’s new book, “American Heiress,” presents a mean-spirited approach to the kidnapping of Patty Hearst by the Symbionese Liberation Army in 1974, but he’s clueless about the significance of the SLA, for which she was forced to rob a bank. I covered her trial for the weekly underground paper, the Berkley Barb.
At the end of a tape by Hearst, Donald “Cinque” DeFreeze, the SLA’s black leader of a white group, came on with a triple death threat, especially to Colston Westbrook, whom he accused of being “a government agent now working for military intelligence while giving assistance to the FBI.” This communiqué was sent to San Francisco radio station KSAN. News director David McQueen checked with a Justice Department source, who confirmed Westbrook’s employment by the CIA.
Conspiracy researcher Mae Brussell traced Westbrook’s activities from 1962, when he was a CIA advisor to the South Korean CIA, through 1969, when he provided logistical support in Vietnam for the CIA’s Phoenix program. His job was the indoctrination of assassination and terrorist cadres. After seven years in Asia, he was brought home in 1970 and assigned to run the Black Cultural Association at Vacaville Prison, where he became the control officer for DeFreeze, who had worked as a police informer from 1967 to 1969 for the LAPD’s Public Disorder Intelligence Unit.
If DeFreeze was a double agent, then the SLA was a Frankenstein monster, turning against its creator by becoming in reality what had been orchestrated only as a media image. When he snitched on his keepers, he signed the death warrant of the SLA. They were burned alive in a Los Angeles safe house during a shootout with police. When Cinque’s charred remains were sent to his family in Cleveland, they couldn’t help but notice that he had been decapitated. It was as if the CIA had said, literally, “Bring me the head of Donald DeFreeze!”
Consider the revelations of Wayne Lewis in August 1975. He claimed to have been an undercover agent for the FBI, a fact verified by FBI director Clarence Kelley. Surfacing at a press conference in Los Angeles, Lewis spewed forth a veritable conveyor belt of conspiracy charges: that DeFreeze was an FBI informer; that he was killed not by the SWAT team but by an FBI agent because he had become “uncontrollable”; that the FBI then wanted Lewis to infiltrate the SLA; that the FBI had undercover agents in other underground guerrilla groups; that the FBI knew where Patty Hearst was but let her remain free so it could build up its files of potential subversives.
In February 1976, while Hearst’s trial was still in process, a similar charge was made when a Berkeley underground group, Tribal Thumb, prepared this statement:
Donald DeFreeze escaped from the California prison system with help from the FBI and California prison officials. His mission was to establish an armed revolutionary organization, controlled by the FBI, specifically to either make contact with or undermine the surfacing and development of the August Seventh Guerrilla Movement…DeFreeze was let loose and given a safe plan to surface as an armed guerrilla unit. That plan was to kidnap Patty Hearst.
One warm afternoon I was surprised to receive a letter by registered mail on Department of Justice stationery.
Dear Mr. Krassner:
Subsequent to the search of a residence in connection with the arrest of six members of the Emiliano Zapata Unit, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, San Francisco, has been attempting to contact you to advise you of the following information:
During the above indicated arrest of six individuals of the Emiliano Zapata Unit, an untitled list of names and addresses of individuals was seized. A corroborative source described the above list as an Emiliano Zapata Unit “hit list,” but stated that no action will be taken, since all of those who could carry it out are in custody.
Further, if any of the apprehended individuals should make bail, they would only act upon the “hit list” at the instructions of their leader, who is not and will not be in a position to give such instructions.
The above information is furnished for your personal use and it is requested it be kept confidential. At your discretion, you may desire to contact the local police department responsible for the area of your residence.
Very truly yours,
Charles W. Bates
Special Agent in ChargeHowever, a source informed me that the Zapata Unit was a front for the FBI. Was the right wing of the FBI warning me about the left wing of the FBI? Questions about the authenticity of the Zapata Unit had been raised by its first public statement in August 1975, which included the unprecedented threat of violence against the left. After publishing in the Barb the FBI’s letter to me, I received a letter from a member of the Zapata Unit in prison:
I was involved in the aboveground support group of the Zapata Unit. Greg Adornetto led myself and several others to believe we were joining a cell of the Weather Underground, which had a new surge of life when it published Prairie Fire. I knew nothing about a hit list or your being on one, and can’t imagine why you would have been. When we were arrested, FBI agent-provocateur Adornetto immediately turned against the rest of us and provided evidence to the government.
In 1969, Charles Bates was a Special Agent at the Chicago office of the FBI when police killed Black Panthers Fred Hampton and Mark Clark while they were sleeping. Ex-FBI informer Maria Fischer told the Chicago Daily News that the then-chief of the FBI’s Chicago office, Marlon Johnson, personally asked her to slip a drug to Hampton; she had infiltrated the Black Panther Party at the FBI’s request a month before. The drug was a tasteless, colorless liquid that would put him to sleep. She refused. Hampton was killed a week later. An autopsy showed “a near fatal dose” of secobarbital in his system.
In 1971, Bates was transferred to Washington, D.C. According to Watergate burglar James McCord’s book, “A Piece of Tape,” on June 21, 1972 (four days after the break-in), White House attorney John Dean checked with acting FBI Director L. Patrick Gray as to who was in charge of handling the Watergate investigation. The answer: Charles Bates—the same FBI official who in 1974 would be in charge of handling the SLA investigation and the search for Patty Hearst. When she was arrested, Bates became instantly ubiquitous on radio and TV, boasting of her capture.
And, in the middle of her trial—on a Saturday afternoon, when reporters and technicians were hoping to be off duty—the FBI called a press conference. At five o’clock that morning, they had raided the New Dawn collective—supposedly the above-ground support group of the Berkeley underground Emiliano Zapata Unit—and accompanying a press release about the evidence seized were photographs still wet with developing fluid. Charles Bates held the photos up in the air.
“Mr. Bates,” a photographer requested, “real close to your head, please.”
Bates proceeded to pose with the photos. But was there a search warrant? No, though they had a “consent to search” signed by the owner of the house, Judy Sevenson, who admitted to being a paid FBI informant.
Jacques Rogiers—the above-ground courier for the underground New World Liberation Front (NWLF) who delivered their communiqués—told me that the reason I was on the hit list was because I had written about Donald DeFreeze being a police informant.
“But that was true,” I said. “It’s a matter of record. Doesn’t that make any difference?”
Apparently, documentation didn’t make any difference.
“If the NWLF asked me to kill you,” Rogiers admitted, “I would.”
“Jacques,” I replied, “I think this puts a slight damper on our relationship.”
My 11-year-old daughter and I moved to another house.
Graffiti on our house included “SLA LIVES,” which was then obscured in the enigmatic made-over “COLE SLAW LIVES,” a slogan that baffled tourists and convinced one that a political activist named Cole Slaw was dead because it said that he was alive.
Paul Krassner’s latest book, “Patty Hearst and the Twinkie Murders: A Tale of Two Trials,” is published by PM Press.
Three daughters of groundbreaking comedians, Lenny Bruce, Richard Pryor & George Carln. ~ pk
Daughters of Comedy Godfathers: Kitty Bruce, Kelly Carlin, Rain Pryor
via TheFIREorg ~
Mike Wilhelm ~ Charlatans, Flamin' Groovies, Loose Gravel, and more
Don’t Put Me On, Flamin’ Groovies, 1978 w/Mike Wilhelm
from PK Purvis ~
Peavine, Rev Rabia w/Mike Wilhelm & Hired Guns
from ed chatham ~
Sprung ~ Harley-Davidson® Springer® Enthusiast
Ride Free II from Paul Bokhari ~
Notes from ~@~
Carlin Step, DJ Steve Porter & Eli Wilkie
from Roland Kardeby ~
The Great Bell Chant (The End of Suffering)
from R Smittenaar ~
One Day, Matisyahu
from 100% ~
Unsung Hero ~ Still Anonymous
from Rattakarn Srithavatchai "Garn" ~
Oh, I hope that I see you again I never even caught your name As you looked through my window pane ~ So I'm writing this message today I'm thinking that you'll have a way Of hearing the notes in my tune ~ Where are you going? Where have you been? I can imagine other worlds you have seen ~ Beautiful faces and music so serene ~ So I do hope I see you again My universal citizen You went as quickly as you came ~ You know the power Your love is right You have good reason To stay out of sight ~~ But break our illusions and help us Be the light ~ The Promise by Mike Pinder
Why I Think This World Should End, Brandon Sloan ~
Without love in the dream, it will never come true. ~ Jerry Garcia/Robert Hunter
And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make. ~ John Lennon
The man whispered, "God, speak to me" and a meadowlark sang. But the man did not hear. So the man yelled "God, speak to me" and the thunder rolled across the sky. But the man did not listen. The man looked around and said, "God let me see you" and a star shined brightly. But the man did not notice. And the man shouted, "God show me a miracle" and a life was born. But the man did not know. So the man cried out in despair, "Touch me God, and let me know you are there" Whereupon God reached down and touched the man. But the man brushed the butterfly away and walked on.
Don't miss out on a blessing because
it isn't packaged the way you expect!
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