Have A Wonderful Summer!
Why Not Try Love Again?
Boptime with Even Steven + The Legends of Wilmington Jazz
On Saturday's Boptime we begin at 6am (EDT) by going back to this day in 1952 and the Broadway revival of the Rodgers & Hart musical Pal Joey from 1940. We continue with 1952 at 7am (EDT) with the music from this day in that year, a look at what was going on in the Korean War, what was playing in the movies, on radio & television, and more. After visiting "My World" from 1951 at 8am (EDT), it's The Delaware Rock & Roll Hall of Fame where you'll hear tunes from Andy & the Gigolos, Teddy & the Continentals, Carmen Poppiti, the Adapters and others. At 9am (EDT) on the Club Baby Grand we play music from Sam Wooding, Betty Roché, Clifford Brown, Lem Winchester, Gerald Price, and Wilby Fletcher. For the early bird at 3am (EDT) 3am on the Freebox we feature Pigeon John's "At the Summertime Pool Party" and Parov Stelar's "Coco" albums, along with selections from Tricky, Chimera, Inch Chua, Joy Askew and Davina & The Vagabonds. ~ Steve
BOPTIME: Saturday, 6 AM Eastern time, 3 AM Pacific time
Go To: http://www.wvud.org/?page_id=24
Click on a listening link below the WVUD logo:
GIFSTRAVAGANZA!! from Neil Sanders ~ https://vimeo.com/110101518I'd Like to Point Out
There is a unique place where all living/breathing things co-exist as one and within it is a Siddhi command center which defies common reality. ~@~
Leave Forever from Supernova Plasmajets ~ https://vimeo.com/110016232
Nobody for President ~ NONE of the ABOVE should be a choice on voter ballots
MURDER AND WAR CRIMES?by Shenali D Waduge ~ Article Source
Ignorance rarely leads to happy endings. One cannot but wonder whether American politicians would have gotten away with what they have done had the American polity been more politically aware of what was going on around them both at home and abroad. Has it not been the ability of America’s politicians to sell lies the Americans bought that has led to the deaths of MILLIONS of people and the destructions of their nations?
How Media Fools Americans
96% of world media is in the hands of 6 corporate giants – should we be surprised that we are being brainwashed? Media takes advantage of the ignorance of the American public and preoccupies their time by diverting attention to more physical attributes of Presidential candidates, their spouses and the way they dress, the jokes they say or the appearances they make. When people are politically ignorant what happens – they become prey to manipulations by the “ruling class” and who are they? They are the transnational conglomerates who rule America’s political leaders, the news and entertainment media and special interest groups together who create what become history’s distortions unless we are aware of the truth.
One needs to wonder whether it serves the American Governmental apparatus well to have an ignorant populace for what would happen if 344million Americans did wake up to the ground realities of the atrocities its Government’s have been doing over decades? Would we be wrong to wonder if what happened to Iraq and Afghanistan, Libya and now Syria could have been averted or stopped by pressures exerted by the American public not allowing their Governments to kill innocent people, bomb nations into oblivion and eventually drug its own soldiers leaving one soldier a day committing suicide because of the side-effects of the drugs they are taking?
It is not difficult to deduce that the American public have been conditioned and are being conditioned to think according to how their Government’s want them to think. Is it not because of conditioning that Big Tobacco, Big Pharma, Gun lobby and similar big boys end up deciding who gets to sit on the hot seat of the White House?
Of the top 25 magazines in the US the only news magazine is listed at number 12 (Time – which is dictated by the Bilderbergs). Only 12.5m people actually read the top 25 magazines of which Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal is No.1. A National Civic Literacy Study conducted by Xavier University reveals that 1 in 3 native-born citizens fails the civics portion of the naturalization test compared to 97.5% pass rate among immigrants applying for citizenship. America is a nation of reality TV watchers and there are plans to induce the same catastrophe to Asian viewers now mesmerized by reality TV as well. It is good for Asian policy makers to realize this and immediately address this before Asians too end up ignoramus themselves!
How many Americans would accuse mainstream media of being a bunch of paid professional liars? They along with the new peace doves in the form of the human rights champions have no love, no decency, no shame and no fear – in fact they thrive of spewing disinformation, creating lies to deceive people and they hold laborious meetings to devise ways to deceive people to protect those who control the newsmedia.
Ignorance of Americans – Survey results
Pew Research which conducts surveys on the American public’s public affairs knowledge confirms what we perceive to be a primary reason for successive Governments to sell whatever story they like and militarily intervene and destroy entire nations and populations. A Pew IQ study has revealed that only 7% of the people surveyed could correctly answer all 13 questions – half of those surveyed did not know where Syria was on the world map, 43% did not know what the national flag of China was, 75% didn’t know the Euro symbol and thankfully 75% knew John Kerry was the new Secretary of State. How is this possible in a country where its mainstream news channels are providing 24×7 news coverage? How worse can things be when most Americans have concluded that the Boston Bomber – described as a Chechen is thought to be from Czechoslavakia!
More alerted American public could have stopped genocide
If the American people had known the lies their Governments tell would they have been able to question the logic of US killing 1,455,590 innocent Iraqi’s to eliminate just 1 man? Thousands of Iraq’s have been killed since US military intervention in Iraq on the grounds that they accused Saddam for killing “50,000” Iraqi’s without even proof? Did no American wonder why US could not have sent a professional team to strike out just Saddam Hussein and even his coterie instead of bombing an entire nation?
If the American people knew that America was murdering millions to steal Iraqi oil would they have allowed the occupation to take place given that none of these riches have benefitted the common American? Americans must now ask exactly who are profiting from these illegal occupations?
If the American people knew more about the UN laws would they have not questioned why US was invading Iraq when there was no evidence of Weapons of Mass Destruction?
Before American public officials go attributing comments such as these as Anti-American it is good for themselves to wonder exactly how they are contributing to taking their nation en route to a course that would only disintegrate their own people and possibly end up creating more enemies than friends. It is not out of any malice that facts are placed but to simply make people ask themselves whether they are going to continue to be misled by a handful of self-centred people who do not care for anyone but themselves and who are using the system to create anarchy throughout the world.
Questions Americans should ask
If the Americans knew the amounts going to these fictitious wars would they not question why US Armed Forces receive the small pay rise since 1973 while billions are going towards funding more wars!
Can Americans simply pass the blame on the Bush or Obama administration because when America declares War on Terror and America invades a nation every death makes Americans accountable because the American Government decides on the POWER the people have given them and if the Powers seated at Washington are evil and corrupt then all those under it are no different.
Do Americans think the world must think like them? Is that not being proud and arrogant? Do the other nations of the world not have cultures and civilizations that have proud histories that people do not wish to dilute them in the name of “democracy” or “liberal thinking”?
If Americans were not as ignorant as they are would they have not asked “since when did it become America’s business to interfere in the affairs of other nations”?
If Americans were not as ignorant would they have not asked why US turned a blind eye to the millions slaughtered in Rwanda when US was alerted of the plan before the outbreak of violence?
Is it not because Americans were ignorant that US officials fooled the people into thinking 9/11 perpetrators were in Iraq and not Saudi Arabia?
Is it not because Americans are ignorant that Wall Street Bankers ripped off $23,700,000,000 (2009/2010) from the American taxpayers and the People’s “representatives” cannot do anything about it?
For Americans, all their Government needs to do is use just one word “terrorist” and the people are ever ready to give killing orders to their Governments but how many even wondered why their Government is using banned chemicals like DU – depleted uranium which has resulted in abnormal children.
[Photographs of mangled babies elided]
Some US soldiers have even stored their sperms in California laboratories in case DU makes them sterile!
Do Americans even wonder that a criminal syndicate has taken control of the White House and do people wonder how proud they can be when their troops leave this message?
Do Americans know enough to question why US had no right and no legitimate reason to invade Iraq and that it was an ILLEGAL war without UN sanction and when US General James Mattis says “its fun to shoot some people” we know doom is on the way.
What if Reagan, Clinton, Bush and Obama were all part of that criminal syndicate but one person wasn’t and because he didn’t belong he had to go – well this happens when you do not tag the line “The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American’s freedom and before I leave office, I must inform the citizens of this plight.” —President John Fitzgerald Kennedy – In a speech made to Columbia University on Nov. 12, 1963, ten days before his assassination! At the same time, he put a stop to the “borrowing” of Federal Reserve Notes from the Federal Reserve Bank and began issuing United States Notes (which was interest-free) on the credit of the United States. It was the issuing of the United States Notes that caused Jack Kennedy to be “assassinated.”
Upon taking the Oath of Office; Lynden B. Johnson stopped the issuing of the United States Notes and went back to borrowing Federal Reserve Bank Notes (which were loaned to the people of the United States at the going rate of interest of 17%). The U.S. Notes, that were issued under John F. Kennedy, were of the 1963 series which bore a “Red” seal on the face of the “Note.”
How many of the 344million Americans know that the Federal Reserve System is NOT a US Government owned agency? How many are aware that the member banks own all of the stock of the federal reserve banks and these heads are all members of the Council of Foreign Relations?
How many Americans know that Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act into law and amended the Constitution to make the federal income-tax known as the 16th amendment – once these 2 provisions became law what happens is that people are robbed of their earnings via the income-tax provision.
The day Americans start asking the correct questions either another “terrorist” attack would take place or better still the new laws in place will ensure Americans are too afraid to speak up – the fate of the whistleblowers shows enough reasons to fear the new system springing into being which will be no different under the Democrats or the Republicans.
The NSA leak and Snowden showed us that America and the world are being watched – their privacy is being violated. 30,000,000 US cars have black boxes. The nation preaching transparency and human rights have violated the rights of their own citizens.
Freedom gives people the right to BE wrong but Freedom does not give anyone the right to knowingly DO wrong.
When Americans are appearing to finally wake up and start asking the right questions that is why they are slapped with new laws and regulations to keep them in check and silenced. Surely 344million Americans can beat the tide and they must.
[Prompted by an article on abuse of politicians online and baby & women killers who continue to walk free.]
Notes from ~@~
Prather: The truth about responsible gun owners
SATURDAY, 11 JUNE 2016 21:06 ~ Article SourceWhen it comes to "gun legislation," not all politicians are liars; it’s just that about 90 percent of them give the other 10 percent a bad name!
It never ceases to amaze me how many "gun control" bills are written and passed merely on the basis of what our senators "think they know" or are told by other "anti-gun" politicians or the media. Many of them are deliberately lying for the purpose of their own personal agenda.
Responsible gun owners are tired of hearing comments like:
– "Ninety-nine percent of Americans want stricter gun laws."
– "The AR-15 rifle is a 'military style assault weapon that sprays bullets'."
– "The AR-15 stands for 'assault rifle'."
– "The 'bullet button' on an AR-15 makes magazine changes in the blink of an eye."
– "These new 'plastic pistols' can’t be detected at airport security and can be produced on a cheap 3-D printer."
– and, the popular "high capacity magazines for handguns."
It’s sickening that so many politicians are repeating this garbage when they truly have no real knowledge of firearms and/or how to even handle a firearm.
Most of them want stricter gun laws for the working class Americans, yet they (and their entire families) are protected 24 hours a day … with guns.
I am wise enough to know that people who are definitely "pro-gun" or "anti-gun" will most likely not change their point of view. I am directing this to address the "neutral" population and those who fall into the category of "ignorance" regarding gun ownership.
Ignorance is not a bad thing – it just means you have not been educated on the facts.
If you have been informed of the facts but continue to stick your head in the sand, well, then most likely you are an idiot and I can’t help you there!
The worst offenders are people who have been educated with facts but deliberately lie to the American people because they have their own agenda of how we should live. Continually repeating these lies does not make it true, it just makes you a chronic liar.
Fact No. 1: When you hear a statement like "the polls show 99 percent of Americans want stricter gun laws," that is a lie. What they mean is, a poll was paid for by billionaire Michael Bloomberg and results were obtained from his "anti-gun" organizations.
Fact No. 2: The AR-15 rifle was never designed for the military. It was designed for the civilian market and does not "spray bullets" like a military weapon.
Fact No. 3: The "AR" does not stand for "assault rifle" and it is not an assault weapon. The "AR" was merely the letter designation of the manufacturer, "Armalite"; the same as Glock designates their pistol models with "G-17" or Sig Sauer designates their models starting with "P-938."
Fact No. 4: The "Bullet Button" (prior legislation made it mandatory on a AR-15 in California) is extremely hard to manipulate, especially under stress. It cannot be depressed in the "blink of an eye." I challenge anyone to come out to the range and demonstrate how fast they can manipulate this device to change magazines.
Fact No. 5: These so-called "plastic pistols" most certainly can be detected at airports and security screening facilities and in no way be completely produced with a 3-D printer. If you are anti-gun and believe this, you should "print one" and test fire it yourself. You are more of an idiot than I thought!
Fact No. 6: The "standard capacity" magazines for most handguns today is 12 rounds, 13 rounds, 15 or even 17 rounds. The "high capacity" magazines are the 34-round, 50-round or 100-round. Our California anti-gun politicians gave the term "high capacity" magazines to any magazine that holds more than 10 rounds.
I suggest you get out to your local gun range and get the facts for yourself. Even if you don’t want to own a firearm or participate in the shooting sports, at least get out to the range or talk to one of the range officers of our local law enforcement and get the facts.
Tim Prather lives in Cobb, California
Absolutely Fabulous: the Movie (2016)
Edina & Patsy's big screen debut ~ Background ~ Sweetie! Darling! Movie premiere pictures
Dahbud Mensch ~ Stuck in the middle with WHO ?
Great Britain vs. EU = Clear Division = Was it Divide & Conquer ? ~ Source
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Boptime with Even Steven + The Legends of Wilmington Jazz
On Saturday's Boptime, we start at 6am (EDT) by commemorating the June 1967 release of the Beatles' "Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band," followed by some other musical activities in the same month by the Beatles including a world wide musical event that occurred on this day in 1967. At 7am (EDT) we head back to this day in 1962 with the music, what was playing locally at the movies, who appeared on American Bandstand and more. After we do a little dancing on Rockabilly Ridge at 8am (EDT) with Michael Ace, it's more Beatles at 9am (EDT) with Beatlemania!!!, this time from 1966. We'll take a quick look at the Vietnam War on this day in that year, see what was playing at the movies, and hear a selection for this day from the Delaware Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. ~ Steve
BOPTIME: Saturday, 6 AM Eastern time, 3 AM Pacific time
Go To: http://www.wvud.org/?page_id=24
Click on a listening link below the WVUD logo:
Clifford Brown Jazz Festival
Rodney Square, Downtown ~ Wilmington, Delaware
Legend of Wilmington Jazz, Clifford BrownWilmington’s own Clifford Brown was a trumpeter, whose life tragically ended early one summer morning in 1956. It was the result of a car accident on the Pennsylvania Turnpike, which also claimed the life of promising young pianist Richie Powell. At the age of 25, Clifford Brown had already left an indelible mark on jazz. At the festival, it has been commonplace to hear artists perform some of Clifford’s compositions or to hear the classic “I Remember Clifford” penned by Benny Golson as a remembrance of his friend and performed by Dizzy Gillespie. The DuPont Clifford Brown Jazz Festival is our tribute to this great man and a way to keep his memory alive.
Dahbud Mensch ~ Stuck in the middle with WHO ?
Via Balz, (btw) While Y'all were whoring PhaseBook Likes, more than 1,200 died of starvation and illness at a Nigeria refugee camp!
Reporter Sam Levin speaks with the Pink Pistols, a gun club that believes LGBT people should carry firearms for self-defense, about the Orlando massacre. The organization has seen a tripling in membership since the attack. A member said that if patrons had been armed at Pulse they might have prevented the shooting or minimized loss of life
PGI#4 - Bend Sinister, The Road Divided
from playground.is ~ https://vimeo.com/45727532
Today's Secret Question Is:
Are You Prepared for a Cyber Dark Age?
For the tl;dr crowd ;-) because Nobody listened to me, anyway!
We have arrived at the dawn of what one might call "Cyber Dark Age," where Nobody will be capable of protecting Everybody all the time, ...except for a price [Corporate Level 2 / IPV6 ~ Pay Per Click Internet].
Things are occurring in cyber world which are not being publicly shared. For example,
LinkedIn failing to mention 167 million user accounts had been compromised for ? three years, ...and they are not the only one. Here is a partial list of compromised accounts: MySpace, 60 million users, Tumblr, 68 million users, VK, 100 million users, Twitter, 71 million users, with numbers growing daily [darkweb].
...and a bunch of other stuff I would probably get sued for mentioning because it could possibly mess with Somebody's corporate Profits Not People scenario, ;-) ...or be justification for a corporate death penalty ???
Balzac and Dahbud have agreed, if needed, to place important announcements here, on this page. I have not entirely decided about email, yet, so please do not be offended if you no longer receive a response == it is nothing personal !!!
Peace out...
Internet (1991~2013)
A virus forced into prostitution by greedy corporations
and used as a tool to divide & conquer human beings.
REMEMBER KIDS, every time you hear
"CYBER DARK AGE"Scream Real Loud:
Pee Wee's Punk Rock Pogo Party with Cowboy Curtis
from Robert Lyons ~ http://vimeo.com/24793063
Oral Cancer Struggle ~ Email from Curtis
On June 22, 2016, it was declared, after 5+ Years,
C. Spangler undergoing radiation treatmentI would not have been able to do this without all the help from my outstanding tumor board, incredible doctors, and hospital staff who took care of me during this life threatening journey!
Ira Cohen ~ Poet, Artist, Film Maker
Curtis Spangler and Ira Cohen ~ Photograph: Robert Pruzan
Keith Lampe ~ Co-Founder of YIPPIE and Progressive Activist Groups + Video Channel
Curtis Spangler and Keith Lampe ~
Mike Wilhelm ~ Charlatans, Flamin' Groovies, Loose Gravel, and more
Mike Wilhelm and Curtis Spangler ~ Photograph: aH
Paul Krassner ~ The Realist, Writer, Comic, Investigative Satirist
Paul Krassner and Curtis Spangler ~ Photograph, D. Dolliver
Valley Fire ~ Loss of Flying Snail Ranch; Our Personal Paradise
Thank You for Your Warm Support!
Before ~ Photograph, C. Spangler
After ~ Photograph, C. Spangler
Before ~ Photograph, C. Spangler
After ~ Photograph, C. Spangler
Great Memories: Wavy Gravy visiting Flying Snail Ranch ~ Photograph, C. Spangler
Geographic Information Systems
Provides maps for emergency preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation for natural, pandemic, and man-made disasters.
PPRS ~ Pacific Packet Radio Society, Historic 1st Wireless Digital Communication
[Ed. Note: Posted here, so one does not have to search this site]
It has been suggested in a number of documents, publications, and books [pprs.org] that Curtis Spangler developed and built a QAM modulated data radio computer / transceiver interface and designed THE STANFORD PACKET RADIO NETWORK, under the direction of Michael J. Flynn, with assistance from Andrew Zimmerman, at Computer Systems Laboratory, Electrical Engineering Department, Stanford University, and that he was the person who completed ALOHA's goal, when he successfully transmitted and received [16 signals of] quadrature amplitude modulated data with Dr. Flynn on August 23, 1984.
ARRL GATEWAY, Vol. 1, No. 2, August 28, 1984 ~ ARRL Home
On August 23, Curtis Spangler, N6ECT, and Mike Flynn, W2FRT, exchanged packets at 9600 bauds using quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) techniques. Both stations were using personal computers, 9600-bit/s modems, homemade radio/modem interfaces, and 440-MHz radios. Special software, written in Turbo Pascal, drove the synchronous data link controller (SDLC) cards in the computers. Over the five-mile path between the stations, there were no errors using 10 watts, and 60% to 70% throughput at one watt. Via KA6M
Your Gateway to Packet Radio
by Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU
The American Radio Relay League
Page 2-8, Chapter 21984: Historic Firsts
Curtis Spangler and Mike Flynn exchanged packets at 9600 bauds on August 23, 1984, using quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) techniques. Over a five-mile path, there were no errors using 10 watts, and 60% to 70% throughput using one watt.
Pacific Packet Radio Society
Wireless Digital Communication was introduced (in the United States) by Dr. Hank Magnuski (Co-founder of PPRS), when his historic KA6M-1 Digital Packet Radio Repeater began operation on:
December 10, 1980
Pacific Packet Radio Society gateway | history | photos | papers | links | packet audio | videoDear Packet Radio Enthusiast,
Thanks very much for the letter of inquiry which you sent me. The response I've received to the initial publicity about the packet repeater has been very enthusiastic, and I have been deluged with requests from hams, both locally and from various points around the country, for more information about the repeater, for schematics, for listings, specifications, modems, proms, SDLC chips, Vancouver boards, and for talks at clubs. Needless to say, all this activity, plus continuing development on the packet hardware and software has kept me very busy, and I apologize for the long delay in responding to your letter. Let me bring you up to date on what has happened, or is happening, since the initial announcement of the repeater, which went on the air in December of 1980.
World's First Digital Repeater for Wireless Data Communications
KA6M/R - Packet Radio Repeater. 1980 ~ Front View ~ PPRS photos
World's First Digital Repeater for Wireless Data Communications
KA6M/R - Packet Radio Repeater, 1980 ~ Back View ~ PPRS photosIn the early months of this year, the packet repeater was operating out of my residence, and was still an experimental machine. Since then, we have installed a couple of upgrades to the control software, we have used a better CPU card, increased the power level, moved the repeater to 700 feet elevation, and integrated its operation to be 100% compatible with the protocol used by the Vancouver Digital Communications Group (VADCG). The repeater has changed from being a laboratory curiosity to a major Bay Area repeater heard from Berkeley to south San Jose, and the user community has grown from a couple of stations to a network of some 30 users. The packet system here now has a mailbox on-line 24 hours a day, several on-line personal computers, and network links (courtesy of a commercial packet network) to the other active packet radio centers in Vancouver and Ottawa. We have also just installed an HF port on 20 Meters, and are beginning some experiments aimed at establishing connection with AMRAD in Washington and with equipment located at W1AW.
VADCG TNC built by C. Spangler, N6ECT- PPRS photosMost of the original packet radio experiments were done in Canada (in part due to the Canadians' pioneering communications spirit, and in part due to less restrictive regulations up there), and three main centers were at work: Montreal, Ottawa and Vancouver. The technology employed by each of these groups differed, and each approach has its own merits. My thinking and ideas very closely paralleled the work started by Doug Lockhart, VE7APU, and I can best report on what is happening with groups which have adopted HDLC (High-level Data Link Control) framing as the basis of their protocol. The HDLC/ SDLC frame is a new, universally accepted standard in the data communications industry, and Doug and I feel it offers a good starting point on which to build a packet radio network. As it turns out, groups in Washington D.C., Los Angeles, El Paso, Denver, Sacramento, and Hamilton have also taken up this technology, and it is likely that we already have a sufficient number of people using this technique that it will become the defacto standard in the amateur radio community.
It would be impossible for me to completely describe the protocol and equipment being used in this letter, so I will briefly cover some of the topics and give you some pointers on where to find additional information. As you might guess, this is a new area for amateur radio, and tutorial material and handbooks simply do not yet exist. Many issues and problems remain to be discussed, and there is opportunity to make substantial contributions to the state of the art. [Snip] [Continue Reading] - Thanks again for your interest. See you on the net. Best regards, Hank Magnuski, KA6M - [More Papers and History]
Notes from ~@~
Gurney Halleck Shreds from Tony Balko ~ https://vimeo.com/58590296
Akin Unver plays Domenico Scarlatti ~ Sonata in F Minor ~ K.386 /L.171
from Akin Unver ~ https://vimeo.com/41942412
Chapman Stick trance jam with software synths
from Nima Rezai ~ https://vimeo.com/162869068
Ice Beat Factory 'Inception' from Merge Production ~ https://vimeo.com/27364738
Podcast ~ MP3 music
June 18, 2016
Dreamhour Set ListEntrepreneur ~ Rubbermaid ~ 02:02
We’re Snapping ~ Ralph Eno ~ 01:23
Native American Ceremonial Song ~ Laura Allan ~ 06:38
Remnants of Paradise ~ The Remnants ~ 03:18
Why Not Try Love Again ~ Jumping’ Jupiter ~ 08:07
Hear the People ~ Loose Gravel with Mike Wilhelm ~ 02:40
Soul Is Satisfied ~ Bobby Kent and the Christian Cadillac ~ 04:32
Friends In Another Lifetime ~ Robin Kilgore ~ 05:41
Waltzing on the Stars ~ Happy Valley String Band ~ 05:53
Playing for Nobody ~ Gabriel Gladstar ~ 04:16
Big Boss Man ~ Mike Wilhelm, and his Bottle Rock Blues
& Rhythm Band featuring Neon Napalm ~ 05:49Nobody for President ~ Country Joe McDonald ~ 02:07
Notes from ~@~
George Duke + Greg Phillinganes ~ The Gospel According To Emmett
from Spectrasonics ~ https://vimeo.com/23984040
Omnisphere 2 ~ Hang Drum Jam from Spectrasonics ~ https://vimeo.com/153832119
George Duke + Greg Phillinganes ~ Slow Acoustic Jazz Ballad
from Spectrasonics ~ https://vimeo.com/23984637
Boptime with Even Steven + The Legends of Wilmington Jazz
June 18, 2016
@ 9am(EDT) 6am(PDT)
6,5,4,3,2,1, Today
I will be doing a one hour international broadcast.
Specifics will be listed here previous to the show. ~@~
What do we want? ~ TIME TRAVEL | When do we want it? ~ IT'S IRRELEVANT!SPECIFICS
Boptime returns Saturday beginning at 6am (EDT) with the Broadway musical "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes," which was on stage this day in 1950. At 7am (EDT) we continue with music from this day in 1950, which began the final week of post war peacetime before America's next war began in Korea, and since it was a Sunday, we'll begin by reading a few 'funnies' from the Sunday paper. We'll continue with more from this day in 1950 during the 8am (EDT) hour. At 9am (EDT) we present the first of this year's Dream Hours, this time from Curtis who listens to Boptime from California. For the early bird, on the Freebox beginning at 3am (EDT) we continue to commemorate the release of the Beatles "Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" from June 1967 with a blending of The Flaming Lips and Big Daddy's cover albums. We round out the Freebox by playing recordings from another event from the summer of 1967 we didn't know about 'til later, which was the recordings made by Bob Dylan and the Band from Big Pink in upper New York State. . Thank you for listening ~ Steve
[Ed. Note: WVUD-FM recently experience a major flood, was rebuilt. and I am not sure the 128k High Bandwidth links currently work. The MP3 ~ Low Bandwidth ~ 32k & Windows Media ~ Low Bandwidth ~ 32k == links do work. ~@~]
BOPTIME: Saturday, 6 AM Eastern time, 3 AM Pacific time
MP3 ~ Low Bandwidth ~ 32k .... Windows Media ~ Low Bandwidth ~ 32k
MP3 ~ High Bandwidth ~ 128k .... Windows Media ~ High Bandwidth ~ 128k
_or_ Go To: http://www.wvud.org/?page_id=24
Click on a listening link below the WVUD logo:
;-) YES, there will be a quiz afterwards and incorrect answers will result in loss of PhaseBook likes! (-;
Mike Wilhelm ~ Charlatans, Flamin' Groovies, Loose Gravel, and more
Mike Wilhelm at Richard Wahlberg Studio ... Photograph: Ana Maria WilhelmHigh Curtis,
Below is a track recorded at Richard Wahlberg Studio in San Francisco using old RCA ribbon mics for that "authentic" sound
Pallet On Your Floor done in one take. Ana Maria took this pic while I was recording.
Keep rockin',
Mike Wilhelm,
Charlatans' guitarist, June 15, 2016This song and others available via:
Flying Snail Studios
Podcast Page_or_ via iTunes subscription at:
[Copy & Paste above URL into iTunes -> File -> Subscribe to Podcast...]
Someone is looking at whatever you do,
so always present your most charming you[Update 201606.10: Twitter locks millions of accounts after passwords posted for sale ~ Facebook corporate network hack discovered by security researcher ~ Mark Zuckerberg hacked on Twitter and Pinterest]
FOR THE LAST two weeks, the tech world’s security teams have been practically under siege. On an almost daily basis, new collections of data from hundreds of millions of stolen accounts have appeared on the dark web, ripped from major web firms and sold for as little as a few hundred dollars each worth of bitcoins. And behind each of those clearance sales has been one pseudonym: “Peace_of_mind.”
“Peace_of_mind,” or “Peace,” sells data on the dark web black market TheRealDeal. His or her “store” page has a 100-percent satisfaction rating and feedback like “A+++,” and “follows up with your questions and delivers promptly.” And Peace’s growing selection of merchandise includes 167 million user accounts from LinkedIn, 360 million from MySpace, 68 million from Tumblr, 100 million from the Russian social media site VK.com, and most recently another 71 million from Twitter, adding up to more than 800 million accounts and growing.
Just how Peace obtained that data is far from clear. Much of it is from older breaches, dating back to as early as 2012. But the consequences have already been serious—likely due in part to victims reusing passwords between sites—and include hackers compromising the Twitter accounts of Mark Zuckerberg, Twitter founder Ev Williams, a multitude of celebrities including Drake and Katie Perry and likely many more less-visible attacks. In fact, these breaches are so large it’s hard to imagine anyone with a digital life who is not in some way affected.
Earlier this week, WIRED approached Peace through the RealDeal market messaging system and interviewed him or her via encrypted, anonymous IM. Almost none of Peace’s claims could be confirmed. Take them only as the unverified statements of a mysterious, pseudonymous, brazenly criminal hacker. Here, with some editing for clarity, is our conversation, which took place on Monday, June 6.
Nobody for President ~ NONE of the ABOVE should be a choice on voter ballots
David Peel did the first Nobody for President Song at Nobody's
David Peel, The Hippy from NYC from Ian Hart ~ https://vimeo.com/1332653241976 Rally in Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, New York City [New York Times article], with support from The Holy Modal Rounders.
Psychedelic Blues from Drew Christie ~ https://vimeo.com/127295085In this animated documentary, Peter Stampfel tells the story of how the freak folk band, first got together.
The Holy Modal Rounders… Bound To Lose from Big Beard Films ~ https://vimeo.com/59616424
The Fugs - Four Minutes to Twelve from Mike Neumann ~ https://vimeo.com/23731470The Fugs are a band formed in New York in late 1964 by poets Ed Sanders and Tuli Kupferberg, with Ken Weaver on drums. Soon afterward, they were joined by Peter Stampfel and Steve Weber of the The Holy Modal Rounders. Kupferberg named the band from a euphemism for "fuck" used in Norman Mailer's novel, The Naked and the Dead. ~ Four Minutes to Twelve is from the album "The Belle of Avenue A" 1969
Nobody for President
by Country Joe Mc Donald:
October 14, 1980 Rally - Union Square - San FranciscoFeatured Speakers were: Nobody, Wavy Gravy (Nobody's Fool), Paul Krassner, Jane Dornacker (Lelia the Snake), and Surprise Guests. Music was provided by Country Joe McDonald, performing his new Nobody for President campaign song, Barry "The Fish" Melton and his Band, and The Unreal Band.
Nobody for President
by Jim Maxwell & The Sundown Band
Jim Maxwell ~ vocal, guitar, Roy Marden ~ guitar, vocals, Jerry Shebeski ~ drums, Joe Jedrlinic ~ bass guitar, Craig Grant ~ vocals, percussion, David Peel ~ vocals, percussion, Joanna D'ascoli ~ vocals
Mike Wilhelm ~ Charlatans, Flamin' Groovies, Loose Gravel, and more
The Limit Of The Marvelous ~ The Charlatans ~ Ace Records Ltd ~ Video SourceWith the 50th anniversary of the legendary Charlatans’ debut occurring this year, Big Beat are celebrating with this carefully conceived deluxe vinyl edition of the original line-up’s best recordings, “The Limit Of The Marvelous”.
The iconic quintet are widely acknowledged with kickstarting the entire San Francisco 1960s renaissance. The Charlatans presented themselves with an iconic blend of Americana-infused popular styles, encompassing olde-English folk, country, swing, bluegrass and 50s rock’n’roll. And the band’s conceptual image radiated a class that few of their hirsute, tie-dyed peers could hope to match.
“The Limit Of The Marvelous” distils the best cuts from Big Beat’s essential “Amazing Charlatans” CD to approximate the long-player the group should have issued at their peak in 1966. It juxtaposes idiosyncratic folk-rock such as ‘Codine Blues’ and ‘Alabama Bound’ with dustbowl-dry originals from the pen of guitarist/drummer Dan Hicks, including the first recording of his signature ‘How Can I Miss You When You Won’t Go Away.’
Housed in a Globe Propaganda-approved sleeve complete with copious illustrations of this most photogenic of outfits, “The Limit Of The Marvelous” is a fitting reminder in their anniversary year of the continuing magic of the Charlatans.
A 180g coloured vinyl release. ~ http://acerecords.co.uk/the-limit-of-the-marvelous
George Carlin on Chris Rock Show from J. VDK ~ https://vimeo.com/57630167
Why I Think This World Should End, Brandon Sloan ~ https://vimeo.com/105589124
Dahbud Mensch ~ Stuck in the middle with WHO ?
Getting Away With Murder?
Remembering the USS Liberty
A Political Cover-Up Since June 8, 1967
34 U.S. Military Dead, 171 Wounded
Nobody for President ~ NONE of the ABOVE should be a choice on voter ballots
Why NONE of the ABOVE
On Voter Ballots Could
Prevent An Upcoming
Political Train WreckMr. Trump
is the Republican Presidential Candidate.Mr. Trump Supports reauthorizing an unread Patriot Act.
Mr. Trump Did Not Oppose an illegal Iraq War.
Mrs. Bill
is the Democrat Presidential Candidate, for the moment.Mrs. Bill voted in favor of an unread Patriot Act of 2001.
The Patriot Act was used to remove U.S. Citizen Freedom/Liberty, created by Republicans who lied about WMD, started an illegal war in Iraq, murdered thousands of children, women, civilians, U.S. Military, totally supported by the Democrat Party, and No Politician went to jail.
Ashcroft holds a sign saying, "The Bush Jihad Against The Bill of Rights" and says,
Freedom is Slavery!Target: 'Narco-Terror
[Broken Link. Was:
http://abcnews.go.com/sections/us/WorldNewsTonight/victory_act030820.html]ABCNEWS.com has obtained a draft of the Vital Interdiction of Criminal Terrorist Organizations Act of 2003, or VICTORY Act, which could be introduced to Congress this fall, and which appears to have been prepared by the office of Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Ashcroft says,
Uh, yah ... I still need more emergency powers. Our Republic remains endangered.Provisions in the draft would:
Raise the threshold for rejecting illegal wiretaps. The draft reads: "A court may not grant a motion to suppress the contents of a wire or oral communication, or evidence derived therefrom, unless the court finds that "
Melba says,
Edith, I hear the Government can tap our phones whenever they damn well want to!!!
Ashcroft who is illegally listening to the conversation says,
That's not true, Edith-It's only to catch terrorists!
Edith questions by asking, Melba is a terrorist?Extend subpoena powers by giving giving law enforcement the authority to issue non-judicial subpoenas which require a person suspected of involvement in money laundering to turn over financial records and appear in a prosecutor's office to answer questions.
Ashcroft, while devouring United States Citizens' CIVIL LIBERTIES, demands MORE.Extend the power of the attorney general to issue so-called administrative "sneak-and-peak" subpoenas to drug cases. These subpoenas allow law enforcement to gather evidence from wire communication, financial records or other sources before the
Mr. Ashcroft wants people who go into American homes to snoop while they're there.
At the door a woman says,
I'm sorry Alice, I'll come back later I didn't know you had snoops.Allow law enforcement to seek a court order to require the "provider of an electronic communication service or remote computing service" or a financial institution to delay notifying a customer that their records
Ashcroft says, IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED....
and is about to blow-up American CIVIL LIBERTIES"This bill would treat drug possession as a 'terrorist offense' and drug dealers as 'narco-terrorist kingpins,' " the aide argued. "To say that terrorist groups use a small percentage of the drug trafficking in the United States to finance terrorism may be a fair point, but this bill would "
John Ashcroft's War on Terrorists ~ Large eye watches a couple in bed, trying to sleep.Concluded the aide: "It really seems to be more about a political agenda to jail drug users than a serious attempt to stop terrorists."
WAR ON TERROR thugs destroy a home, hold a gun on a dog, and look at women's
underwear during a raid. Not finding anything terror related, one thug says,
So...As long as we're here... Does your evil kid smoke dope?
Terror Alert ~ Have You Seen This Man (Ashcroft)? Targets May Include:
* Your privacy rights * Your right to know what your government's up to
Ashcroft cuts the bell ringer off a Liberty Bell with CIVIL LIBERTIES written on it,
while shushing Americans.Quite simply, Ashcroft's campaign and leadership PAC broke the law by giving and receiving a contribution that exceeded the federal contribution limit by at least 10 times and possibly by more than 200 times, and by failing to disclose the contribution in the first place. Alliance for Democracy v. FEC Is Our Chief Law Enforcement Officer a Criminal?
Mrs. Bill voted in favor of an illegal Iraq war, knowing fifty percent of the Iraqi population were children under the age of 15.
Result of Mrs. Bill's Vote
for An Illegal Iraq War Based on Lies(OTOH)
Bernie Sanders voted against the Patriot Act
Bernie Sanders voted against the Iraq War
Considering How Mrs. Bill Voted
In the Past Raises the Question:Will Nobody Select Complicity Igar for Vice ?
Nobody will eliminate an unread Patriot Act, detain politicians, who voted for illegal Iraq wars with no personal/outside contact or media for a minimum of 15 years at Gitmo, never MC a Reality Show (with exception to: being elected President), and love you forever !!!
A note from Nobody's Campaign Manager
I am sure everyone is aware by now early Tuesday morning, June 7, 2016, before voters were given a chance to vote, Corporate Media declared Mrs. Bill the presidential candidate, and if one is truly interested in what really happened, it is now time to click and read this article.
Declaring a winner before an election is a device used to discourage people from going to their polling place and voting.
They hope the result will be voting is futile, so why waste your time going to the polls?
Many years ago Nobody's Birthday Party got tired of hearing, "No, I did not vote, why should I?", "Yes, I voted, ...for the lesser of evils!", etc. and provided a solution:
should be a choice on voter ballots
and although it is true the Birthday Party was not the first with this idea, we have been encouraging NONE of the ABOVE since 1976.
Our leader listens to what we have to say, tells the truth all the time, and never fails to love us when we are down & out.
Ignore Corporate Media Bullshit:
June 6, 2016 Political Update
More Election BULLSHIT like Gore/Bush?
Hours before California Votes,
Associated Press Declares Mrs. Bill Winner,
that should have had:
on Voter Ballots?Mr. Trump is the Republican Presidential Candidate.
Mrs. Bill is the Democrat Presidential Candidate.
2,383 delegates required for Democrat nomination
Mrs. Bill has 1,812 pledged with 571 superdelegates = 2,323
Mr. Sanders has 1,521 pledged with 48 superdelegates = 1,569
[Above Source: AP | Last updated: 6 Jun 2016, 10:03pm]
Nobody for President
by Country Joe Mc Donald:
October 14, 1980 Rally - Union Square - San FranciscoFeatured Speakers were: Nobody, Wavy Gravy (Nobody's Fool), Paul Krassner, Jane Dornacker (Lelia the Snake), and Surprise Guests. Music was provided by Country Joe McDonald, performing his new Nobody for President campaign song, Barry "The Fish" Melton and his Band, and The Unreal Band.
From: Paul Krassner [snip]
Subject: "Trump Talks, Will State Listen?" CA section
Date: June 4, 2016 at 11:06:00 AM PDT
To: latimes.comRe “Trump Talks, Will State Listen?” California June 4
Whining Donald “attacked the judge overseeing a fraud lawsuit Trump University, his defunct real estate program,” complaining “the ethnic heritage of U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel...made it a conflict of interest for him to handle the case.” However, for the record, Trump didn’t feel he was hated and treated unfairly by that same judge who had previously set the trial to begin after the election in November.
June 5, 2016 Political Update
Mr. Trump is the Republican Presidential Candidate.
2,383 delegates required for Democrat nomination
Mrs. Bill has 1,776 pledged with 547 superdelegates = 2,323
Mr. Sanders has 1,501 pledged with 46 superdelegates = 1,547
[Above Source: AP | Last updated: 4 Jun 2016, 9:47pm]I'm a superdelegate and I don't believe in superdelegates'
Elizabeth Warren[Click for List of 2016 Superdelegates]
[Click for State-by-state delegate tracker]
Previously Stated:
Bernie Sanders voted against an unread Patriot Act of 2001.
Bernie Sanders voted against an illegal Iraq war.
Mrs. Bill voted in favor of an unread Patriot Act of 2001.
Mrs. Bill voted in favor of an illegal Iraq war, knowing fifty percent (50%) of the Iraqi population were children under the age of 15.
Mr. Trump Supports reauthorizing an unread Patriot Act.
Mr. Trump Did Not Oppose an illegal Iraq War.
The Patriot Act was used to remove U.S. Citizen Freedom/Liberty, created by Republicans who lied about WMD, started an illegal war in Iraq, murdered thousands of children, women, civilians, U.S. Military, totally supported by the Democrat Party, and No Politician went to jail.
Nobody will eliminate an unread Patriot Act, detain politicians, who voted for illegal Iraq wars with no personal/outside contact or media for a minimum of 15 years at Gitmo, and love you forever !!!
42 Complete, Headed for 43 == Still Best Friends & Companions!
Boptime with Even Steven + The Legends of Wilmington Jazz
On Boptime this Saturday at 6am (EDT) we begin by going back to this day in 1956 with the American production of Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht's Three Penny Opera as translated by Marc Blitzstein, which was on stage in New York City. We continue with music from 1956 during the 7am (EDT) hour. At 8am (EDT), in our "My World" and "Uncle Richard's Neighborhood" segments we experience a different outcome for a tragic incident that occurred near Wilmington in 1903. On the back half of the 8am hour we'll play some rare 50s and 60s local tunes on "Delaware Rock & Roll Hall of Fame," segment including tunes by Lue Caz and Marla Debrick. At 9am (EDT), near the 60th anniversary of the tragic death of jazz great Clifford Brown, we'll hear Brownie playing with Art Blakey's Jazz Messengers, Teddy Edwards, Harold Land, Sonny Rollins and Max Roach, including selections from his final recorded performance. For the early bird on the Freebox at 3am (EDT), we observe the release of the Beatles' Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album in June 1967 with the 1988 cover album "Sergeant Pepper Knew My Father." Also heard will be Laibach's cover album of "Let It Be," along with tunes from the Beatles and from Count Basie doing some early Beatle tunes. ~ Steve
BOPTIME: Saturday, 6 AM Eastern time, 3 AM Pacific time
Go To: http://www.wvud.org/?page_id=24
Click on a listening link below the WVUD logo:
[Ed. Note: Are you able to protect yourself?]
Shades Of Stuxnet Spotted In
Newly Found ICS/SCADA Malware'IronGate' discovery underlines the risk of industrial attacks yet to come.
Kelly Jackson Higgins ~ 6/2/2016 08:00 AM ~ Article Source
Newly discovered malware targeting industrial control systems has the researchers who discovered it intrigued and hungry for help from the ICS community to further unravel it.
FireEye researchers today detailed their findings on the so-called Irongate ICS/SCADA malware, which targets a Siemens PLC simulation (SIM) environment—not an operational one—via a man-in-the middle attack on a specific piece of custom PLC SIM code. SIM environments are where engineers test out their PLC code, which means Irongate as-is represents no actual threat to ICS operations, according to FireEye, and there’s been no sign of any attacks or attempts thus far.
Irongate, which the researchers believe is a proof-of-concept, apparently has been under the radar for some time. It dates back to 2012, but wasn’t discovered until late last year after a couple of its samples were uploaded to VirusTotal: even then, antivirus scanners missed it. FireEye reverse-engineered the samples after noticing some SCADA references in the code.
The ICS/SCADA security community has been awaiting a new wave of malware focused on manipulating or altering industrial processes since the infamous Stuxnet attack was first exposed and deconstructed in 2010. But there’s been no similar ICS/SCADA attack or threat to emerge publicly despite predictions that Stuxnet was a harbinger of possible threats yet to come.
Irongate is no Stuxnet, but it resembles it in some ways: like Stuxnet, Irongate targets a specific Siemens control system, and it uses its own DLLs to alter a specific process. Each malware family does a little detective work of its own to evade detection: while Stuxnet searched for antivirus software to bypass, Irongate skirts sandboxes and other virtual environments so it won’t get caught.
There are no ties to the codebases of the two malware families, and Irongate has no worm-like spreading function, nor any apparent ties to nation-state actors like Stuxnet does. In fact, Irongate isn’t even a real attack as yet. The researchers don’t have proof of any victims, but they say the creator had to have some detailed insight and knowledge about the specific custom simulation process that it targets. Irongate doesn’t exploit any vulnerabilities in a Siemens PLC nor does it attack the PLC itself.
“Post-Stuxnet, everybody said this is going to unleash ICS malware. But we didn’t see that. This is really the first example of control system malware that did copy those techniques,” says Rob Caldwell, ICS manager for FireEye Mandiant. Irongate is not as complex or sophisticated as Stuxnet, but it can evade sandboxes —something Stuxnet could not do, he says.
The researchers say it’s unclear whether Irongate is the handiwork of a nation-state, a cybercriminal, or a researcher testing threats to ICS. “The question for us is if it’s a simulated environment, then what is it? Is someone trying this in a simulated [environment] before taking it to a production environment? Or is it a researcher saying ‘look what I can do ... a Stuxnet-type thing,’” says Dan Scali, senior manager for FireEye Mandiant ICS Consulting.
Either way, the discovery of Irongate should be a wakeup call for the ICS/SCADA community, security experts say.
No New Stuxnet Here
Robert M. Lee, a SANS instructor and ICS/SCADA expert, says Irongate itself doesn’t represent a next-generation Stuxnet or other threat per se, but it does underscore a basic problem with ICS/SCADA security. “It’s not a sign of a specific [attack] capability, but it’s a sign of the interest in this by pen testers, security companies, as well as adversaries,” Lee says. “The problem I have ... is I am not confident that a majority of the industry could respond to it. We don’t know what’s out there; antivirus companies aren’t finding it and even if they had, who would know what to do with it [the threat]?”
Lee says it’s difficult to determine who is behind Irongate, but he’s not sold that it’s an actual attack. “This looks to be a security company put it together to demonstrate a security tool, or a pen test and researcher put it together for a project,” he says. “It’s not an adversary tool -- but it’s still important.”
The Irongate code was manually uploaded to VirusTotal from someone based in Israel, he notes.
FireEye, meanwhile, says some of Irongate’s functions indeed could become part of future ICS/SCADA malware and attacks. “I would not be surprised to see sandbox evasion and file replacement attacks incorporated by future ICS malware deployed in the wild,” says Sean McBride, attack synthesis lead for FireEye iSIGHT Intelligence.
Irongate, which goes after custom PLC logic code written and tested in Siemens Step 7 PLC simulation environment, wages a man-in-the-middle attack against the PLC test code and replaces the Dynamic Link Library (DLL) used in the Siemens system with a malicious one of its own. Some of Irongates droppers won’t run if they detect a VMware or Cuckoo sandbox, FireEye found.
While the researchers say they don’t know which PLC process Irongate is simulating, they were able to correlate some of data with pressure and temperature simulations.
“The vulnerability in this case is more of something that ICS operators need to think about when they write their own code: code that’s not signed, so it can be replaced,” Caldwell says.
Web Ties?
FireEye found code samples similar to the process that Irongate was attacking on a control engineering blog that covers PLC SIM issues. “The code seems to resemble some examples of PLC simulation code that’s freely available on the Web, which also helped inform our hunch [Irongate] may be a proof-of-concept,” Caldwell says. “It’s very similar to some publicly available demo code out there.”
FireEye released details of the malware here.
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Stuxnet, The Prequel: Earlier Version Of Cyberweapon DiscoveredKelly Jackson Higgins is Executive Editor at DarkReading.com. She is an award-winning veteran technology and business journalist with more than two decades of experience in reporting and editing for various publications, including Network Computing, Secure Enterprise ... View Full Bio
Mike Wilhelm ~ Charlatans, Flamin' Groovies, Loose Gravel, and more
STORMY MONDAY, Mike Wilhelm from ed chatham ~ https://vimeo.com/120113732
LOTTE (Charlotte Lotte Reiniger) from GOBELINS ~ https://vimeo.com/131071673
The Sailor’s Bonnet, The Gloaming from Real World ~ https://vimeo.com/104023428
Sledgehammer, Peter Gabriel from Real World ~ https://vimeo.com/118573473
Boptime with Even Steven + The Legends of Wilmington Jazz
On Boptime this Saturday at 6am (EDT) we begin by going back to this day in 1956 with the American production of Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht's Three Penny Opera as translated by Marc Blitzstein, which was on stage in New York City. We continue with music from 1956 during the 7am (EDT) hour. At 8am (EDT), in our "My World" and "Uncle Richard's Neighborhood" segments we experience a different outcome for a tragic incident that occurred near Wilmington in 1903. On the back half of the 8am hour we'll play some rare 50s and 60s local tunes on "Delaware Rock & Roll Hall of Fame," segment including tunes by Lue Caz and Marla Debrick. At 9am (EDT), near the 60th anniversary of the tragic death of jazz great Clifford Brown, we'll hear Brownie playing with Art Blakey's Jazz Messengers, Teddy Edwards, Harold Land, Sonny Rollins and Max Roach, including selections from his final recorded performance. For the early bird on the Freebox at 3am (EDT), we observe the release of the Beatles' Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album in June 1967 with the 1988 cover album "Sergeant Pepper Knew My Father." Also heard will be Laibach's cover album of "Let It Be," along with tunes from the Beatles and from Count Basie doing some early Beatle tunes. ~ Steve
BOPTIME: Saturday, 6 AM Eastern time, 3 AM Pacific time
Go To: http://www.wvud.org/?page_id=24
Click on a listening link below the WVUD logo:
Notes from ~@~
KPFZ 88.1 FM Radio
Really Needs Your Help
To Get Streaming Back Online
KPFZ 88.1 FM, Lake County Community Radio, Lakeport, CAKPFZ 88.1 FM Online Streaming Ended on January 31st
Ellen H (Editor in Chief) , 02/05/2016
http://kpfz.org/news/online-streaming-may-end-on-january-31st/KPFZ Management has announced that online streaming ended on January 31, 2016. According to the KPFZ Board of Directors President Chloe Karl station staff are currently exploring other avenues to restore online streaming.
If you do want to help prevent this to happen, check out the Future of Music Coalition’s post on www.actionnetwork.org. This is an organization attempting to get reasonable webcasting fees that will not force small community radio stations like KPFZ to stop streaming their shows.
From the Future of Music Colation’s post on Action Network’s website:
We support fair and transparent payment to artists and rightsholders when their work is used. We also recognize that small webcasters are vitally important to musical culture, whether it’s small community FM stations or online webcasters who program niche music. Webcasting reflects far greater diversity—from cutting edge releases by contemporary artists to America’s rich and varied musical traditions. And unlike commercial FM, internet radio pays musicians and labels. The relationship between artists and small webcasters is mutually supportive. This dynamic must be preserved. The expiration of the Webcaster Settlement Act has left many small webcasters facing a steep increase in rates and unsure of their future survival. We’re optimistic that a solution can be found to allow many small commercial webcasters to continue to operate, important music played and artists paid—directly, transparently and fairly. Stay tuned for updates and opportunities to take action. For now, please sign up to be notified of the latest developments.
Mike Wilhelm ~ Charlatans, Flamin' Groovies, Loose Gravel, and more
Louie Louie, Mike Wilhelm from ed chatham ~ https://vimeo.com/52509099
David Normal ~ Artist ~ indiegogo Citroen page ~ May 16, 2016 Update
Dear Friends,
My beloved '69 Citroen D-Special art car, "Citroedelic", bit the dust (or should I say the dust bit it?). Rust had been encroaching its rear end irreparably. When I was driving down the 580 in Oakland last Sunday and two sharp backfires occurred I knew it was nothing minor - the end had come: the car had broken its camshaft. [Click to continue reading]
UPDATE: The New Citroedelic!!!
[May 16, 2016 ~ Click to Read Update]On Easter Sunday I made a down payment on the perfect 'canvas' for me to decorate.
Here is the perfect 'canvas' for me to decorate.. my new, flat gray, funky, old, mechanically sound, Citroen Station Wagon.
I have decided to extend the duration of my campaign by documenting the acquisition and decoration of the car. Please Stay tuned and kindly support this effort! ~ David
[Ed. Note: Visit David Normal's art web page and indiegogo Citroen page]
Notes from ~@~ ... Valley Fire
Carlin Step, DJ Steve Porter & Eli Wilkie from Roland Kardeby ~ http://vimeo.com/21162532
The Great Bell Chant (The End of Suffering) from R Smittenaar ~ http://vimeo.com/6518109
One Day, Matisyahu from 100% ~ http://vimeo.com/11520225
Unsung Hero ~ Still Anonymous from Rattakarn Srithavatchai "Garn" ~ http://vimeo.com/90853494
Hackers ~ The Missing BBS Files
Curtis Spangler, the CommuniTree's First Fairwitness
Click to visit: The San Francisco CommuniTree ~or~ BBS Index SourceLet's look at some of the earliest electronic virtual communities. This kinship chart shows the origins of the first computer bulletin boards (BBSs) that supported social interaction. Prior to this moment, BBSs messages were organized by alphabetical order, or by date. BBSs were metaphors for physical bulletin boards... objects for the exchange of simple messages, not conversations. Now, in 1978 a group of people in Northern California designed a BBS that used message attachment protocols that facilitated conversations. As a metaphor for this structure they used a tree, firstly because it was based on a principle of computer science called binary tree protocol, and secondly because Northern California near Silicon Valley was a land of hot tubs, Eastern mysticism, and computer hackers, and the organicity that the word "tree" suggested was important to those hackers' worldview.
The story of the life and death of the first CommuniTree tells us how and why the later virtual community systems were designed. The original CommuniTree was designed with the idea that the community it facilitated would be completely free. Anyone could enter any sort of message. In fact, censorship was completely prohibited at the level of the code, of the Tree's program. It worked this way: First, the system operator was prevented from reading messages as they arrived. Second, messages were hard to remove once they were entered. Third, anything could be entered into the system, including so-called control characters, which are not part of the standard alphanumeric set and which can be used to control the operation of the host computer. Lastly, to make sure that no system operator could tamper with the system, the code was written in language called Forth, and not documented. Now Forth is a religion unto itself, and if you know anything about Forth you recognize that this makes the system a total black box -- it's impossible to know anything about how the code works.
CommuniTree went online in 1978. The kinds of conversations they had in there were of a high intellectual and spiritual character. They talked about new philosophies and new religions for post-Enlightenment humanity, the first time such conversations had taken place online.
Now, at the same moment Apple Computer had reached an agreement with the U. S. Government that in return for a tax break, Apple put computers into primary and secondary schools in the U.S., and some of those computers had modems. This meant that quite suddenly a lot of kids could get online. At first both boys and girls had access, but the boys quickly elbowed the girls out of the way -- high tech was men's work. The boys quickly found out CommuniTree's phone number and logged on. They were clearly unimpressed with the high intellectual level of the discourse on CommuniTree, and they expressed their dissatisfaction in ways that were appropriate to their age and linguistic abilities. Now, the hardware of the Tree was the best that Apple had to offer in 1978, it had two floppy disk drives with a combined total of 300 kilobytes of storage. At the time, the folks who designed the Tree said "300K -- we can go on forever. We'll never fill this up." A common BBS today would have at least 100 megabytes of storage, many orders of magnitude greater than the Tree. So it didn't take long for the kids to fill every byte of disk space with every word they could think of that meant shitting or fucking, and then they'd add control characters on top of that, characters that could mess with the program or stop the floppy drives. The sysops couldn't see the messages arriving and couldn't remove them afterward. The Tree was doomed.
One of the participants in the Tree discourse said "Well, the barbarian hordes mowed us down." And the people who were on the Tree ran away, just like the population of a village during a sack. It was a kind of scattering of the tribes. Some of those people went off and designed BBSs of their own that had built into them the elements of control and surveillance that appeared to be necessary to ensure the BBS's survival in a real world that included roaming barbarians. That kind of surveillance and control continues to the present day, built right into the software; we don't think about it much any more.
And that's how, back at the beginning of virtual time, the first virtual community left the Magic Garden, and entered the "real" virtual world in which good had to find ways to coexist with evil.
Freedom of expression and freedom of speech aren't really important unless they're heard...It's hard for me to stay silent when I keep hearing that peace is only attainable through war. And there's nothing more scary than watching ignorance in action. So I dedicated this Emmy to all the people who feel compelled to speak out and not afraid to speak to power and won't shut up and refuse to be silenced. ~ Tom Smothers
A Destructive Political Force has
reached center stage in AmericaIt makes a fight over everything. It is insatiable in its quest for wealth and power. It appeals to the worst in people, to hatred and fear. It divides groups of Americans against each other. It preys on the vulnerable and serves the privileged. And it lies in virtually all it says.
The once-respectable Republican Party has been hijacked in our times by a sick and broken spirit that damages everything it touches.
In this profound crisis, there is also an opportunity to see and to understand the workings of destructive forces that arise in civilized societies and that must be countered effectively if we —Americans, humankind —are to create a future we want.
The purpose of this site is to present a vision of how the human world works, and of what we are called to do to make that world more whole.
Read more: short version / long version ~ Main Page
Cree Prophecy
Only after the last tree has been cut down,
Only after the last river has been poisoned,
Only after the last fish has been caught,
Only then will you find money cannot be eaten.
Nobody for President ~ NONE of the ABOVE should be a choice on voter ballots
Curtis Spangler & Wavy Gravy October 12, 1976 - Photograph: James StarkMay 26, 2016 Political Update
Mr. Trump is the Republican Presidential Candidate.
2,393 delegates required for Democrat nomination
Mrs. Bill has 1,768 pledged with 537 superdelegates pledging = 2,305
Mr. Sanders has 1,497 pledged with 42 superdelegates pledging = 1,539
[Click for a complete List of 2016 superdelegates]
As Previously Stated:
Bernie Sanders voted against an unread Patriot Act of 2001.
Bernie Sanders voted against an illegal Iraq war.
Mrs. Bill voted in favor of an unread Patriot Act of 2001.
Mrs. Bill voted in favor of an illegal Iraq war, knowing fifty percent (50%) of the Iraqi population were children under the age of 15.
The Patriot Act was used to remove U.S. Citizen Freedom & Liberty and was created by the same Republicans who lied about WMD, started an illegal war in Iraq, murdered thousands of children, women, civilians, U.S. Military, was totally supported by the Democrat Party, and No Politician went to jail.
Nobody will eliminate an unread Patriot Act, detain politicians, who voted for illegal Iraq wars with no personal/outside contact or media for a minimum of 15 years at Gitmo, and love you forever !!!
It's the end of the world as we know it...again.
A brief history of Socialist Plots to end the American way of lifeby Pulitzer Prize-winning American political cartoonist
Matt Wuerker; founding staff member of Politico.
If Nobody lives forever and becomes president, presidential elections could be
eliminated, resulting in savings, that could be used to reduce citizen taxes !
NONE of the ABOVE should be a Choice on Voter Ballots
What if I told you he did have sexual relations with that woman...
and it was in the White House ?
Esurance ( Election Insurance) from Rene Delgado ~ https://vimeo.com/160981357
"NOBODY Respects Women More Than I do" ~ Donald Trump
American Dream, George Carlin ~ from Ishtar ~ https://vimeo.com/20452708Nobody should have that much power
The Heyókȟa symbolize and portray many aspects of the sacred, the Wakȟáŋ. Their satire presents important questions by fooling around. They ask difficult questions, and say things others are too afraid to say. By reading between the lines, the audience is able to think about things not usually thought about, or to look at things in a different way.
Principally, the Heyókȟa functions both as a mirror and a teacher, using extreme behaviors to mirror others, thereby forcing them to examine their own doubts, fears, hatreds, and weaknesses. Heyókȟas also have the power to heal emotional pain; such power comes from the experience of shame--they sing of shameful events in their lives, beg for food, and live as clowns. They provoke laughter in distressing situations of despair and provoke fear and chaos when people feel complacent and overly secure, to keep them from taking themselves too seriously or believing they are more powerful than they are.
In addition, sacred clowns serve an important role in shaping tribal codes. Heyókȟa's don't seem to care about taboos, rules, regulations, social norms, or boundaries. Paradoxically, however, it is by violating these norms and taboos that they help to define the accepted boundaries, rules, and societal guidelines for ethical and moral behavior. This is because they are the only ones who can ask "Why?" about sensitive topics and employ satire to question the specialists and carriers of sacred knowledge or those in positions of power and authority. In doing so, they demonstrate concretely the theories of balance and imbalance. Their role is to penetrate deception, turn over rocks, and create a deeper awareness.
Oh, I hope that I see you again I never even caught your name As you looked through my window pane ~ So I'm writing this message today I'm thinking that you'll have a way Of hearing the notes in my tune ~ Where are you going? Where have you been? I can imagine other worlds you have seen ~ Beautiful faces and music so serene ~ So I do hope I see you again My universal citizen You went as quickly as you came ~ You know the power Your love is right You have good reason To stay out of sight ~~ But break our illusions and help us Be the light ~ The Promise by Mike Pinder
Without love in the dream, it will never come true. ~ Jerry Garcia/Robert Hunter
And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make. ~ John Lennon
The man whispered, "God, speak to me" and a meadowlark sang. But the man did not hear. So the man yelled "God, speak to me" and the thunder rolled across the sky. But the man did not listen. The man looked around and said, "God let me see you" and a star shined brightly. But the man did not notice. And the man shouted, "God show me a miracle" and a life was born. But the man did not know. So the man cried out in despair, "Touch me God, and let me know you are there" Whereupon God reached down and touched the man. But the man brushed the butterfly away and walked on.
Don't miss out on a blessing because
it isn't packaged the way you expect!
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