During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. ~ George Orwell
Notes from Erb
similar to that done in Eden (II Corinthians, 11:14).
How else do they take control of earth?
Ministers of Satan are variously understood as being a consummately evil system of government; or leader... Ministers of Satan are liars who will deceive many people... Ministers of Satan want to divide the world and create war without end... Ministers of Satan will declare things which are evil are good, will refer to war as peace, death as a solution for justice, and serving the wealthy as a means of helping the poor. Many nations will recognize they are evil, but their own people will be inclined to believe their deceptions.
Christians are to no longer execute sinners, so they should not wage carnal war, but spiritual warfare ~ (John 18:36; 2 Corinthians 10:1-6; Ephesians 6:10-18; 1 Timothy 1:18-20; 6:11-14; 2 Timothy 2:3-5; 4:6-8), Christians must be peacemakers forgiving those who do them harm treating their enemies with love and not seeking revenge ~ (Matthew 5:9, Romans 14:19), (Ephesians 4:29-32; Colossians 3:12-14; Matthew 6:9-15; Mark 11:25-26), (Luke 6:27-36) (Romans 12:17-21; 1 Peter 3:8-12), and Hatred, which is the same as murder, is unforgiving, vengeful and hostile towards one's enemies ~ (1 John 3:15)
Hey Joe! - Saville Theater 29th January 1967 via Anthony Roustan
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution. John Adams
Bob Dylan - Talkin’ World War III Blues (Live at the Newport Folk Festival) via Not Dark Yet
Throughout America's adventure in free government, our basic purposes have been to keep the peace; to foster progress in human achievement, and to enhance liberty, dignity and integrity among people and among nations. To strive for less would be unworthy of a free and religious people. Any failure traceable to arrogance, or our lack of comprehension or readiness to sacrifice would inflict upon us grievous hurt both at home and abroad. Dwight D. Eisenhower, the last Decent/Respectable Republican
Turtles All the Way Down by Sturgill Simpson via Mankind Film
For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. ~ President John F. Kennedy, Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, April 27, 1961, assassinated, November 22, 1963
Leningrad Cowboys, Happy Being Miserable via Leningrad Cowboys Official
Forget the politicians. They are irrelevant. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don't. You have no choice! You have OWNERS! They own you! They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They've long since bought, and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear. George Carlin
5FDP vs. Billy Idol ~ Rebel Yell Over It, DJ Schmolli via SrvTech
2 PETER 2:1 ~ But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
2 PETER 2:2 ~ And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.
2 PETER 2:3 ~ And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.
Somebody’s Fool, Spo-Dee-O-Dee ~ Rhythm Bomb/ Sleazy Records, Bopflix Films
The Staple Singers ~ Respect Yourself (from Soul Train) via Domo
NONE of the ABOVE should be a valid choice on voter ballots!
Boptime ~ w/Even Steven Leech ~ Saturday Mornings
Boptime begins at 6am (EST) on December 2nd with oldies back to back to back. At 7am (EST) we present another in the series of The Legends of Wilmington Jazz, followed at 8am (EST) by Rockabilly Ridge with Michael Ace who plays recordings from the RCA label from the late 1940s through the 50s that demonstrate the label’s movement from vintage R&B tunes to Rock n’ Roll. At 9am (EST) we bop back to this day in 1964 nearing the end of the first full year of Beatlemania, along with a whole lot more tunes from this time in 1964, right after the election of LBJ and the Gulf of Tonkin incident that would set the stage for the beginning of the Vietnam War. ~ Steve
BOPTIME: Saturday, 6 AM Eastern, 3 AM Pacific time
Go To: http://www.wvud.org/?page_id=24
Click on a listening link below the WVUD logo:
Boptime available locally in Delaware on:
WVUD-FM 91.3
Shoutcast = [Search: WVUD] || TuneIn
Alerts ~ Remembering Emmett Grogan
Remembering An Old Acquaintance,
Emmett Grogan
November 28, 1942 ~ April 6, 1978
November 28, 1942 ~ April 6, 1978
Emmett Grogan (born Eugene Grogan & Author of Ringolevio) was a founder of the Diggers, a radical community-action group of Improvisational actors in the Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco, California. The Diggers took their name from the English Diggers (1649-1650), a radical movement opposed to feudalism, the Church of England and the British Crown. [Continue reading at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia] ~ [Emmett's wake was originated via the Diggers and facilitated by Curtis Spangler at the United State Cafe, on Haight Street, one half block from Ashbury Street.]
En el camino via Enrique CA
Boptime ~ w/Even Steven Leech ~ Saturday Mornings
Boptime begins at 6am (EST) on Saturday November 25th with oldies back to back to back. At 7am (EST) The Early Hour we bring you some of the more innovative works by Stan Kenton, mostly from the 1950s. At 8am (EST) we visit the Club Baby Grand where Clifford Brown does some Charlie Parker. We’ll also hear from Gerald Chavis at the Boardroom, a favorite from the Tony Smith Quintet with Billy Norwood, and some other choice sides. At 9am (EST) , on the R&B side of the program, we got some male vocalists like Cecil Gant, Percy Mayfield, and Jimmy Rushing from the late 40s and early 50’s, along with other rare tunes. ~ Steve
BOPTIME: Saturday, 6 AM Eastern, 3 AM Pacific time
Go To: http://www.wvud.org/?page_id=24
Click on a listening link below the WVUD logo:
Boptime available locally in Delaware on:
WVUD-FM 91.3
Shoutcast = [Search: WVUD] || TuneIn
Vietnam Veteran says what?
When P01135809 said, "We pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like Vermin within the confines of our country that lie and steal and cheat on elections."...
Are these "root out" Vermin?
217 Republicans Voted
To Cut Veterans Care:
The people who vote for them will forget, or not
care. ..And that is if they even know it happened
in the first place. OctopussSevenTwo on imgur.com
Are these "root out" Vermin?
Russia helped me get elected
I’m Your Cowboy via Tatiana Stolpovskaya
Are these "root out" Vermin?
Terrorist & Insurrectionist
share a similar definition?
terrorist, noun & adjective [attributive]: person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
insurrectionist, noun & adjective [attributive]: person who commits violent uprising and armed insurrection against an authority or government.
Cartoon by: R.J. Matson, @National Press, @CQ Roll Call, @CagleCartoons, @Wikipedia
If you are an insurrectionist,
you are a terrorist?
"If you harbor terrorists insurrectionists, you are terrorists. If you train or arm a terrorist an insurrectionist, you are a terrorist. If you feed a terrorist an insurrectionist or fund a terrorist an insurrectionist, you're a terrorist, and you will be held accountable by the United States and our friends." ~ GOP, Republican: George W. Bush, WMD Liar ~ NY Times 11/22/2001
Are these "root out" Vermin?
A Night at the Garden by Marshall Curry + Brown Shirts + Night of the Long Knives
What In Tarnation?
Distant Relatives [Patience] via nabil elderkin
NONE of the ABOVE should be a valid choice on voter ballots!
Myths of Mass Deception: Thanksgiving Is A Celebration of Genocide
Cree Prophecy
Only after the last tree has been cut down,
Only after the last river has been poisoned,
Only after the last fish has been caught,
Only then will you find money cannot be eaten.
Podcast: Laura Allan ~ Ceremonial Song ~ Click-to-play
Podcast: Robbie Basho ~ Wounded Knee ~ Click-to-play
Is A Celebration of Genocide
The End of American Thanksgivings, The Black Commentator, Issue 66
Nobody but Americans celebrates Thanksgiving. It is reserved by history and the intent of "the founders" as the supremely white American holiday, the most ghoulish event on the national calendar. No Halloween of the imagination can rival the exterminationist reality that was the genesis, and remains the legacy, of the American Thanksgiving. It is the most loathsome, humanity-insulting day of the year - a pure glorification of racist barbarity.
We at [Black Commentator] are thankful that the day grows nearer when the almost four centuries-old abomination will be deprived of its reason for being: white supremacy. Then we may all eat and drink in peace and gratitude for the blessings of humanity's deliverance from the rule of evil men.
Thanksgiving is much more than a lie - if it were that simple, an historical correction of the record of events in 1600s Massachusetts would suffice to purge the "flaw" in the national mythology. But Thanksgiving is not just a twisted fable, and the mythology it nurtures is itself inherently evil. The real-life events - subsequently revised - were perfectly understood at the time as the first, definitive triumphs of the genocidal European project in New England. The near-erasure of Native Americans in Massachusetts and, soon thereafter, from most of the remainder of the northern English colonial seaboard was the true mission of the Pilgrim enterprise - Act One of the American Dream. African Slavery commenced contemporaneously - an overlapping and ultimately inseparable Act Two. [Continue reading at Source]
Thanksgiving, Celebration of Genocide
Native American Holocaust Absolution by Pilgrims
Skipping past the signing of the Mayflower Compact, the first concerns of the new arrivals were finding something to eat and a place to settle. After anchoring off Cape Cod on November 11, 1620, a small party was sent ashore to explore. Pilgrims in every sense of the word, they promptly stumbled into a Nauset graveyard where they found baskets of corn which had been left as gifts for the deceased. The gathering of this unexpected bounty was interrupted by the angry Nauset warriors, and the hapless Pilgrims beat a hasty retreat back to their boat with little to show for their efforts. Shaken but undaunted by their welcome to the New World, the Pilgrims continued across Cape Cod Bay and decided to settle, of all places, at the site of the now-deserted Wampanoag village of Patuxet. There they sat for the next few months in crude shelters - cold, sick and slowly starving to death. Half did not survive that terrible first winter. The Wampanoag were aware of the English but chose to avoid contact them for the time being.
In keeping with the strange sequence of unlikely events, Samoset, a Pemaquid (Abenaki) sachem from Maine hunting in Massachusetts, came across the growing disaster at Plymouth. Having acquired some English from contact with English fishermen and the short-lived colony at the mouth of the Kennebec River in 1607, he walked into Plymouth in March and startled the Pilgrims with "Hello Englishmen." Samoset stayed the night surveying the situation and left the next morning. He soon returned with Squanto. Until he succumbed to sickness and joined his people in 1622, Squanto devoted himself to helping the Pilgrims who were now living at the site of his old village. Whatever his motivations, with great kindness and patience, he taught the English the skills they needed to survive, and in so doing, assured the destruction of his own people. [Continue Reading at Source]
Native American Issues & Causes & NDN News Website - http://www.ndnnews.com/
The Thanksgiving Myth
by John Two-Hawks
Let me begin by stating that thousands of years before the 'official' Thanksgiving Day was proclaimed by Governor Winthrop of the Massachussetts Bay Colony in 1637, North American Indigenous people across the continent had celebrated seasons of Thanksgiving.
'Thanksgiving' is a very ancient concept to American Indian nations. The big problem with the American Thanksgiving holiday is its false association with American Indian people. The infamous 'Indians and pilgrims' myth.
It is good to celebrate Thanksgiving, to be thankful for your blessings. It is not good to distort history, to falsely portray the origin of this holiday and lie about the truth of its actual inception. Here are some accurate historical facts about the true origin of this American holiday that may interest you. [Continue Reading at Source]
Develop Your Mind, Not Sacred Sites
In an 1868 treaty, drafted at Fort Laramie in Sioux country, the United States established the Black Hills as part of the Great Sioux Reservation, set aside for exclusive use by the Sioux people. However, after the discovery of gold there in 1874, the United States confiscated the land in 1877. To this day, ownership of the Black Hills remains the subject of a legal dispute between the U.S. government and the Sioux.
I'm Sorry You Have Taken So Long to Say You're Sorry
by David Pego
"I think America clearly knows the atrocities - the holocaust, the land theft, the boarding school experience completely wiping out the language and cultures of our Native brothers and sisters." ~ Source
NONE of the ABOVE should be a valid choice on Voter Ballots!
Boptime ~ w/Even Steven Leech ~ Saturday Mornings
Boptime begins at 6am (EST) on Saturday November 18th with oldies back to back to back. At 7am (EST) in The Early Hour we’ll hear Duke Ellington’s Liberian Suite, along with selections from William Grant Still and Paul Robeson. We meet on Clifford’s Corner at 8am (EST) with Larry Williams and some great jazz pianists and other selections. At 9am (EST) we’ll switch to some R&B sides that’ll include a mess of selections from Chess Records along with a few other great tunes. ~ Steve
BOPTIME: Saturday, 6 AM Eastern, 3 AM Pacific time
Go To: http://www.wvud.org/?page_id=24
Click on a listening link below the WVUD logo:
Boptime available locally in Delaware on:
WVUD-FM 91.3
Shoutcast = [Search: WVUD] || TuneIn
Patchworks Films
Now Streaming
on Prime Video, Apple TV, & xfinity

Los Hermanos/The Brothers
Boptime ~ w/Even Steven Leech ~ Saturday Mornings
Boptime begins at 6am (EST) on Saturday November 11th with oldies back to back to back. At 7am (EST) on Jukebox Liberation we’ll hear some of the early Latin influences on Rock n’ Roll. At 8am (EST) on Rockabilly Ridge Michael Ace spins familiar tunes that were recorded by different artists. At 9am (EST) we go back to this time in 1951, nearly a year and a half into the Korean War along with some of the fear of impending World War III during vestiges of elements of the domestic Cold War, as well as visiting some of the live musical venues from this time in 1951 around Wilmington. ~ Steve
BOPTIME: Saturday, 6 AM Eastern, 3 AM Pacific time
Go To: http://www.wvud.org/?page_id=24
Click on a listening link below the WVUD logo:
Boptime available locally in Delaware on:
WVUD-FM 91.3
Shoutcast = [Search: WVUD] || TuneIn
John Flores Graphics ~ Art
ASIFA-SF, Karl Cohen ~ Association International du Film d'Animation, SF Newsletter
ASIFA-SF November 2023 Newsletter [PDF]
Finally time for Daylight Saving Time?
Well, unfortunately, no. It’s true that the U.S. Senate on March 15, by unanimous consent, passed the Sunshine Protection Act of 2021. There was much buzz over the bill at the time, given that it would make daylight-saving time permanent starting on Nov. 5, 2023 — that is, if the House and the president approved it.
As you can now probably guess, that hasn’t happened. The bill was sent to the House, but nothing has been done with it since March.
Continue reading complete article by Shaun Goodwin and Patrick McCreless, Updated September 12, 2022 12:27 PM, at:
Busy night for Stonehenge workers moving rocks back one hour!
Daylight saving time
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[Citations located at links]
Proponents of DST generally argue that it saves energy, promotes outdoor leisure activity in the evening (in summer), and is therefore good for physical and psychological health, reduces traffic accidents, reduces crime or is good for business. Opponents argue the actual energy savings are inconclusive.
A 2017 meta-analysis of 44 studies found that DST leads to electricity savings of 0.3% during the days when DST applies. Several studies have suggested that DST increases motor fuel consumption, but a 2008 United States Department of Energy report found no significant increase in motor gasoline consumption due to the 2007 United States extension of DST. An early goal of DST was to reduce evening usage of incandescent lighting, once a primary use of electricity. Although energy conservation remains an important goal, energy usage patterns have greatly changed since then. Electricity use is greatly affected by geography, climate, and economics, so the results of a study conducted in one place may not be relevant to another country or climate.
Later sunset times from DST are thought to affect behavior; for example, increasing participation in after-school sports programs or outdoor afternoon sports such as golf, and attendance at professional sporting events. Advocates of daylight saving time argue that having more hours of daylight between the end of a typical workday and evening induces people to consume other goods and services.
Many farmers oppose DST, particularly dairy farmers as the milking patterns of their cows do not change with the time, and others whose hours are set by the sun. There is concern for schoolchildren who are out in the darkness during the morning due to late sunrises. DST also hurts prime-time television broadcast ratings, drive-ins and other theaters.
It has been argued that clock shifts correlate with decreased economic efficiency, and that in 2000 the daylight-saving effect implied an estimated one-day loss of $31billion on U.S. stock exchanges, Others have asserted that the observed results depend on methodology and disputed the findings, though the original authors have refuted points raised by disputers.
CNN says Daylight Savings Is Racist
CNN Article Makes the Case That Daylight Savings Is Racist via freespoke.com
Daylight Saving Time sheds light on
of sleep’s disproportionate
in communities of color
by Jacqueline Howard @ CNN
As the United States rolled back the clocks one hour this month to observe the end of Daylight Saving Time, many people got a bit more sleep than usual – but some not as much as others.
Growing evidence shows that lack of sleep and sleep disorders, such as obstructive sleep apnea, remain more prevalent in Black, Asian, and Hispanic or Latino communities, and these inequities can have long-term detrimental implications for physical health, even raising the risk of certain chronic diseases.
Meanwhile, Daylight Saving Time itself – enacted in the US to reduce electricity usage by extending daylight hours – has long been controversial in the United States.
The American Academy of Sleep Medicine, the Sleep Research Society and other medical groups have advocated for ending the practice, calling for the adoption of a permanent standard time that would not involve shifting forward each spring and falling back each autumn.
“Daylight saving time is associated with increased risks of sleep loss, circadian misalignment, and adverse health consequences,” Dr. Beth Malow, professor of neurology and pediatrics and director of the Vanderbilt University Medical Center Sleep Division in Nashville, said in a news release this month. She authored a paper, published in September in the journal Sleep, detailing the potential health benefits of adopting a permanent standard time.
In March, the US Senate unanimously passed the Sunshine Protection Act, which would make Daylight Saving Time permanent across the country – meaning there would be no reverting to “standard time” from early November through mid-March – but the legislation would have to pass the House and earn President Joe Biden’s signature before becoming effective in November 2023.
Now, some sleep researchers worry about the potential effects that continuing to change standard time twice each year may have on sleep health inequities.
“Poor sleep is associated with a host of poor health outcomes, including obesity, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and certain cancers, including of the breast and colon. Many of these health outcomes are more prevalent in the Black population,” said Chandra Jackson, a researcher and epidemiologist with the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, who has been studying racial and ethnic disparities in sleep.
“Experimental as well as observational studies have linked sleep to these health outcomes. Therefore, sleep could be an important contributor,” she said. “Fortunately, sleep health is largely modifiable.”
As for the inequities seen in sleep health, it’s not that White adults don’t also experience a lack of sleep and its health consequences – but people of color appear to disproportionately experience them more, and that’s believed to be largely due to social systems in the United States.
What sleep does to the body
Sleep allows the body to restore itself on a cellular level. During quality sleep, your heart rate, blood pressure and breathing can rise and fall, which may be important for cardiovascular health, and your body releases hormones that help repair cells and control its use of energy, according to the National Institutes of Health. These hormone changes also can influence your weight.
A study published in October in the journal PLOS Medicine suggests that people 50 and older who sleep five hours or less at night have a higher risk of multiple chronic diseases as they age compared with peers who get a longer night’s rest.
Separate research, also published in October in the journal of the American Heart Association, shows that cardiovascular health guidelines are more effective at predicting a person’s risk of heart disease if they include sleep – and not focus solely on diet and exercise.
Certain physiologic processes – such as immune function, cardiovascular health and memory formation – require certain amounts of sleep. So without enough sleep, the body and brain may not function optimally, said Dr. César Caraballo-Cordovez, a postdoctoral associate in the Yale-based Center for Outcomes Research and Evaluation who has studied racial and ethnic disparities in sleep duration.
“Short sleep duration has been associated with higher risk of adverse medical events and conditions, including diabetes, obesity, hypertension, heart disease, impaired cognitive functions, and death,” Caraballo-Cordovez wrote in an email, adding that the consensus is that most adults need at least seven hours of sleep per day.
Yet the racial and ethnic disparities in sleep duration appear to be getting worse across the United States, according to recent research by Caraballo-Cordovez, Jackson and their colleagues. Their study, published in April in the medical journal JAMA Network Open, found that among more than 400,000 adults in the US, between 2004 and 2018, the prevalence of short and long sleep duration was persistently higher among those who were Black and Hispanic or Latino. Short sleep is less than seven hours in a day, and long sleep is more than nine hours.
Although there was a significant increase in the prevalence of insufficient sleep across all groups during the study period, the prevalence of short sleep increased 6.39 and 6.61 percentage points among Black and Hispanic or Latino adults, respectively, compared with 3.22 percentage points among White people.
Several social and environmental factors that can interfere with sleep are more common among Black and Hispanic or Latino people in the US, Caraballo-Cordovez said.
“Among those are housing conditions, noise pollution, light pollution, air pollution, stress from different sources – including perceived racial discrimination – and jobs or working conditions,” he said, adding that the convergence of all those factors may explain why getting the recommended amount of sleep “may be less common among Black adults than among White adults.”
Caraballo-Cordovez and Jackson both emphasize that the causes behind the racial inequality of sleep warrant more research.
The ‘persistent barriers’ to quality sleep
Many social and environmental determinants of health – including living conditions or work schedules that don’t support sleep – may emerge, at least in part, from historical and persistent forms of structural racism, which Jackson considers as the “totality of ways in which societies foster racial discrimination through mutually reinforcing systems of housing, education, employment, wages, benefits, credit, media, health care and criminal justice.”
Jackson added that she often reflects on how the shooting death of Breonna Taylor in Louisville in March 2020 and the shooting of George Floyd’s 4-year-old grandniece in Houston on New Year’s Day both happened when they were asleep – and how systems of structural racism in the US can cultivate conditions that make such incidents more likely to happen in Black communities. “This would require research,” she said.
Examples of structural racism and how they can have impacts on health include the history of discriminatory mortgage lending and appraisals in the US, which affect the conditions in which people of color may live; how predominantly white school districts tend to get more funding than districts serving people of color, influencing the quality of education some people of color may receive; and even how hair discrimination may contribute to some Black women using potentially harmful chemical hair products because policies might not allow specific hairstyles in school or the workplace.
“These policies and practices can produce disparities due to the maldistribution of health-promoting or harming resources across racial groups and can, in turn, reinforce discriminatory beliefs,” Jackson said. “That is, it is believed that discriminatory policies and practices across sectors of society create the physical and social conditions that make it more difficult for Black families to get optimal sleep and grow up healthy. Fortunately, these policies and practices are also modifiable.”
Although more research on the causes of disparities in sleep is needed, she said, essentially anything that produces physical and psychological stress is a threat to sleep health, and these stressors tend to be more prevalent in Black communities.
In the US Department of Health and Human Services’ Healthy People 2030 plan for the nation, improving health by helping people get enough sleep was listed as a goal, with objectives including increasing the proportion of adults with sleep apnea symptoms getting evaluated by a health care provider and increasing the proportion of schools that start later in the mornings. Improving sleep health has been a national objective in the federal government’s past two Healthy People programs, noted Caraballo-Cordovez, who is not involved in the programs.
But he added that “the impact of strategies focused on improving sleep knowledge and habits – although important and necessary – may be limited if they do not address the persistent barriers that disproportionally prevent Black individuals from achieving and maintaining a healthy life.”
https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/25/health/racial-inequities-sleep/index.html ~ Links at site
Is Daylight Saving Time Healthy for Humans?
Nobody for President ~ Restore political balance?
Nobody's "Birthday Party" provided an easy, cost-effective, way to restore political balance:
None of the Above
should be a valid choice on voter ballots.
Unfortunately, a jaded two party system rejects this simple fix because Nobody has all the answers and believes if a majority of citizens voted for None of the Above, rather than lesser of evils, voters would have to find someone competent to lead them !!! The media said, "Nobody could argue with that logic."
(1) Put "None of the Above" on voter ballots.
(2) Change requirements for President:
(a) Extremely hard civil service exam.
(b) Top scores compete in Prezolympics.
(c) Top 10 winners become candidates.
(d) Election winner becomes President.
(e) Gets device implanted in brain that explodes if a lie is told.
(3) Hire a Ribbon Cutter for President.
(a) Saved money pays off national debt.
(4) Declare election day a holiday.
(a) Voting receipt required for pay.
(5) Tie election participation to jury duty.
(a) Those who don't vote go on jury rolls.
Boptime ~ w/Even Steven Leech ~ Saturday Mornings
Boptime begins at 6am (EDT) on Saturday November 4th with oldies back to back to back. At 7am (EDT) it’s The Legends of Wilmington Jazz. At 8am (EDT) Michael Ace spins some classic rock n’ roll on Rockabilly Ridge. At 9am (EDT) we bop back to this day in 1966 on Beatlemania!!, including hits on the British charts as well as the Wilmington list of hits. ~ Steve
BOPTIME: Saturday, 6 AM Eastern, 3 AM Pacific time
Go To: http://www.wvud.org/?page_id=24
Click on a listening link below the WVUD logo:
Boptime available locally in Delaware on:
WVUD-FM 91.3
Shoutcast = [Search: WVUD] || TuneIn
Alerts ~ Notes from ~@~
Remembering Our Dear Friend
Lisa Kindred
Ladies at Night ~ Debbie Olcese, Lisa Kindred, Eden Craven ~ United State CafeLisa Kindred (1940-2019) was an American folk and blues singer.
Kindred, born in 1940 in Buffalo, New York,[1][2] was a figure in the Greenwich Village and Cambridge, Massachusetts folk scenes of the 1960s.[3] She played with Bob Dylan, Dave Van Ronk and other legendary folk singers, and was mentored by guitarist and songwriter Fred Neil.[3] She performed at the Cafe Wha?,[4] Club 47, The Bitter End and other venues.[3] In that extraordinary musical era in the Village, she was influenced as well by visiting blues greats such as Mississippi John Hurt and Skip James and legendary jazz pianist/composers McCoy Tyner and Thelonious Monk.[5]
Kindred's debut album, I Like It This Way, was released on Vanguard Records in 1965. Her second album was to have been released on Vanguard in 1966 under the title Kindred Spirit,[6] but the master tapes were stolen[7][8] and delivered to Mel Lyman, a musician in the backing band and soon-to-be leader of the Mel Lyman Family. The album was only released four years later on Warner Bros./Reprise Records under the aegis of the Lyman Family, titled American Avatar - Love Comes Rolling Down. The album cover showed a picture of Lyman, not Kindred.[7][8] That was Kindred's last album on a major label. She became a long-time fixture on the San Francisco bar scene, appearing on occasional compilations[6] and two self-released albums, Steppin' Up In Class (2003) and Blues and Beyond (2013).[3]
In 1966, she organized and was the lead guitarist and singer with the UFOs, an avant-garde, all-female, rock band. It also featured Ann Sternberg, Diane Tribuno and Lorry Stanton. She and the other members were interviewed by Leonard Bernstein for the 1967 documentary, Inside Pop: The Rock Revolution, which also interviewed Graham Nash, Brian Wilson, Frank Zappa and from Herman's Hermits, singer Peter Noone.[9] In the 1967 movie, The Love-Ins, the group performed their song, Hello World.[10][11]
Kindred led and fronted the Haight Ashbury band, Ascension, featuring lead guitarist Debbie Olcese and Kindred on rhythm guitar. Ascension's original bassist was a woman named Maus. She and the Grateful Dead's Phil Lesh owned two of the first Alembic basses in San Francisco. Ascension rocked the Great American Music Hall, opening twice in one night for the legendary Etta James.[12] Ascension's drummer was Chuck Bernstein, keyboards was Malcolm Rockwell; Maus left the group in 1974, replaced by Gary Nelson on a blonde 1968 Fender Telecaster bass. Kindred still performs and sings at the Saloon in North Beach in San Francisco and other venues. She sang on the 2009 album, Stu Blank and Friends, which included Charlie Musselwhite and Tommy Castro.[13] In 2013, after co-producing it over four years with keyboardist Austin deLone, and joined by Dennis Geyer, Willie Riser and Dick McDonough, she released Blues and Beyond. San Francisco Chronicle music critic Joel Selvin, though not given to effusiveness, took the occasion to describe her as a "bona fide blues queen who sings like one of the greats."[5]
In addition to her decades-long contributions to the folk and blues community in her home in Mill Valley, Marin County, California, and her many gigs at the Sweetwater Music Hall and other local venues, she has made civic contributions as well, directing the city's juvenile play program and worked for years as a teacher's aide at Park School.[5]
Kindred passed away in California Nov 11, 2019.[14] [Continue Reading]
Notes from ~@~
Freedom of expression and freedom of speech aren't really important unless they're heard...It's hard for me to stay silent when I keep hearing that peace is only attainable through war. And there's nothing more scary than watching ignorance in action. So I dedicated this Emmy to all the people who feel compelled to speak out and not afraid to speak to power and won't shut up and refuse to be silenced. Tom Smothers
Carlin Step, DJ Steve Porter & Eli Wilkie via Roland Kardeby
The Great Bell Chant (The End of Suffering) via R Smittenaar
One Day, Matisyahu
Unsung Hero via Rattakarn Srithavatchai "Garn"
The Sacred Clowns ~ Heyókȟa
The Heyókȟa symbolize and portray many aspects of the sacred, the Wakȟáŋ. Their satire presents important questions by fooling around. They ask difficult questions, and say things others are too afraid to say. By reading between the lines, the audience is able to think about things not usually thought about, or to look at things in a different way.
Principally, the Heyókȟa functions both as a mirror and a teacher, using extreme behaviors to mirror others, thereby forcing them to examine their own doubts, fears, hatreds, and weaknesses. Heyókȟas also have the power to heal emotional pain; such power comes from the experience of shame--they sing of shameful events in their lives, beg for food, and live as clowns. They provoke laughter in distressing situations of despair and provoke fear and chaos when people feel complacent and overly secure, to keep them from taking themselves too seriously or believing they are more powerful than they are.
In addition, sacred clowns serve an important role in shaping tribal codes. Heyókȟa's don't seem to care about taboos, rules, regulations, social norms, or boundaries. Paradoxically, however, it is by violating these norms and taboos that they help to define the accepted boundaries, rules, and societal guidelines for ethical and moral behavior. This is because they are the only ones who can ask "Why?" about sensitive topics and employ satire to question the specialists and carriers of sacred knowledge or those in positions of power and authority. In doing so, they demonstrate concretely the theories of balance and imbalance. Their role is to penetrate deception, turn over rocks, and create a deeper awareness.

Develop Your Mind, Not Sacred Sites
Only after the last tree has been cut down, Only after the last river has been poisoned, Only after the last fish has been caught, Only then will you find money cannot be eaten. ~ Cree Prophecy
Nobody for President ~ NONE of the ABOVE should be a choice on voter ballots!
Curtis Spangler & Wavy Gravy, Nobody for President, 197610.12 ~ Photo: James Stark
Nobody bakes apple pie better than Mom, is eternal, perfect, has all the answers, ended war, will love you forever, brought peace to our time, fixed global warming, fed the hungry & destitute, knows, cares, shives a git about you, loves you when you're down & out, and if elected will not lie to, or steal from, 'the people'; ...begging a question, What's NOTA's entry fee ...more lies that lead to mass murder or human sacrifice, when Nobody says why not try love again?
American Dream, George Carlin via Ishtar [Not Work Safe] Alternative source with text
NOBODY should have that much power!
NONE of the ABOVE should be a valid choice on voter ballots!
Message via Mike Pinder
Oh, I hope that I see you again I never even caught your name As you looked through my window pane ~ So I'm writing this message today I'm thinking that you'll have a way Of hearing the notes in my tune ~ Where are you going? Where have you been? I can imagine other worlds you have seen ~ Beautiful faces and music so serene ~ So I do hope I see you again My universal citizen You went as quickly as you came ~ You know the power Your love is right You have good reason To stay out of sight ~~ But break our illusions and help us Be the light. Mike Pinder
Why I Think This World Should End, Prince EA via Prince EA
Without love in the dream, it will never come true. ~ Jerry Garcia/Robert Hunter
And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make. ~ John Lennon
The man whispered, "God, speak to me" and a meadowlark sang. But the man did not hear. So the man yelled "God, speak to me" and the thunder rolled across the sky. But the man did not listen. The man looked around and said, "God let me see you" and a star shined brightly. But the man did not notice. And the man shouted, "God show me a miracle" and a life was born. But the man did not know. So the man cried out in despair, "Touch me God, and let me know you are there" Whereupon God reached down and touched the man, But the man brushed the butterfly away and walked on.
Don't miss out on a blessing because
it isn't packaged the way you expect!
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{ ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ} Did politicians lie about Daylight Saving Time? { ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ}