During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. ~ George Orwell
Video: US Supreme Court Appointment Hearings, Roe vs. Wade via redditortan
Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did. John Ehrlichman, GOP Republican
Turtles All the Way Down by Sturgill Simpson via Mankind Film
Throughout America's adventure in free government, our basic purposes have been to keep the peace; to foster progress in human achievement, and to enhance liberty, dignity and integrity among people and among nations. To strive for less would be unworthy of a free and religious people. Any failure traceable to arrogance, or our lack of comprehension or readiness to sacrifice would inflict upon us grievous hurt both at home and abroad. ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower
Bob Dylan - Subterranean Homesick Blues (Official Music Video) (4K) via Shadows and Light
Note via ~@~
(home) Internet has been random for a few+ weeks, is being
worked on, and reason for lack of email response or updates.
Dahbud Mensch ~ Did Lindsey Graham issue a second Insurrectionist/Terrorist Call to Arms for the former president?
Glenn Kirschner From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lindsey Graham Warns Of 'Riots In Streets' If Trump Is Charged Over Classified Docs
“Most Republicans, including me, believe when it comes to Trump, there is no law," Graham said on Fox News. "It's all about getting him."
by Mary Papenfuss, Aug 29, 2022, 04:57 AM EDT ~ Updated Aug 29, 2022
Lawrence O'Donnell Says Lindsey Graham's Riot Threat Puts Him In This Bad Place
The MSNBC host blasted the Republican senator for warning of riots if Trump is indicted over classified documents.
by Ron Dicker Aug 30, 2022, 10:00 AM EDT
Boptime ~ Saturday Mornings ~ w/Even Steven Leech
On Boptime we begin at 6am (EDT) on Saturday with oldies back to back to back. The Heart & Soul of Delaware Rock n' Roll returns at 7am (EDT) with a newly formatted hour program. In the first segment we head back to the mid 1950s and explore Delaware’s country and rockabilly roots leading up to the first rock n’ roll record by a Delawarean. Recordings from Harrington’s Blue Hen and Delray labels will be heard as well as from other labels. The new Heart & Soul of Delaware Rock n' Roll will contain some new material and over nine episodes will extend into the 1990s. At 8am (EDT) we head back to school with all those other students and Michael Ace on Rockabilly Ridge. We bop back to this day in 1963 on Beatlemania!!! It was only about six months before the Beatles brought the British Invasion to our shores and we’ll hear some hits from England as well as a slew of hit tunes from this time in 1963 on the home front, including one from Wilmington. ~ Steve
BOPTIME: Saturday, 6 AM Eastern, 3 AM Pacific time
Go To: http://www.wvud.org/?page_id=24
Click on a listening link below the WVUD logo:
Boptime available locally in DE on WVUD-FM 91.3, Shoutcast [Search: WVUD], and TuneIn
Klaatu ~ Calling Occupants Of Interplanetary Craft
Klaatu: "Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft" via Jeff BoultonCalling Occupants Of Interplanetary Craft
by John Woloschuk and Terry Draper, Klaatu
In your mind you have abilities you know, To telepath messages through the vast unknown.
Please close your eyes and concentrate, With every thought you think, Upon the recitation we're about to sing.
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft, Calling occupants of interplanetary, most extraordinary craft.
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft, Calling occupants of interplanetary craft, Calling occupants of interplanetary, most extraordinary craft.
You've been observing our earth And we'd like to make a contact with you.
We are your friends.
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft, Calling occupants and interplanetary ultra-emissaries.
We've been observing your earth, And one night we'll make a contact with you.
We are your friends.
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft, Calling occupants of interplanetary, quite extraordinary craft.
Please come in peace we beseech you, Only a landing will teach them, Our earth may never survive, So do come we beg you.
Please interstellar policemen, Won't you give us a sign, Give us a sign that we've reached you.
With your mind you have ability to form, And transmit thought energy far beyond the norm.
You close your eyes, You concentrate, Together that's the way, To send the message.
We declare World Contact Day.
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft, Calling occupants of interplanetary craft, Calling occupants of interplanetary, most extraordinary craft.
Calling occupants, Calling occupants, Calling occupants, Calling occupants, Calling occupants of interplanetary, most extraordinary craft.
Nobody tells the truth all the time!
It Was Twenty Years Ago Today...
Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein
now has weapons of mass destruction. - Dick Cheney
Boptime ~ Saturday Mornings ~ w/Even Steven Leech
On Boptime we begin at 6am (EDT) on Saturday with oldies back to back to back. At 7am (EDT) in The Early Hour when we play an hour version of Gilbert & Sullivan’s The Mikado from a television program in the early 1960s starring Groucho Marx, Sterling Holloway, Helen Trauble and others. At 8am (EDT) we begin at the Club Baby Grand for some Clifford Brown, Gerald Price, Betty Roché and others, after which we proceed to Clifford’s Corner with co-host Larry Williams and play some great jazz sides and R&B gems.
BTW, The Heart & Soul of Delaware Rock n' Roll comes back beginning in September on the first Saturday at 7am (EDT), newly formatted for an hour with some new content in places. ~ Steve
BOPTIME: Saturday, 6 AM Eastern, 3 AM Pacific time
Go To: http://www.wvud.org/?page_id=24
Click on a listening link below the WVUD logo:
Boptime available locally in DE on WVUD-FM 91.3, Shoutcast [Search: WVUD], and TuneIn
PPRS ~ World History & Pacific Packet Radio Society
World History, August 23, 1984
[It] “Blows My Mind!"; comment by Curtis Spangler during CBS Interview
with Maria Shriver: http://www.flyingsnail.com/Scrapbook/video/1980.mov
It has been suggested in a number of documents, publications, and books [pprs.org] that Curtis Spangler developed and built a QAM modulated data radio computer / transceiver interface and designed The Stanford Packet Radio Network, under the direction of Michael J. Flynn, with assistance from Andrew Zimmerman, at Computer Systems Laboratory, Electrical Engineering Department, Stanford University, and that he was the person who completed ALOHA's goal, when he successfully transmitted and received [16 signals of] quadrature amplitude modulated data with Dr. Flynn on August 23, 1984.
ARRL GATEWAY, Vol. 1, No. 2, August 28, 1984 ~ ARRL Home
On August 23, Curtis Spangler, N6ECT, and Mike Flynn, W2FRT, exchanged packets at 9600 bauds using quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) techniques. Both stations were using personal computers, 9600-bit/s modems, homemade radio/modem interfaces, and 440-MHz radios. Special software, written in Turbo Pascal, drove the synchronous data link controller (SDLC) cards in the computers. Over the five-mile path between the stations, there were no errors using 10 watts, and 60% to 70% throughput at one watt. Via KA6M
Your Gateway to Packet Radio
by Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU, American Radio Relay League, Page 2-8, Chapter 2
1984: Historic Firsts
Curtis Spangler and Mike Flynn exchanged packets at 9600 bauds on August 23, 1984, using quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) techniques. Over a five-mile path, there were no errors using 10 watts, and 60% to 70% throughput using one watt.
Boptime ~ Saturday Mornings ~ w/Even Steven Leech
On Boptime we begin at 6am (EDT) on Saturday with oldies back to back to back. At 7am (EDT) in The Early Hour you’ll hear Afro-American composer Florence Price’s final major work, her Symphony No. 4, than go back to the beginning of her career with her Mississippi River Suite. At 8am (EDT) we’re back on the corner –– Clifford’s Corner –– for some great jazz sides and some great R&B gems. ~ Steve
BOPTIME: Saturday, 6 AM Eastern, 3 AM Pacific time
Go To: http://www.wvud.org/?page_id=24
Click on a listening link below the WVUD logo:
Boptime available locally in DE on WVUD-FM 91.3, Shoutcast [Search: WVUD], and TuneIn
Feetlines ~ They turned DST into an EFF'n Political War? ~ But what about The People?
Is Daylight Saving Time Dangerous?
An Hour at What Cost?
The Harmful Effects of Daylight Savings
By Lindsay Kalter, WebMD, Health News Source, [Links at Site]
Nov. 5, 2021 -- Early this Sunday morning, we will gain an hour, marking more than 100 years of “falling back” -- and doctors say it is a perfect opportunity to counteract the negative health effects of daylight saving time.
When daylight saving time ends again in the spring, we’ll lose an hour. That may not sound like much, but studies have linked it to increased traffic accidents, higher rates of stroke, and a bump in heart attacks. And although many people take the extra hour this weekend to indulge in waking activities, sleep experts say using that time for sleep could make a significant difference in your health.
“Consistency in the timing of when we sleep and wake is every bit as important as the duration of the time we sleep, and there is plenty of research on the adverse effects,” says Charles Czeisler, MD, chief of the Division of Sleep and Circadian Disorders at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. “It's always good to get an hour more of sleep, as long as people take advantage of that. If they go to bed at their usual time and wake up an hour later, it will have health benefits.”
Daylight saving, which was started to conserve energy, forces our internal clocks to compete with our watches. Inside the brain’s hypothalamus is a “master” called the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), which uses hormonal and chemical signals to sync time throughout the body.
Our internal clocks regulate processes including liver function, the immune system, and our body’s physiology, which means any disruption can have significant effects.
In a 2015 study published in Sleep Medicine, researchers compared the rate of strokes during the week after daylight saving to the rate 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after. They found the rate was 8% higher the first 2 days after the shift, and people with cancer were 25% more likely to have a stroke than during other times of year. People over 65 were 20% more likely.
A 2019 report found a higher risk of heart attack after both time changes, but particularly during daylight saving.
Interruptions to circadian rhythm can also impair focus and judgment. A 2020 study found fatal traffic accidents increased by 6% in the United States during daylight saving time.
“Most people think an hour would be inconsequential,” Czeisler says. “And it's true that we can adjust. But even that small adjustment does have consequences.”
Though “falling back” gives you a chance to catch up on lost sleep, it can also be a difficult adjustment, says Ramiz Fargo, MD, medical director for the Sleep Disorders Center and a sleep medicine doctor at Loma Linda University Health.
It may also be hard for people with mood disorders, he says. One study showed that hospitals reported an 11% increase in depressive symptoms just after the fall time change. This may be a result of lost daylight, he says.
But there are ways to make the transition easier and increase your chances of taking full advantage of the extra hour. If possible, Fargo says, it is helpful to make slight adjustments to your schedule in the days leading up to the time change. This, he says, could make for a smoother transition.
“Start going to bed 15-20 minutes early in the days beforehand,” he says. “That will help your body get used to the difference.”
Other tips include:
Avoid alcohol and caffeine -- both common causes of poor sleep.
Avoid too much screen time before bed.
Limit daytime naps to regulate your sleep schedule.
Avoid heavy meals within a couple hours of bedtime.
“The key is, if your schedule permits you to do so, go to bed when the clock says it's an hour earlier, Czeisler says. “If you've been burning the candle at both ends and you're chronically sleep-deprived, which most people are, this weekend is your chance to work on it.” [Please view this search ]
The political war around
daylight saving time takes a nasty turn
Who knew there were such passions around falling back and springing forward?
By Hailey Fuchs, 11/10/2021 04:30 AM EST, Politico, [read article]
U.S. Senate approves bill to make
daylight saving time permanent
By David Shepardson, Reuters
Editing by Will Dunham, Chizu Nomiyama and Karishma Singh,
WASHINGTON, March 15, 2022 (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Tuesday passed legislation that would make daylight saving time permanent starting in 2023, ending the twice-annual changing of clocks in a move promoted by supporters advocating brighter afternoons and more economic activity.
The Senate approved the measure, called the Sunshine Protection Act, unanimously by voice vote. The House of Representatives, which has held a committee hearing on the matter, must still pass the bill before it can go to President Joe Biden to sign.
The White House has not said whether Biden supports it. A spokesman for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi declined to say if she supports the measure but said she was reviewing it closely. [continue reading]
Permanent Daylight Saving
bill hits wall in Congress
By Colin Martin, MSN, July 26, 2022
In March, the U.S. Senate unanimously approved the Sunshine Protection Act that would make Daylight Saving Time permanent in the country beginning in November 2023.
However, it looks like we'll continue to turn back the clocks for a bit longer. The Sunshine Protection Act has hit a wall in the U.S. House due to disagreements in language and other bills of more importance, according to The Hill.
Rep. Frank Pallone Jr. (D-N.J.), the chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, explained to the publication what's causing the hold up, and added that if they were to pass the bill it wouldn't be until the fall.
"I can’t say it’s a priority," Pallone said. "We have so many other priorities, but it doesn’t mean because it’s not a priority that we’re not trying to work on it. We are."
"If we can accomplish anything, it wouldn’t be until the fall," he added.
When the bill unanimously passed in the Senate back in March, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) expressed his pleasure with the idea of putting an end to the "stupidity" of changing the clocks twice a year.
"Just this past weekend, we all went through that biannual ritual of changing the clock back and forth and the disruption that comes with it. And one has to ask themselves after a while why do we keep doing it?" Rubio said, per CNN.
"If we can get this passed, we don't have to keep doing this stupidity anymore," he added. [continue reading]
What, ...again with the
Do Nothing Shtick?
None of the Above should be a valid choice on voter ballots?
United State Cafe ~ July/August 1975
1975 United State Cafe Recordings
Sound/Recording C. Spangler [Sound engineer; pictured above, @ GFD 1977 ]
Complete Music Sets, Cafe recordings, and MP3 music located on Podcast page
Tuesday Night Class ~ July 29, 1975 with Keith Lampe
Robin Kilgore ~ August 02, 1975 ~ page
Jumpin' Jupiter ~ August 09, 1975 ~ page
Gabriel Gladstar ~ August 12, 1975 ~ page
Happy Valley String Band ~ August 13, 1975 ~ page
Honey Creek ~ August 26, 1975~ page
United State Cafe ~ Photo: James Stark
Feetlines ~ 'Policital Truth' is an interesting concept?
BEN-VENISTE: Isn't it a fact, Dr. Rice, that the
August 6 [2001] PDB warned against possible attacks in this country?
And I ask you whether you recall the title of that PDB?
RICE: I believe the title was,
"Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the United States" [using planes].
When You Gonna
Wake Up?
God don’t make no promises that He don’t keep
You got some big dreams, baby, but in order to dream you gotta still be asleep
When you gonna wake up, when you gonna wake up
When you gonna wake up and strengthen the things that remain?
Counterfeit philosophies have polluted all of your thoughts
Karl Marx has got ya by the throat, Henry Kissinger’s got you tied up in knots
When you gonna wake up, when you gonna wake up
When you gonna wake up and strengthen the things that remain?
You got innocent men in jail, your insane asylums are filled
You got unrighteous doctors dealing drugs that’ll never cure your ills
When you gonna wake up, when you gonna wake up
When you gonna wake up and strengthen the things that remain?
You got men who can’t hold their peace and women who can’t control their tongues
The rich seduce the poor and the old are seduced by the young
When you gonna wake up, when you gonna wake up
When you gonna wake up and strengthen the things that remain?
Adulterers in churches and pornography in the schools
You got gangsters in power and lawbreakers making rules
When you gonna wake up, when you gonna wake up
When you gonna wake up and strengthen the things that remain?
Spiritual advisors and gurus to guide your every move
Instant inner peace and every step you take has got to be approved
When you gonna wake up, when you gonna wake up
When you gonna wake up and strengthen the things that remain?
Do you ever wonder just what God requires?
You think He’s just an errand boy to satisfy your wandering desires
When you gonna wake up, when you gonna wake up
When you gonna wake up and strengthen the things that remain?
You can’t take it with you and you know that it’s too worthless to be sold
They tell you, “Time is money,” as if your life was worth its weight in gold
When you gonna wake up, when you gonna wake up
When you gonna wake up and strengthen the things that remain?
There’s a Man up on a cross and He’s been crucified
Do you have any idea why or for who He died?
When you gonna wake up, when you gonna wake up
When you gonna wake up and strengthen the things that remain?
Copyright © 1979 by Special Rider Music
Isn't Democracy Wonderful? ~ Martin Rowson
Simply stated, there is no doubt that
Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction.
Dick Cheney - August 26, 2002
Every day Saddam remains in power with
chemical weapons, biological weapons, and the development of nuclear
weapons is a day of danger for the United States.
Sen. Joseph Lieberman, D-CT - September 4, 2002
If we wait for the danger to become clear,
it could be too late.
Sen. Joseph Biden D-Del. - September 4, 2002
Right now, Iraq is expanding and improving
facilities that were used for the production of biological weapons.
George W. Bush - September 12, 2002
If he declares he has none, then we will
know that Saddam Hussein is once again misleading the world.
Ari Fleischer - December 2, 2002
We know for a fact that there are weapons
Ari Fleischer - January 9, 2003
Our intelligence officials estimate that
Saddam Hussein had the materials to produce as much as 500 tons of sarin,
mustard and VX nerve agent.
George W. Bush - January 28, 2003
We know that Saddam Hussein is determined
to keep his weapons of mass destruction, is determined to make more.
Colin Powell - February 5, 2003
Iraq both poses a continuing threat to
the national security of the United States and international peace and
security in the Persian Gulf region and remains in material and unacceptable
breach of its international obligations by, among other things, continuing
to possess and develop a significant chemical and biological weapons
capability, actively seeking a nuclear weapons capability, and supporting
and harboring terrorist organizations.
Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-NY - February 5, 2003
We have sources that tell us that Saddam
Hussein recently authorized Iraqi field commanders to use chemical weapons
-- the very weapons the dictator tells us he does not have.
George Bush - February 8, 2003
So has the strategic decision been made
to disarm Iraq of its weapons of mass destruction by the leadership in
Baghdad? I think our judgment has to be clearly not.
Colin Powell - March 8, 2003
Intelligence gathered by this and other
governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess
and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.
George Bush - March 18, 2003
We are asked to accept Saddam decided
to destroy those weapons. I say that such a claim is palpably absurd.
Tony Blair, Prime Minister - March 18, 2003
Well, there is no question that we have
evidence and information that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction, biological
and chemical particularly . . . all this will be made clear in the course
of the operation, for whatever duration it takes.
Ari Fleisher - March 21, 2003
There is no doubt that the regime of Saddam
Hussein possesses weapons of mass destruction. As this operation continues,
those weapons will be identified, found, along with the people who have
produced them and who guard them.
Gen. Tommy Franks - March 22, 2003
One of our top objectives is to find and
destroy the WMD. There are a number of sites.
Pentagon Spokeswoman Victoria Clark - March 22, 2003
I have no doubt we're going to find big
stores of weapons of mass destruction.
Kenneth Adelman, Defense Policy Board - March 23,
We know where they are. They are in the
area around Tikrit and Baghdad.
Donald Rumsfeld - March 30, 2003
Saddam's removal is necessary to eradicate
the threat from his weapons of mass destruction
Jack Straw, Foreign Secretary - April 2, 2003
Obviously the administration intends to
publicize all the weapons of mass destruction U.S. forces find -- and
there will be plenty.
Neocon scholar Robert Kagan - April 9, 2003
I think you have always heard, and you
continue to hear from officials, a measure of high confidence that, indeed,
the weapons of mass destruction will be found.
Ari Fleischer - April 10, 2003
We are learning more as we interrogate
or have discussions with Iraqi scientists and people within the Iraqi
structure, that perhaps he destroyed some, perhaps he dispersed some.
And so we will find them.
George Bush - April 24, 2003
There are people who in large measure have
information that we need . . . so that we can track down the weapons
of mass destruction in that country.
Donald Rumsfeld - April 25, 2003
Before people crow about the absence of
weapons of mass destruction, I suggest they wait a bit.
Tony Blair - April 28, 2003
We'll find them. It'll be a matter of
time to do so.
George Bush - May 3, 2003
I am confident that we will find evidence
that makes it clear he had weapons of mass destruction.
Colin Powell - May 4, 2003
I never believed that we'd just tumble
over weapons of mass destruction in that country.
Donald Rumsfeld - May 4, 2003
I'm not surprised if we begin to uncover
the weapons program of Saddam Hussein -- because he had a weapons program.
George W. Bush - May 6, 2003
U.S. officials never expected that "we
were going to open garages and find" weapons of mass destruction.
Condoleeza Rice - May 12, 2003
I just don't know whether it was all destroyed
years ago -- I mean, there's no question that there were chemical weapons
years ago -- whether they were destroyed right before the war, (or) whether
they're still hidden.
Maj. Gen. David Petraeus, Commander 101st Airborne
- May 13, 2003
Before the war, there's no doubt in my
mind that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, biological
and chemical. I expected them to be found. I still expect them to be
Gen. Michael Hagee, Commandant of the Marine Corps
- May 21, 2003
Given time, given the number of prisoners
now that we're interrogating, I'm confident that we're going to find
weapons of mass destruction.
Gen. Richard Myers, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff
- May 26, 2003
They may have had time to destroy them,
and I don't know the answer.
Donald Rumsfeld - May 27, 2003
For bureaucratic reasons, we settled on one issue, weapons of mass destruction, because it was the one reason everyone could agree on.
Paul Wolfowitz - May 28, 2003 ~ <Permmalink Source> [Note, Presented January 26, 1998, used as justification for invading Iraq; while insinuating Iraq association with 9/11, when everybody knows this was over oil and who controls it ?) ++ Related: Babies in Incubators, ... WMD, ... I am not a crook, etc.?"]
5FDP vs. Billy Idol ~ Rebel Yell Over It, DJ Schmolli via SrvTech
Terrorist & Insurrectionist
share a similar definition?
terrorist, noun & adjective [attributive]: person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
insurrectionist, noun & adjective [attributive]: person who commits violent uprising and armed insurrection against an authority or government.
Brownshirt, noun & adjective [attributive]: a member of an early Nazi militia, who wore a brown uniform, and founded by Hitler in Munich in 1921. They aided Hitler's rise to power, but were dissolved & murdered by the SS after the “night of the long knives” in June 1934. Also called storm troops or Sturmabteilung.
If you are an insurrectionist,
you are a terrorist?
"If you harbor terrorists insurrectionists, you are terrorists. If you train or arm a terrorist an insurrectionist, you are a terrorist. If you feed a terrorist an insurrectionist or fund a terrorist an insurrectionist, you're a terrorist, and you will be held accountable by the United States and our friends." ~ GOP, Republican: George W. Bush, WMD Liar ~ NY Times 11/22/2001
Addendum 202208.25
Some folks believe there is a chancellor of megalomania walking among us?
Megalomania is an obsession with power and wealth, and a passion for grand schemes; it then defines Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) as a mental disorder characterized by a life-long pattern of exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration, a diminished ability to empathize with others' feelings, and (often) psychologically abusive behavior.
Night of the Long Knives, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Röhm purge, also called Operation Hummingbird (German: Unternehmen Kolibri), was a purge that took place in Nazi Germany from June 30 to July 2, 1934. Chancellor Adolf Hitler, urged on by Hermann Göring and Heinrich Himmler, ordered a series of political extrajudicial executions intended to consolidate his power and alleviate the concerns of the German military about the role of Ernst Röhm and the Sturmabteilung (SA), the Nazis' paramilitary organization, known colloquially as "Brownshirts". Nazi propaganda presented the murders as a preventive measure against an alleged imminent coup by the SA under Röhm – the so-called Röhm Putsch.
Purge, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In history, religion and political science, a purge is a position removal or execution of people who are considered undesirable by those in power from a government, another organization, their team leaders, or society as a whole. A group undertaking such an effort is labeled as purging itself. Purges can be either nonviolent or violent, with the former often resolved by the simple removal of those who have been purged from office, and the latter often resolved by the imprisonment, exile, or murder of those who have been purged.
What goes around comes around, From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Proverb: The status eventually returns to its original value after completing some sort of cycle.
(Aka): Fuck around and find out (FAFO)
To engage in a risky course of action, and then experience the consequences of so doing.
??? Suggesting insurrectionists from January 6th were actually sold out by their, ...ummm, 'chancellor', who might look at them later (2024) with thoughts of "Night of the Long Knives" ??? [P.S. = Time Lines are seldom exact.]
Corruption is Legal in America via Doku Mentor ++ Inexpensive solution for political corruption:
Eliminate voting for lesser of evils,
None of the Above should be a valid choice on voter ballots?
Nobody for President ~~ Tom Morello ~~ http://www.tommorello.com
Madison Square Garden, NYC, 200910.29&30 via Ø.M
Make Orwell fiction again?
Keith Lampe & Brian O'Leary, Ph.D.
Nothing else matters, Metallica arr. Karianne Brouwer violin, Maaike Schoenmaker cello
Call for a Solution Energy Revolution:
A Special Message for the Younger Generation
by Brian O'Leary, Ph.D.
Introduction by Keith Lampe, August 6, 2007
I want to invite you to an auspicious Hiroshima Night gathering at our community center.
The evening will begin at 8:15 pm with an address by Leuren Moret, our planet's best informed person in the critically important matter of Depleted Uranium (DU). So she's so appropriate for any event marking the unspeakable Hiroshima atrocity!
Then we'll have some songs from Doug Adamz, who's quite well known and well liked by many here in town. He used to play with Greg Schindel and me back in the '70s at the place then called The Shop.
Finally, we'll hear from Brian O'Leary, who's arguably our planet's best informed person about optimum ways to replace coal/oil/nuclear energy swiftly.
Because I believe both these speakers have information tremendously important for our survival, I want to emphasize that you should not let money be a reason for not attending. You'll not be even slightly pressured to contribute even a dime.
Leuren Moret is an International Radiation Expert and Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab whistleblower. After visiting the Peace Museums in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1991, she realized the horrific truth about nuclear weapons. She made the decision to dedicate her life to radiation issues and educating the global public about the Environmental and Public Health impacts of nuclear technologies. One of her most shocking discoveries was the link between radiation and diabetes, which she discovered in the vital statistics of Japan going back to 1899, and confirmed with Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Chernobyl, nuclear power plant, and Gulf War Syndrome studies.
She has been an expert witness at the International Criminal Tribunal for Afghanistan held in Japan, the first International 911 Conference in Tokyo, and is an Expert Witness on depleted uranium for the Canadian Parliament. Two years ago she started a depleted uranium bill movement to test returning veterans of the depleted uranium wars in the Middle East and Central Asia, and over 27 bills have now been introduced and/or passed in State Legislatures in the US.
Recently she started a citizen Geiger counter movement in Hawaii so that citizens could conduct air monitoring from their homes for radiation from depleted uranium blowing off of bombing and gunnery ranges all over Hawaii. This has quickly spread to Canada, the US, Australia, and Tasmania. This global movement empowers the citizens, intimidates the Pentagon and nuclear industry, and has become an effective deterrent to continued illegal use of depleted uranium weaponry.
Leuren Moret has been the target of severe whistleblower retaliation by the University of California and the Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab, including the kidnapping of her daughter Zephyr when she was 13. She survived the Karen Silkwood experience including attempted assassination, and HAARP/satellite police radio electronic harassment. This is being used widely now since 1993 on activists, whistleblowers, and change agents not only in the US, but globally, especially in NATO countries. Her experience was described in a book called WARRIOR MOTHERS.
She is now known as the "Enfant Terrible" of radiation in Hawaii, but calls herself a "naughty scientist".
Over the past twenty years, Dr. O'Leary has researched, lectured and written extensively about new paradigms of science and global transformation. His most recent book Re-Inheriting the Earth: Awakening to Sustainable Solutions and Greater Truths describes how we can lift ourselves out of our current path of global destruction. Much of his work is based on extensive international travels to some of the best and brightest researchers of new science, new medicine and "free" energy.
Dr. O'Leary has published internationally ten trade books on the frontiers of science, space, energy and culture. He was a NASA scientist-astronaut, assistant professor of astronomy at Cornell University alongside Carl Sagan, and has also taught Physics for Poets at Princeton University and technology assessment at the University of California Berkeley School of Law and Hampshire College. He has published over 100 technical papers in the peer-reviewed scientific literature and another 100 popular magazine and Op-Ed pieces worldwide. He has appeared frequently on American national television and radio--including the Today Show, Larry King Live, the Donahue Show, Fox Television and the Art Bell Show.
A passionate environmentalist open to innovative solutions, Dr. O'Leary was special consultant to the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Energy and the Environment, wrote speeches and was senior advisor to environmental presidential candidate Morris Udall. He also helped presidential candidates George McGovern, Walter Mondale and Jesse Jackson on economic policies to convert from polluting and military activities to green initiatives.
He is currently on the faculty of the University of Philosophical Research in Los Angeles, teaching in the Masters program in Transformational Psychology. He is cofounding President of a new activist group The New Energy Movement. He has recently completed the Sivananda Yoga Teachers Training Course and lectures widely at their ashrams and centers throughout the world. He is co-founder of the International Association of New Science and advisor to Dennis Weaver's Institute of Ecolonomics.
Over the past five years, Dr. O'Leary has spoken or led workshops at the Esalen Insitute, the Findhorn Foundation, Oxford University, St. James Picadilly, State of the World Forum, the International Conferences on Science and Consciousness, the International Forums on New Science, the Philosophical Research Society, The International Institute of Integral Human Sciences, Unity churches, Churches of Religious Science, the Yuba Seminars, and dozens of other venues worldwide.
Yours for Solution Energy,
Keith Lampe, Ro-Non-So-Te,
Ponderosa Pine
Hiroshima Night, Bolinas Community Center,
Bolinas, CA, August 6, 2007, 8:15 pm
by Dr. O'Leary
Presented to the United Nations Youth Assembly, August 15, 2007; Hiroshima Night, Bolinas Community Center, Bolinas, CA, August 6 - 8:15 pm; Sivananda Yoga Farm, Grass Valley, CA, August 7; Conference on ETs, Spirit, New Science and New Technology, Mt. Shasta, CA, August 9-12; Sivananda Yoga Center, San Francisco, CA, August 12; Sivananda Yoga Center, New York, NY, August 13 or 14
We are not inheriting the Earth from our parents, we are stealing it from our children. ~ David Brower
Our current generation is committing treason against future generations by destroying our global environment. ~ Norman Cousins
In this speech, I depart from my usual professional restraint. I believe our dire situation calls for a much stronger expression.
Over the past 35 years I have researched both natural and breakthrough solutions for our sustainable survival. During the early years of my newly-found environmentalism, I became an advisor to presidential candidate Morris Udall and his U.S. House subcommittee on energy and the environment. We exposed the dangers of nuclear power and the merits of renewable energy and increased energy efficiency.
I was somewhat older then than you are now. I was idealistic and took to heart these warnings of the late great environmental thinkers I just quoted. They even inspired me to change careers at that time.
I'm sorry to say, things have only gotten much worse since then. I'm sorry to report that the state of the world you are inheriting is poised for utter destruction, largely because of the neglects of powerful people in my generation. Like a frog in a pot of water whose temperature is slightly raised every day until the water boils, our home planet is reaching the boiling point. I'm sorry we handed you such a mess.
The good news is, the solutions are there, waiting in the wings to bring forward now. The bad news is, they have been suppressed by the most destructive empire in world history.
For example, I have traveled the world and visited some of the most promising demonstrations of "solution" energy technologies that could provide us with a quantum leap in our ability to have clean, cheap and decentralized energy in the near future (e.g., vacuum energy, cold fusion and advanced hydrogen and water chemistries). I have also discovered that many of these courageous inventors have been isolated, threatened and sometimes assassinated.
By "solution energy", what we really mean is making wise choices from among a wide range of nonpolluting options--free of vested interests. I believe that breakthrough, or new, energy is by far our most promising solution energy. As a default, we should also consider the cleanest possible blend of traditional renewables, such as solar, wind, tides, waves and hydrogen fuels provided from these sources.
As my research deepened, thus revealing what we must do to sustain ourselves physically, so too our social, academic, political and economic organizations have solidified themselves into a resistance so strong, we cannot seem to get off the train that is hurtling towards sure disaster.
When ordinary, moral and innovative people weren't looking, our beloved republic-turned-protofascist-superpower has sunk into a morass of a criminal executive, a supine Congress, a corrupted judiciary, a bought-out media and an allowing public-- collectively bent on totalitarian genocide and ecocide rather than embracing true solutions.
We cannot, will not, allow this to happen any longer. The perpetrators must be removed from power. And the whole structure of our decayed system must be revitalized in positive directions. The U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights and international charters, conventions and treaties must be restored and re-invigorated.
In the U.S. we need a revolution, a nonviolent one. Citizens will need to hit the streets in large numbers demanding change. A new American Revolution has been long in coming, with warning signs coming from so many presidents and others for more than two centuries of a gathering storm that is reaching a climax now.
But how can we have a revolution if so few of us show up for it? On the fifth anniversary of 9/11, I spoke at a peace-and-truth rally in front of the White House. Barely thirty nonviolent demonstrators marched and gathered around the podium, while two snipers prowled across the White House roof. It was a nice day to come out, yet only one American in ten million joined our motley crew. Why so few? Do we care?
If this were Latin America, millions of people by now would be jamming Washington and banging pots on a constant vigil to demand the resignations of the president and his peers--until they leave. But not in the United States we have now. Whatever has happened to the kind of activism we have seen in the courageous leadership of a Patrick Henry or a Martin Luther King? In the absence of correct government behavior, the people have no choice but to take to the streets and stay there until we have the needed results.
Democracy is not a spectator sport. It
can only die if we sit on the sidelines.
I am also astounded that President Eisenhower's 1961 warning about the severe consequences of the buildup of a military-industrial complex has gone unheeded. Now, almost fifty years later, this awesome power has become much further institutionalized and centralized into a hydra-headed beast opposed to all life on Earth--except for their own lives. Only we the people can remove this power and take control of our collective destiny.
But the crisis also presents opportunities we may have never imagined. First, though, we must clear the way by once again declaring our independence from King George and his cronies in power. We must impeach, remove, and convict them. We must throw their tea overboard if they don't slink away peacefully.
The reckless actions of the Bush administration are sealing the fate of an entire planet-- unless we have the courage to stand up and say "NO". It's our time to re-create our republic, it's our time to invite the world to join us in a new republic whose goals are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. A peaceful, sustainable, just future.
Our top priority is to demand the resignations of BushCo, or that Congress should impeach the wrongdoers. Now. This is an essential first step towards restoring Constitutional government. All of us here should insist that impeachment be put back "on the table." Congress has not yet put it "on the table" because of their fears that the table which also supports their own careers might collapse from under them. What a rickety, corrupt "table" this is.
The only items now "on the table" are those that our dictators have piled up for us, a bill your generation will have to pay. Within this young century alone, that bill is greater than a trillion dollars more of weapons on Earth and planned for space, a trillion dollars more for illegal, immoral and preemptive wars in distant lands, a trillion dollars more for oil profits, a trillion dollars more in the pockets of cronies and speculators, a trillion dollars more of national debt, a trillion dollars more for the anti-Muslim lobbies, a trillion dollars more for the legal and illegal drug trade, and so on.
The new table we must take out of the closet is really a hearty old table that needs dusting off. It is the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, which have helped make our republic survive for this long. The Constitution is endangered by a tyranny so great, it is hard to imagine the consequences: the wanton environmental destruction, the unrestrained torture, the suspension of habeas corpus, the unprovoked wars of conquest and resource exploitation abroad; and the fixed elections and the potential for martial law and a police state dictatorship at home. Meanwhile, we only seem to hear imperial lies, lies and more lies, dutifully reported by a propagandistic media.
Our time calls for a number of systemic actions even beyond a cleaning out of those who have betrayed their oaths of office. It is a call for a restoration of proper vision.
Al Gore has recently given those of us in the industrialized world a mandate that he and many leading climate scientists feel will be necessary for our survival: act radically within ten years, leading to a reduction of carbon dioxide emissions of more than 90% by 2050. As an atmospheric scientist myself, I agree with that mandate, and I also believe that the solutions will come from outside the box of our retrogressive thinking.
But we need more: a restoration of truth in our public discourse. For only the truth can set us free from the tyranny that so imprisons us. We need to look squarely again at 9/11 truth, at depleted uranium truth, at war pretext truth, at torture truth, at electoral fraud truth, at solution energy truth, at UFO/ET truth, and all the other truths that our cancerous tyranny is trying to destroy.
And we will need to reconcile all these truths, which are as self-evident as they were when we declared our independence 232 years ago. We must eventually reconcile ourselves with ourselves and with the natural world. We Americans must apologize to the rest of the world for our aggressions and neglects.
As an elder American citizen, I owe you two apologies--generational and global--for the transgressions committed by some of my peers.
We can set goals, cajole governments and create NGOs geared towards peace, sustainability and justice. But we can never get close to achieving those goals by these modest approaches alone. The imperial system with its war machine can overwhelm the efforts of even the best-intentioned individuals and groups.
Our activism needs to go beyond our own parochial issues, which are based more on personal recognition, careers, advancement and the temptations of money. Albert Einstein said, "Try to become not a man of success, but try rather to become a man of value." This becomes ever evident as we organize ourselves and move into our higher collective purpose.
Our movements have become anemic, divided and conquered. We will need to ally our movements and declare those values that cut across all ethnic and interest groups, values that ring so true we cannot help but come on board. Values such as peace, sustainability, justice, freedom and equality for all.
But to achieve all this, we must go beyond declaring our independence from King George. We must declare our interdependence with each other and with all of nature in the global village. We must declare ourselves a sovereign world community comprised of an alliance of movements of various ethnic and religious identities who have a common and abiding interest in survival and good health. We must force our governments to serve us, not the other way around.
But we must do more than apologize. We Americans must also come together as never before with our brothers and sisters in all nations and collaborate, transforming American imperialism into a new initiative into a "global green republic" that embraces the higher purposes we all so yearn for.
To help facilitate the restoration of world peace and sustainability, my wife Meredith and I have moved to the Andes of Ecuador and have built a retreat and nature center, Montesueños (Mountain Dreams). Here we have found fertile soil to co-create with nature and other kindred spirits a prototype community for what-could-be locally and globally, far from the fears and distractions of a world gone mad. Our goals are world peace, sustainability and justice, our mission is research, education and action. Our values are truth, beauty, love.
We have found harmony here in Latin America as a crucible for new ideas, clear vision and radical social change. For example, we are working with the government of Ecuador to save the one-million-hectare Yasuni National Park, one of the most biodiverse rainforests on Earth, housing voluntarily isolated indigenous tribes and a superb botanical carbon dioxide sink. The Yasuni National Park also sits over a billion barrels of heavy crude oil, whose $30 billion extraction would ruin this precious Amazonian ecosystem. The thirst for petroleum is so overwhelming that the Bush government is pressuring Ecuadorian president Correa to let us destroy this spectacularly beautiful park even though the oil there would only provide twelve days of supply for the world!
No one issue compels our desire to embrace these new structures more than the possibility of a revolution in our energy policy. After a lifetime of study, I am convinced everyone in the world can have clean, cheap, safe, decentralized energy, water, food and a healthy environment. I am also convinced we can preserve our forests, wetlands, oceans, biodiversity, cultural identities, food and water supply.
But we cannot do so under the boot of a voracious "corporatocracy" bent on destroying our precious Earth habitat for their own selfish gain. I don't think I need to present the obvious statistics to prove my point.
It is essential to our survival that we openly examine the implications of having breakthrough new energy as one mega-solution to our crisis. We should create a forum for discussing this very real possibility, free from the shackles of suppression by those in control, unwittingly allied with an irrational scientific censorship. We must get beyond their debunking us as "pseudo-scientists" and "conspiracy theorists". The onus is on them, not on us, to try to demonstrate a negative. We're free to proceed, bearing in mind that the coveted "laws" of science are really only theories.
Let's also go beyond the focus on whether this gizmo or that gizmo will be the magic bullet or who will become the Bill Gates of new energy. Let's think beyond looking just at the technologies themselves. We absolutely must examine the larger context: What kind of social system can facilitate this? What do these developments mean for our collective future?
Clearly, we cannot allow Cheney et al run this one too. When massive profit and exploitation are not in sight, they always have suppressed--and always will--suppress it as long as they remain in power. It is clear they are destroying the world with an energy policy that will go into infamy as the most biocidal catastrophe in human history--with the possible exception of nuclear war (including the ones now underway that use depleted uranium as a weapon; this is a disastrous cancer-inducing radioactive substance that will affect untold future generations, up to 4.5 billion years!). Such wars and energy policies must be stopped.
We must look towards a future that cannot or will not resemble the past if we are to heed Al Gore's call for us to drastically reduce carbon emissions, if we are to reduce the perilous dangers of a nuclear energy economy, or if we are to lessen the extensive environmental impact of a biofuel economy that still emits CO2 and takes away from our forests and agriculture. Even if we create a "solartopia" or wind economy, these require massive infrastructure, and use a lot of valuable land and raw materials. Any sensible energy policy demands the broadest possible look at all alternatives, free of vested interests.
But the possibility of "solution energy" demands that we restore our democratic systems worldwide. It mandates social structures that can facilitate and regulate these technologies--if they are indeed found to be sufficiently clean and cheap--so they can become available to all of humanity. The main obstacle to a Solution Energy Age is a human question, not a technical one.
In summary, a solution energy revolution requires first a revolution overturning the actors and policies of our powerful and suppressive governments and corporations.
Short of divine intervention, we have no other choice but to act, if we are to survive this crisis. This goes beyond morality. It is necessary logic.
Humanity has moved nature to a tipping point, maybe beyond, according to leading atmospheric scientists and ecologists. Our current focus on fear and wars of conquest can only deepen the crisis. How we solve these problems demand of all of us the most revolutionary thinking and action we have ever dreamt of.
So let's jump ahead to the year 2050. What kind of world will you be inheriting then? I can see two extreme possibilities: the one where we are now headed and the one in which we (you) take the reins of power and declare a solution energy future The first is a totalitarian world in which the last drops of oil are squeezed out of the rainforests of the Amazon, the tundra and waters of the Arctic, and the tar sands of Alberta. A world of mass migrations from inundated coastal cities, a world without icecaps and glaciers, a world in which jungles become deserts, a world with few fish, a world where, ironically, Europe is placed into a deep freeze by the shutting down of the Gulf Stream conveyor system. A world devoid of fresh drinking water except for the rich. A world of cancer-inducing radioactive residue, toxic air, water and soil.
Or you could have a global green democracy and/or a revitalized United Nations. A world of clean cheap energy, food, water, and quality healthcare and education for a slowly dwindling population, now under benign control. A world in which you carry the torch as the new leaders and honest politicians of the future. You are the heirs of a reborn Gaia. The air and water are clean now. Carbon emissions are reduced by over 90%. People are happy and free. Nature is preserved, restored and sustained.
If you're 24 years old now, you will be my age (67) in 2050. I'll probably be long gone. The choices and consequences are yours to make! As a scientist and concerned world citizen, I have presented many things we must do to avert global catastrophe. How we implement our plan will be up to all of us, and will take great vision and courage.
We should start a "conspiracy
of youth" to do the necessary long-term planning to create a peaceful,
just and sustainable planet. Remember, the literal meaning of conspiracy
is "breathing together"-- something we know how to do in the
practice of yoga. This kind of approach will become necessary if we are
to survive. We have a very big job to do, so let's roll up our sleeves
and get going...and Godspeed!
Dr. Brian O'Leary is an environmental activist, author, international speaker
and physicist with a deep background in energy policy and planetary science.
As a younger man, he was an Eagle Scout. He served as a NASA scientist-astronaut,
the first appointed to go to Mars, when that mission had been in NASA's program
plan during the 1960s. Dr. O'Leary then advised U.S. presidential candidates
and U.S. Congress on science and technology issues. He has taught at Cornell,
Princeton and the University of California at Berkeley. He is Fellow of the
American Association for the Advancement of Science and of the World Innovation
Foundation. Now he is professor at the University of Philosophical Research
teaching a course in Science, Ecology, Ethics and Consciousness for their Masters
program. His latest book is Re-Inheriting the Earth: Awakening to Sustainabile
Solutions and Greater Truths. With his artist wife Meredith Miller, he has
founded Montesueños, a retreat and nature center in the Ecuadorian Andes
dedicated to the goals of peace, sustainability and justice. A number of essays
on prospects for new energy technologies, and a description of what is planned
at Montesueños, are posted on: [Ed. Note: Sites no longer exist].
Metallica ~ Nothing Else Matters (DigiMax +4dB) via Thomas Felix Mutschke
ASIFA-SF, Karl Cohen ~ Association International du Film d'Animation, SF Newsletter
ASIFA-SF August 2022 Newsletter [PDF]
Boptime ~ Saturday Mornings ~ w/Even Steven Leech
On Boptime we begin at 6am (EDT) on Saturday with oldies back to back to back. At 7am (EDT) On The Best of Broadway, Bells Are Ringing from 1957 starring Judy Holliday, Sidney Chaplin, and Jean Stapleton. At 8am (EDT) on Rockabilly Ridge, Michael Ace plays classic R&B tunes from the 1940s and 50s. We return to this day in 1957 at 9am (EDT). It was the height of late 50s rock n’ roll, there was a thaw in the Cold War though things were about to get hot in the Civil Rights struggle in Little Rock, Arkansas, and only a couple months before the launch of Sputnik and the beginning of the Space Age. ~ Steve
BOPTIME: Saturday, 6 AM Eastern, 3 AM Pacific time
Go To: http://www.wvud.org/?page_id=24
Click on a listening link below the WVUD logo:
Boptime available locally in DE on WVUD-FM 91.3, Shoutcast [Search: WVUD], and TuneIn
Notes from ~@~ DuckDuckGo ~ Nobody always tells the Truth!
Update: 202208.05 @ 0800 AM/PDT:
Giving DuckDuckGo 'benefit
of doubt' due to past, excellent service, and
because flyingsnail.com searches are now starting to re-appear, we have
to assume this alleged purge was done in error _or_ was an accident ?
Original post was: DuckDuckGo no longer welcome here!
flyingsnail.com, DuckDuckGo supporter, purged after 10 years. [see above link]
Notes from ~@~ August (2022): Saturn & the Perseids
Humanity's First Television Show staring the award wining, long running, series:
Perseids Meteor Shower
Midnight (local time) Friday August 12
Midnight (local time) to Dawn on August 13
Unfortunately, the Full Moon is on August 11, which will inhibit some viewing.
August: Saturn & the Perseids
by J. Kelly Beatty, Aug 01 2021 @ Sky & Telescope
August marks the return of the Perseid meteor shower — and as you’re looking out for shooting stars while listening to this month’s Sky Tour podcast, look for Saturn low in the southeast as soon as night begins to fall.
Listen Here: Podcast: Play in new window | Download | related material at site.
This month’s Sky Tour astronomy podcast tells you “what’s up” in the evening skies of August. No experience or equipment is necessary — just download or stream the audio file and take it with you outside.
August’s perennial celestial highlight is the Perseid meteor shower, one of the two best displays of “shooting stars” all year. These meteors are caused when little bits of dust shed by Comet Swift-Tuttle slam into our atmosphere at 37 miles per second. Every August, we cross the comet’s orbit and plow right through this dusty debris. You don’t need any special equipment to enjoy the Perseids, and so this annual sky show makes a wonderful activity for your whole family. The Sky Tour podcast offers great tips for when and where to see the shower’s peak activity.
While you’re waiting for that perfect Perseid to flash across the sky, take a close look at the Moon. To its upper right, by about the width of your clenched fist held at arm’s length, is the planet Saturn. This month Saturn ends its long run in the predawn sky and officially becomes an evening-sky inhabitant.
On the 14th, it reaches opposition, meaning that it’s opposite the Sun in the sky. So just as the Sun sets, Saturn is rising over the southeastern horizon. In the middle of the night, Saturn is its highest in the sky, and as dawn approaches it sinks from view in the west.
Saturn is sitting in notoriously faint Capricornus, a constellation that is usually portrayed as a mythical beast that’s got the head of a goat and the tail end of a fish. But you won’t see anything like that in the sky, no matter how vivid your imagination! Instead, look for a broad triangular pattern kind of like the shape of a fat little rowboat.
Not long after Saturn rises, it’ll be joined at lower left by another planet. Want to know which one? You’ll have to listen to this month’s Sky Tour podcast to find out!
In fact, you can learn lots about what’s currently showing in the night sky from this month’s 13-minute-long podcast. It’s designed to heighten your enjoyment of all the bright stars and constellations now overhead — and no experience or equipment is needed! All you need is a little curiosity, a clear sky, and this month’s Sky Tour episode.
Observing Meteors: Top 10 Tips For The Perseids
Feetlines ~ Reject the Evidence of Your Eyes & Ears
"One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear." IM+IMPOTUS #45, [02/27/2020]
[September 2022]: Is There A CURE Yet? ...asking for a friend.
Tainted News:
Tomi Lahren should fight addiction and not have to step on "used heroin needles" to get high?
Saluting the Heroes of the Coronavirus Pandumbic The Daily Show w/Trevor Noah via Joey deVilla
March 23, 2022 Coronavirus (COVID-19) Stats & Numbers showed:
One Million (U.S.A.) HUMANS DEAD
The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State. Joseph Goebbels
I want to thank all the BIG people who helped make this happen; the secretive governments,
the blame-shifting politicians, the 'leaders' who only cared how I might affect THEM...
Cartoon by Steve Sack @ Star Tribune https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Tribune...
Heads up folks:
Bacteria from respiratory droplets spread by one sneeze,
singing one minute, talking one minute, & two coughs via
Dr. Richard Davis, Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center
Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Declaration of Independence
Positively 4th Street, Bob Dylan, HQ via Franciescoli Polanni
ASIFA-SF, Karl Cohen ~ Association International du Film d'Animation, SF Newsletter
ASIFA-SF July 2022 Newsletter [PDF]
Boptime ~ Saturday Mornings ~ w/Even Steven Leech
On Boptime we begin at 6am (EDT) on Saturday with oldies back to back to back. At 7am (EDT) we experience some high strangeness as we go back to this time in 1943 in My World, then round out the hour with some music from some of the movies popular in 1943. At 8am (EDT) on Rockabilly Ridge, Michael Ace spins some tunes about doing time in the penitentiary. At 9am (EDT), beginning with Beatlemania!!!, it’s the waning weeks of The Summer of Love in 1967. Not only will we tell you about the new movies and what was happening in the Vietnam War, we’ll play a slew of popular tunes from the period. ~ Steve
BOPTIME: Saturday, 6 AM Eastern, 3 AM Pacific time
Go To: http://www.wvud.org/?page_id=24
Click on a listening link below the WVUD logo:
Boptime available locally in DE on WVUD-FM 91.3, Shoutcast [Search: WVUD], and TuneIn
Notes from ~@~
Freedom of expression and freedom of speech aren't really important unless they're heard...It's hard for me to stay silent when I keep hearing that peace is only attainable through war. And there's nothing more scary than watching ignorance in action. So I dedicated this Emmy to all the people who feel compelled to speak out and not afraid to speak to power and won't shut up and refuse to be silenced.~ Tom Smothers
Carlin Step, DJ Steve Porter & Eli Wilkie via Roland Kardeby
The Great Bell Chant (The End of Suffering) via R Smittenaar
One Day, Matisyahu via ShalomLearning
Unsung Hero via Rattakarn Srithavatchai "Garn"
The Sacred Clowns ~ Heyókȟa
The Heyókȟa symbolize and portray many aspects of the sacred, the Wakȟáŋ. Their satire presents important questions by fooling around. They ask difficult questions, and say things others are too afraid to say. By reading between the lines, the audience is able to think about things not usually thought about, or to look at things in a different way.
Principally, the Heyókȟa functions both as a mirror and a teacher, using extreme behaviors to mirror others, thereby forcing them to examine their own doubts, fears, hatreds, and weaknesses. Heyókȟas also have the power to heal emotional pain; such power comes from the experience of shame--they sing of shameful events in their lives, beg for food, and live as clowns. They provoke laughter in distressing situations of despair and provoke fear and chaos when people feel complacent and overly secure, to keep them from taking themselves too seriously or believing they are more powerful than they are.
In addition, sacred clowns serve an important role in shaping tribal codes. Heyókȟa's don't seem to care about taboos, rules, regulations, social norms, or boundaries. Paradoxically, however, it is by violating these norms and taboos that they help to define the accepted boundaries, rules, and societal guidelines for ethical and moral behavior. This is because they are the only ones who can ask "Why?" about sensitive topics and employ satire to question the specialists and carriers of sacred knowledge or those in positions of power and authority. In doing so, they demonstrate concretely the theories of balance and imbalance. Their role is to penetrate deception, turn over rocks, and create a deeper awareness.

Develop Your Mind, Not Sacred Sites
Only after the last tree has been cut down, Only after the last river has been poisoned, Only after the last fish has been caught, Only then will you find money cannot be eaten. ~ Cree Prophecy
Nobody for President ~ NONE of the ABOVE should be a choice on voter ballots!
Curtis Spangler & Wavy Gravy, Nobody for President, 197610.12 ~ Photo: James Stark
Nobody bakes apple pie better than Mom, is eternal, perfect, has all the answers, ended war, will love you forever, brought peace to our time, fixed global warming, fed the hungry & destitute, knows, cares, shives a git about you, loves you when you're down & out, and if elected will not lie to, or steal from, 'the people'; ...begging a question, What's NOTA's entry fee ...more lies that lead to mass murder or human sacrifice, when Nobody says why not try love again?
American Dream, George Carlin via Ishtar [Not Work Safe] NOBODY should have that much power!
Message via Mike Pinder
Oh, I hope that I see you again I never even caught your name As you looked through my window pane ~ So I'm writing this message today I'm thinking that you'll have a way Of hearing the notes in my tune ~ Where are you going? Where have you been? I can imagine other worlds you have seen ~ Beautiful faces and music so serene ~ So I do hope I see you again My universal citizen You went as quickly as you came ~ You know the power Your love is right You have good reason To stay out of sight ~~ But break our illusions and help us Be the light ~ by Mike Pinder
Why I Think This World Should End, Prince EA via Prince EA
Without love in the dream, it will never come true. ~ Jerry Garcia/Robert Hunter
And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make. ~ John Lennon
The man whispered, "God, speak to me" and a meadowlark sang. But the man did not hear. So the man yelled "God, speak to me" and the thunder rolled across the sky. But the man did not listen. The man looked around and said, "God let me see you" and a star shined brightly. But the man did not notice. And the man shouted, "God show me a miracle" and a life was born. But the man did not know. So the man cried out in despair, "Touch me God, and let me know you are there" Whereupon God reached down and touched the man, But the man brushed the butterfly away and walked on.
Don't miss out on a blessing because
it isn't packaged the way you expect!
Some search sites have been banned from scanning local content since 2012.
Please use DuckDuckGo.com, or freespoke.com, or Bing.com to search.
{ ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ} Did politicians lie about Daylight Saving Time? { ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ}