page eight

Attention all users: This Board has been transferred!

Yes, this Bullitin Board system has just about been replaced, although it will still be around, no doubt that most of you will want to use the more advanced bullitin board system that is being set up on HP's next machine up from this one, an HP 3000 series II. The new BBS will support many more features and will run considerably faster. Also the communications modes will be greatly enhanced, as that system is much more flexible in the 1/0 area and supports a wide variety of compiler subsystems (PASCAL, BASIC, COBOL, APL, FORTRAN/RATFOR & SPL) . Meanwhile,this board will still be the only active BBS, when the new system is working completely, words to that effect will be posted here. If anyone has any questions or suggestions (greatly appreciated) you may send them to me (J.HUBBARD) or the system operator (D.DEMENT) .

Thank you.

(11) J.HUBBARD 10/01/81 0152 Hours

No further memos at this time. Any outgoing? _Y
Send to: j.hubbard

Type message below. Press 'RETURN' alone to end.

Hi: Have you ever seen the FIBER/LASER News???? If not there address is 7315 Wisconsin Ave., Suite 1200N, Washington D.C. 20014. Some interesting information .... and you might enjoy being on their mailing list.
I see that the new system is about to launch. I saw the prompt and typed hello but that is about it Will us oldies but goodies be able to link with all those neat languages, etc.
Bye For Now -cas-
Best regards to David & Chuck.

Another? n

_ulog 10
Curtis Spangler on port ~100 At 10:16:52 On 283
afton badger on port #00 At 09:16:06 On 28"1.
Jordan K Hubbard on port #00 At 02:27:30 On 283
Peter Ryan on port #02 At 21:42:18 On 282
Rick Mainl-iart on port #02 At 17:36:54 On 282
David Dement on port #00 At 17:25:39 On 282
afton badger on port #01 At 09:26:56 On 282
Peter Ryan on port #01 At 23:28:34 On 280
DAVID OM on port #01 At 20:25:46 On 280
Rick Mainhart on port #01 At 20:17:25 On 28



Ok. See ya later Curtis.
PRIME NUMBER: Tender, juicy numbers used only in the best computers .
