page five

(7) J.HUBBARD 02/03/81 0846 Hours

Attention all users:
There are now several "SUB-BOARDS" running of this board that you may use, the current ones set up are:

FONES -- For telecommunications engineering information exchange.
FOR SALE -- Self explanatory.
WANTED -- Also self explanatory (?? forgive my spelling)
TECH -- Technical information exchange of any kind.

The boards can be access by: Instead of typing your name at the "User ID:" prompt type the name of the Board you want to read the messages for Like WANTED, as you can see there is no password so just type the . and hit return. Once you have read the messages for that board type "N" to "Any outgoing?" to leave the board or "Y" to return to the "User ID:" prompt (You cannot send messages from the sub-boards) at which point you can enter your own ID & reply personally to any one or whatever. Messages are sent to the boards in the same format you would use to send to another user with the exception of the "." after the first character. Have fun.

(10) J.HUBBARD 02/03/81 0054 Hours

By the way, you still have to type hel-b007,,(whatever #) to gain access to the BBoard account, this is something that won't change (you got to be in some sort of account on HP to do anything) Currently all you can do is run the board but I am adding some file directories you can access & other stuff soon. Bye (late! very late!!)

(7) J.HUBBARD 02/03/81 0906 Hours

Hi, Curt.
Unfortunately I havn't got hard-copy but I can remember the gist of her message. She started by saying she was sorry (to sysop) for disconnecting his phone line for four hours but that she did it because you "DUMPED" into 8BBS and she was getting revenge? to show that nobody .messes with her. Etc. I'll try to see if it's still there (should be) and I'll get the details to you.
Until then, then

R.DIAZ 02/03/81 14000 Hours

No further memos at this time. Save them? -Y

Any outgoing? _N

Bullitin Board logged out. Thank you for calling.
The time is 1647
