Behmor 4th roast ( below picture taken with flash) was one pound of beans set to P1 - 18 minutes, 30 seconds.
Behmor 1600 Notes
1 st Roast - 1 pound - P1 - 19 minutes 15 seconds - Result = Full City roast, at edge of 'burn'.
2nd Roast - 1 pound - P1 - 18 minutes - Result = Light roast, at edge of 'too light'.
3rd Roast - 1 pound - P1 - 18 minutes 45 seconds - Result = Medium /leaning to/Full City roast.
4th Roast - 1 pound - P1 - 18 minutes 30 seconds - Result = Medium/Full City roast.
[UPDATED: 200801.09] After doing the 12th pound and a total of two (5/10) 'empty' 1/2 pound cleaning cycles, I noticed outside temperature played a role in roasting.
As it got colder outside, roasting times became governed 'by ear' and what was written about '2nd crack and time till cooling cycle' was great, appreciated, information. (fwiw) The Shop Vac was too!
Rather than leave the roaster on the (enclosed/no heat) porch, I now keep it in the house until roast time, and then take outside.
This allows me to return to my original roast time of: 18 minutes 45 seconds, where I get consistent roasts. A picture of this roast is located at the bottom of the previous page.
Unless something changes, again, I will use: 1 Pound - P1 - 18 minutes, 45 seconds for personal roasts.
[UPDATED: 200808.06] I have roasted 100 pounds of coffee and am currently roasting: 1/2 Pound - P1 - 18 to 21 minutes [watch and listen method] to get the roast pictured above.
[UPDATED: 200810.31] Assuming diagnoses (increased roast time), I contacted Behmor Support to inquire about replacement parts. They put me through a series of questions and sent me instructions on making a simple modification, which returned my Behmor back to my original: 1 Pound - P1 - 18 minutes, 45 seconds. == Great customer support Behmor, Thank You!