Remnant of Paradise Continued by ~@~

As If I Didn't Know This Was 'Coming Down the Road'
[out of sequence]

Early this morning the roar of a dozen motorcycles entering our front gate could be heard six miles away and the first one down the driveway was Herb, doing a 'wheelie' on a new bagger ;-) that had 'Beamer bags' installed on it. (-; I asked about the bags and being a person of few words he said, "Diversity is good," and smiled.

While making coffee, Fly told me what was 'going down' and alerted me somebody was nosing around 'old stuff' from the days when we all worked together. He said the person mentioned 'an outing' and this was when Balz jumped in, yanked out a sheet of paper containing a most complete set of information particulars, saying he was prepared to, "Talk to this flea on the elephant's balls and explain playground rules."

Just so everybody knows, Nobody here wants anything to do with the Internet anymore. We drew from broken toothpicks to see who would report, and ;-( I got the short one and get to create a story.

At one time government felt it necessary to have people trained for 'almost any possible scenario' and believed it needed a special squad of Elite Psychedelic Warriors able to work under situations where a particular type of warfare was waged. On a related note, one might also want to research what a Soviet Union was doing with "Psionics;" a technology conceived by Tesla, which expanded after Nazi scientists had been divided among WWII Allies.

A guiding force within government was already in place to deal with new uncertainties called MKULTRA, which was held in the same realm as "Area 51" because technically, it, for the most part, did not exist... at least until it was revealed by FOIA.

MKULTRA instituted an 'off record' group called HIA (Higher Intelligence Agency).

HIA was principally established to deal with 'disorientation warfare' (Enemy bombs dispersing mind altering and related chemicals on mass populations.)

HIA were required to take hybrid designer drugs, not available to general public, and some of them were amazing. One 'favorite' was something that would allow one to 'ease drop anywhere' via 'drug induced telepathy', which may have led to deconstruction of HIA.

Fear is a powerful tool and MKULTRA became paranoid of their new group, because HIA uncovered a sinister Neocon plot being exercised on U.S. citizens, without their consent or knowledge. This activity stomped on the Constitution; very much like a criminal Republican and Democrat FISA Act, which eliminates 4th Amendment.

At the beginning of deconstruction, HIA were required to sign even more disclosure agreements containing a, 'If broken, go directly to Fort Leavenworth, do not collect government pension, clause', and no more "get out of jail free" cards. Most HIA were assigned to special 'think tank' lists and like fresh meat, eventually distributed around the world.

When Government started to understand ((sigh) Thanks to Tim Leary! (sigh)) the "Pandora's Box" it had released on the public, it went on a disinformation campaign to convince the World ANYBODY WHO TOOK PSYCHEDELICS WAS CRAZY and employed, of all people, Art Linkletter to do the 'dirty deed' of carrying the message.

During the early 70s HIA were assigned new jobs (actually ordered) in a bizarre cleaning position, because after January 1967, some 'negative elements' within government, outside of HIA, started dumping weird psychedelics and other 'crap' into the Haight/Ashbury and other U.S. 'hip communities' as part of a psychological 'scare process'. In turn, this caused some people to "freak out" and lose the kite like string of ego leading them back to their bodies.

One reported 'bizarre' drug caused the mind to believe it was in somebody's rendition of HELL, with lots of fire hallucinations and demonic characters. One interesting thing about these visions was, they were explained, almost verbatim, in definitions of "Lower Astral Hells", as defined by Eastern religion.

HIA's new job, for some, was to undo and fix 'this mess', and other related messes, because scores of people were now ending up on ATD and Nobody in government or medical had the personal experience to 'deal with such things'.

Ultimately, HIA was successful with this project; however, emotional 'wear and tear' from 'getting the job done, and done right', was extremely harsh, causing many to become extremely reclusive.

During the mid '70s, as microcomputers started to gain recognition, most HIA were assigned positions within graduate academics or research facilities, where it was discovered a lot of 'real good' software and hardware developers were 'self experienced' (Think Hendrix, not your hand!) who had taken LSD when it was LEGAL (before 1967). Coincidently, it is alleged DARPA became ARPA and DARPA, because most HIA would no longer associate with the carnivorous attitude of 'murder and kill'.

Along the way a HIA must have 'severely pissed off' a burrocrap SOMEBODY' and the result was, ALL associated HIA were TRASHED, and forced into early retirement.

That is all I am required to say.

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