During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
George Orwell

Just To Show There Is Response:
F-16s Intercept Small Plane Near Bush Ranch


by Michael C. Ruppert

Saddam Was NOT Involved With 9/11. There were NO WMD. Bush Lied
about Osama (below), and will do anything to keep from being prosecuted!

Ou Est Osama Flash

Music & Vocal by John McCutcheon - WORDS by George W. Bush - FLASH

Rhino's Blog: QUOTE OF THE DAY
" If it takes a bloodbath, let's get it over with."
Ronald Reagan, April 7th, 1970
(The Governor of California & soon-to-be US President, on his attitude
towards student civil rights activists, dissenters, & Vietnam War protestors)

Nobody Is Going To Believe Somebody
Who Did NOT Want to Testify Under Oath?

Stakes high as Rice talks to 9/11 panel
the moment Rice takes the stand suggests another question,
whether the combined glare of the political and media spotlights
will illuminate the truth or rather blind the public to it.

Steve Bell cartoon with Bush telling us when 'the war a.k.a. Bush's War' will be over
Steve Bell

Dennis Kucinich Replies To The Question,
"Why are you still in the race?"




[Be sure to see the video]




Steve Bell cartoon with Bush as a big gun saying  "violence is  wrong"
Steve Bell

Into the shadows

The Odd Warfare State

Medical Marijuana in the News

Reject George Bush’s Credit

Mission Accomplished HA/ha

The War of Error

Condi's Credibility Gap

Mission accomplished? Far from it

Images from Iraq will speak louder than statistics

"The Greatest Woman In America Karen Huge Is Back,
So There, Democraps, LOL!

'I saw papers that show US knew al-Qa'ida
would attack cities with aeroplanes'

Whistleblower the White House wants to silence speaks to The Independent


"If a president is willing to lie about the most basic governmental and political facts, civic debate becomes impossible, and the public becomes incapable of informed judgment. Because of the great weight that any president's words have with the public, the president of the United States must not be a liar. One of the grounds correctly included in Richard Nixon's articles of impeachment was that he lied to the American public." - TONY BLANKLEY

President justifies war to parents of dead
President Bush defends CIA Director George Tenet and the war in Iraq.
BY RON HUTCHESON - rhutcheson@krwashington.com

WASHINGTON - President Bush defended the war in Iraq on the most personal level Saturday, telling grieving parents of U.S. soldiers who died there that their loss is the cost of keeping America safe.

Steve Bell cartoon
Steve Bell

''It's essential that I explain this properly to the parents of those who lost their lives,'' Bush said in a rare television interview. ``Saddam Hussein was dangerous, and I'm not just going to leave him in power and trust a madman.''

Steve Bell cartoon
Steve Bell

In excerpts from an hourlong interview taped for NBC's Meet the Press for broadcast this morning, Bush also voiced support for CIA Director George Tenet, whose agency is under fire for prewar intelligence reports that seemed to overstate Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.

Steve Bell cartoon
Steve Bell


Bush took issue with suggestions that the commission he appointed Friday to investigate intelligence failures was structured to limit any political damage to him. The nine-member panel, which Bush created by executive order, will not issue its report until next March -- well after the November election.

Steve Bell cartoon
Steve Bell

''The reason why we gave it time is because we didn't want it to be hurried. This is a strategic look, kind of a big-picture look about the intelligence-gathering capacities of the United States of America,'' he said. ``There is going to be ample time for the American people to assess whether or not I made good calls, whether I used good judgment, whether or not I made the right decision in removing Saddam Hussein from power.''

Steve Bell cartoon
Steve Bell

Bush's decision to sit down for the question-and-answer session underscored the unease at the White House over the potential political fallout from the war, the failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and record federal budget deficits. For the first time since he took office, the president's approval rating slipped below 50 percent last week, and several polls show that if the election were held today, Bush would lose to Democratic front-runner Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts.

"Why should we hear about body bags and deaths and how many, what day it's gonna happen? . . . It's not relevant. So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?" Laura Bush, 3/18/2003

Polls indicate that Americans have become increasingly skeptical about the administration's case for war. David Kay recently resigned as the chief U.S. weapons inspector in Iraq after concluding that Hussein did not have any stockpiles of chemical or biological weapons and had not actively been seeking nuclear weapons. ''It turns out that we were all wrong, probably, in my judgment,'' Kay told the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Steve Bell cartoon
Steve Bell

Although Kay remains convinced that the war was justified, his finding on weapons of mass destruction undermined a key element of Bush's rationale for the invasion.


''For the parents of the soldiers who have fallen who are listening, David Kay, the weapons inspector, came back and said in many ways Iraq was more dangerous than we thought,'' Bush said in the interview. ``We are in a war against these terrorists who could bring great harm to America, and I've asked these young ones to sacrifice for that.''

Steve Bell cartoon
Steve Bell

Bush, who said Tenet's job at the CIA is ''not at all'' in jeopardy, pledged full cooperation with the commission that is looking into intelligence failures.

Intelligence Agencies Are NOT the Problem
Sealed IRAN/CONTRA Documents ARE !

''I will be glad to visit with them. I will be glad to share with them knowledge. I will be glad to make recommendations, if they ask for some,'' Bush said.

"God told me to strike at al Qaeda, and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East" - George W. Bush - Ha'aretz (Israel)

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