Happy New Year. Work on ARPSN slowed down due to two operations I have had since my last posting. The new seismic center is slowly getting together and I am happy with the progress. All equipment is functioning nicely.
The VolksMeter sensors have been moved to a new 'seismic center' ((imo) a superior seismic shed), that has been created for experimental seismic research, and if all works well, will be on-line, with the other sensors, in a few months. I will also be moving some L15B sensors there too, plus some things I have been working on.
Currently I am working on building the least expensive APRS system I am able to piece together.
The VolksMeter sensors will be going off-line within a few days for realignment & placement at a different site.
I have completed a few mundane tasks like seismic and weather data automation using assorted 'work-around's' to get data from an unsecured network, into a secure network. I also have a proposal for eliminating (some of) and uniting (some of) these tasks, which is mentioned in the upcoming 'white paper'.
I moved the VolksMeter sensors because they no longer pertain to ARPSN and will be used in another experiment, along with some equipment I have constructed.
I am working on a second site (ARPSN-2), that aligns with ARPSN-1, which has a massive, extra thick, slab with eight inch concrete walls, and on a new personal seismic electronics lab, which will be used to cross reference ARPSN-1 and personal seismic data.
I have been working on the missing "White Paper" and hope to finalize this project before the end of 2009.
It has been a while since I posted any progress and here is why. We ended up without having a winter again; which means, I never had an opportunity to sit down and get any computer or paper work done.
On March 30, 2009 N6ECT-1 ARPSN APRS celebrated one year of continuous operation.
On April 4, 2009 ARPSN-1 Seismic Data celebrated one year of continuous operation.
Annual Equipment Report Card
All Equipment Was Purchased by N6ECT - No Free Equipment HereKenwood TM-D700AG - B
Comet GP-9 - A
VolksMeter II - 2RU sensors - A
Mark Products L15B sensors - A
Davis 6152c (cabled) Weather Station - A
HP Vista Laptop - D
Following APRS links - A
http://www.findu.com/ -- http://www.norcalaprs.net/
I gave Kenwood's TM-D700AG a "B" because of (what I call) 'phantom transmit'. This radio has the most recent update, and has been in continuous operation, without 'down time', for over a year.
There is no microphone plugged in, there is no computer plugged in, all instructions entered into the D700 are continually verified, and I manually transmit one packet a day, using the Beacon (BCON) Button.
During the past year I have observed the D700 transmit my beacon, by itself, with no other activity going on, and (fwiw) since it is an ID, and maybe happened +/-20 times, I ignore it.
The Comet GP-9 antenna is quite incredible, but (imo) overkill for my QTH. I run low power and when conditions are excellent, bring up more than one repeater.
It is my intention to move N6ECT-1/ARPSN-1 to a J-pole or mobile whip and use the Comet for emergency disaster communication, or another project I have in mind.
ARPSN-1 Alerts are intended to begin at >= 5.0 magnitude in our (as of now, undefined) local area and the VolksMeter will cover teleseismic and LFE (low-frequency earthquake) events.