Added Noise page - Updated ARPSN to reflect active PSN stations (from Larry's Redwood City Public Seismic Network page).
Changed VolksMeter from ADCB: 16 SPS: 80 to ADCB: 24 SPS: 10
As one may have noticed, the VolksMeter II is publicly on-line and running through a series of tests, starting with setting various ADC bits and SPS (samples per second).
The VolksMeter is currently running ADCB: 16 - SPS: 80 (I started at ADCB: 24 - SPS:10, then ADCB: 22 - SPS: 10, then ADCB: 20 - SPS: 10). The final setting will be in the area of ADCB: 24 or 22 and SPS: 10.
My personal experience is, the VolksMeter needs about a month (at a new location) before it starts to settle down, which is when it needs a final re-calibration.
One may have also seen the large red tracer plots, from a few days ago, that were a result of accidentally bumping the L15B sensors while adjusting the VolksMeter... What can I say, other than I am tall and the shed is small (-;
Allegedly, there is a winter storm headed here this coming weekend and preparation for Winter is a few chores shy of being done.