A catch-up on what happened yesterday and a Windows 98 MFC42.DLL fix that worked for me:
I ASSUME, while using Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs, to clean up 'unused' programs (freeing disk space), one of the Uninstall programs removed MFC42.DLL from C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\.
Using, Start -> Find -> Files or Folders -> Named -> MFC42.DLL, and my main disk drive, I 'right clicked' each MFC42.DLL file found and Renamed it MFC42.old (If you have MFC42.DLL in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\, leave it alone, and see if the problem goes away after a restart. (fwiw) I did NOT have MFC42.DLL on my drive.).
I replaced the missing C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MFC42.DLL with one located on my '98 Second Edition Updates' disc at: E:\drivers\audio\aureal (there is another MFC42.DLL located at: E:\add-ons\pws), rebooted, and everything was back 'to normal'.
I spent the first three hours yesterday morning verifying recorded events (since the last time I cleared 'event number') and finished verifying recent 'Saved Events' with USGS. Every event had a match and if I can ;-) resist changing voltages and samples (-; I will post a Channel One (N/S) image.
I also seem to be 'cramming' a lot of teleseismic information because it is both new and fascinating, thanks to my adventure with the VolksMeter.